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Shelly B

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Everything posted by Shelly B

  1. I'll be waiting and watching for your reviews - I LOVE Cougar. And I'm a bit concerned about the H&S because it has B-Nol - which in me has meant major - can't shut my mouth syndrome. But ok - I'm trying to bond in 4 darn days. So - maybe it all be fine. :-)
  2. Such a stalker today - keep coming back to see what the PE's are this month.... Hovers, refreshs, hovers, refreshs. Sighs again...
  3. Hah - I only wish. :-)!!!! The whole Mr. Shelly/divorce drama is a little much for him. And honestly - stresses me out enough that some days I am most un-Shelly like. Oh well - we do the best we can each day- and have to hope it's enough.
  4. Lovie - I would give nearly anything for some TAH at this point - based on reviews... Seriously - I am so curious about the TAH now it's crazy. But I have to admit - with the 2x cougar plus 2x cops and the 2x h and s plus 2x cops - seriously - i am closing in on overkill. This is going to need to be controlled spraying for sure. Ail is probably hemorraging at the idea of 2x cops added to Heart and Soul. :-). I promise to use my upcoming arsenal with great care and promise not to use either one in settings where I don't have "back up". The TG is one ginormous alpha male and no one is going to manage to do a thing bad to me with him around.
  5. Ooohhhhh.... I think I like bossy girls as well as bossy boys. Laughs hysterically. Runs from keyboard...
  6. Ok - ya'll - I have the order in - as seriously - Mara said she had HUNDREDS of bottles of Beta to Produce. And I sincerely - really truly - need this by 12/4 dead latest... And what is in the Shelly Conquer the Universe Kit? Newly Ordered: B-Gasm - Qty 2 -------- One with 2 X Heart and Soul plus 2 X Cops --------- One with 2X Stone Cougar plus 2 X Cops So - God Willing- Off to EU with lovely, sweet skin musk smelling lovelies that either knock them over the head with sparkly or beloved. (Horny for both - duh - 2X cops?) I know, I know - discretion is the better part of valor. Look. I have 4 DARN days to convince him that he LONGS for me and hates the idea of a world without me. Ain't no sense in sending a boy to do a Man's Job. Just say'in.
  7. Oh no YOU don't. He already has enough Bossy Alpha ideas. And pushes my official boundaries farther than I would prefer. Added with you and your naughty ideas - screw limits/boundaries - I'd just turn into some perimenopausal ho. And I am a LOT of things - that EVIL witch, bossy, funny, honest, Pain in the Arse - like I said - a lot of things - but one thing I haven't been is HO. Off to run errands...you have to love Fridays Off and lovely, sunny cool Fall days.
  8. Lovie - there is NOTHING wrong with EYE CANDY. Whistles - while wandering off... Order that H&S and report back if you have turned him into an love slave... Have to live vicariously through you for a while...
  9. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH WHATEVER... Spank me later for the mixing of vernacular and proper terminology - OH WAIT. Don't. You have that flogger I'm running from....
  10. Hey Countess - Meant to ask you earlier - any recent how events with the CFO? I've followed that like a soap opera like Rosebud's Hunkalicious - who need to get his head out of his very proper British Butt and fall in love with Rosebud already.... Oooopppppps. I used my outside voice didn't I? (roflmao)
  11. Well Hot D*mn - that's one I've cracked up today.... :-) Take the wins where you can get them. Happy Friday Ya'll - had the chance to tease the KSBF over the phone today. He makes me positively moony and stupid. I really do adore that man. SHHHHH. Don't tell. <g> I didn't even think the word adore was still in my vocab - but hey - lookie there - ADORE still is in the lexicon. (I bet you didn't think when you got up this morning that you would see the word LOOKIE and the word LEXICON in the same sentence. Just guessin') Back to the chemistry evaluation - H&S plus cops? Thinking ABSOLUTELY. I am hoping cuddly, warm and fuzzy plus HOT as HELL. Has anyone else boosted H&S with cops - EOW neat or OCCO is fine....reviews/commentary? I'm running low on time ladies...I'm relying on you to help me ensure we have an OOTBPHM - Out Of The BallPark Home Run. I'd say call me Mark McGuire - but he was on 'Roids...oh wait - I'm Phero Boosting for Social Advantage. Call me Mark McGuire. I still hate Barry Bonds as he was an attitudanal pecker - so it's Mark McGuire to you. Sorry - too much ESPN at home. Thinking second boosted Beta is Fragrance plus Cougar plus Added Cops - 1x. Enough to make me sparkly and sexy - and yet not 2X Cougar which turns me stupid horny.
  12. Hey - anyone else dying to know what the descriptions are or even better - what the heck the PE's are going to be? And DJac - I'm sitting here in a happy cloud of Sexology - thanks again dear one. I smell lovely.
  13. Beccah - thanks dear one - but Wildflower only turns the little girls starry eyed around me. My daughters friends? All "Miss Shelly This and Miss Shelly that. Can I wear your necklace - will you make me a bracelet? Teach me to make jewelry? Show me that pretty lipgloss you have on?" GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am the maternal anti christ I know - but I wasn't that girly as a kid so Wildflower is like an test of my ability to NOT run away shrieking from pre-pubescent females.
  14. OMG - THAT was hilarious. Puerile coworkers? Died LAUGHING. So - and order of Heart and Soul it will be. What do you think about doing one of the Beta's of H&S plus added cops? Sort of the soft and f'me vibe? But Pony - puerile is a great word. And obtw - my girlfriends and I have a joke that the majority of the really great rude words start with a P. Seriously. Stop and think of all the rude words YOU can think of - that start with a P. Do us all a favor and don't list them out in your reply. Inside voices only please. But give yourself a minute to think of 5 - 10 really rude words and tell me I'm wrong.
  15. I am pretty sure I need some Heart and Soul. :-). Every now and then it's not terrible to be loved all over. Giggle snort. I am kind of toying with idea of having a favorite scent - in spray form - in two different Phero boosts. Say Heart and Soul or OW for day AND in BI for night. That way I have scent continuity in hair/clothes but with a different phero signature for differing intents. Mara mentioned having the scent in a spray operated on the alcohol/dpg blend premise of better diffusion than dpg alone and longer lasting than alcohol. Which should be perfect for the cooler weather.
  16. Yes please - will ask for email addy swap - happy to make a trade.
  17. So - called Mara today and asked her opinion. And I have to say - I might just work with what I have or is on the way - which is a substantial arsenal - but maybe just buy a spray bottle of EST to amp the love. Mara said Cougar used to have EST so maybe my trusty old Cougar with a healthy spritz of EST could do the trick. And seriously - I'm kind of thinking that the B-Gasm amped with BI for close to the body and the BI in alcohol spray to spread the - ahem - LOVE - should be enough to bring down a Yeti - particularly if I add some OCCO Gold to the mix. And I really do love the OW for work. Mara said SwS is really more for people who aren't getting respect at work - and that is so NOT my problem. My problem is being less intimidating. So - after that conversation - think the OW is perfect for day wear - maybe with a squirt of Cougar for that Sparkly Shelly vibe. FYI - I tried desperately to locate a small amount of TAH unscented - anywhere - but the other site appears out of stock. I believe I'm hosed on that one. Anyone have suggestions on how to score some unscented - please let me know - and I will be happy to request an email exchange so I can continue my hunt...
  18. I might have to do swimming with sharks - as I am already pretty dominant with this group and any more dominant is probably not a win. :-). I've never really worn Swimming with Sharks so not too certain about it... I was sort of leaning Cougar/OW for day for a sparkly open vibe. I have some BI on the way already - pretty sure it's not an attraction issue - we just plain like each other too much professionally and personally. I do want him to treasure spending time and he is a massively dominant alpha male. I do like a bossy man sometimes - I know I know - I am really dominant myself - but nothing is worse for me than a man that let's me steam roll him. Yuck. Complete turn-off. And I adore this man and want him to adore me back. (must say - it's a weird place to be - haven't acted this much an idiot for a man in 19 years - not that I am counting - right?) I'm thinking I am going to have to give in on one of the EST blends but having avoided them like the black plague I don't really know the short hand for each one. What is Shelly asking? Here is my short hand for the ones I know: dominance: General Shelly reporting for duty - a no or a failure is unacceptable - and worn to the gym makes the workout INTENSE cougar: all sparkly, sexy and FUN - and in 2x insanely horney bi: I am so getting laid. And well. Pp: everyone wants to hang out with me Ow: everyone is chilled and happy My problem - with the EST blends - is I don't know the short hand for how Sexology is different than Cuddlebunny is different than Heart and Soul. Can one of the EST lovers provide their short hand? It would help with the arsenal.
  19. Lovie - I don't care how he is on his knees - I just want him on his knees. On his knees can be sexually or on his knees physically. The end point - is that KSBF (which is where it is what it is) should be fat dumb and happy that I'm chasing him. What I am asking - my very beloved Girlfriends- how to make him LONG for me - for weeks.
  20. No Lovie - Simple First mission - be hot/smart/professional and FUN Think that is OW but want you to weigh in - pros/con and have FUN for reasons. 2nd key mission - convincing over dinner/after hours - that SB is his key to all happiness sexually and in his afterlife - added to the how smart is she already... Thinking BI or Treasured Hearts - in a 2X spray - but want your thoughts .... Everything else - yeah - let's be honest - extraneous
  21. Your mission? If you choose to accept it? Help Shelly conquer the known world. Mission: Specific: A business meeting - held overseas 2nd Mission: Less Specific - bring the KSBF to his senses or knees - whichever comes first 3rd issue - the timing is a bit interchangeable 4th - I have no more than one weeks time to order - and ensure delivery - before I leave.... (Although I beg M & D to have mercy on me as HOLY CRAP - I have to have it before my flight....) Mission 1 - Business Meetings - New Team, new leaders, and high tension - Shelly THINKS Open Windows - Spray - to bring everyone to a Happy Place. Your thoughts? Mission 2 - Bring the KSBF to his knees Is this BI or HS for dinner with the team and the KSBF? Pros and Cons please....All I know - is that I like him personally and professionally - and that he makes me happy. I can go either or - I want to know why I would for either/OR - and reasons for doing so... Mission 3 - DuH- interchangeable - whatever I do during the day should be reasonably internally consistent at night... Mission 4 - Time Limitations. If he is not loving all over me at the end after everyone has left - I have failed. So - my much beloved Girlfriends - you have the components of my conundrum. Please - you have a week - nor more than two - to weigh in. I HAVE to have the beloved bottles in my hot little hands by 12/03 - dead latest - to ensure I'm safe before leaving for EU. I want to be a day time rock star and a night time hottie. Can you - come up the perfect Phero Blend that helps with all of that? Girlfriends - that is the mission...do you chose to accept it?
  22. And I might add - Luna and I have not been cybering - despite the zeitgeist to the contrary. rolfmao And a very good morning to all of you. I have to say - I slept in the Joiur De plus Pure Sugar - and as I came awake - I lay there saying - Good Grief - is that smell me? Sheesh - what the heck happened last night? Oh yeah - this isn't college and I didn't pass out doing something really, really naughty soooooooo WTF?! Seriously. What's that smell? OH YEAH - I Jouir De'd. It smelled fine last night and I did have some exceptionally interesting dreams - !!! (Cool - I'm not dead yet) but this morning - I hate to admit - I smell less than fresh.
  23. Girlfriend - you keep talking to me like that - and shhhhhhh ..... Pretty sure people might guess we are flirting z Roflmao. The soon to be ex-Mr. Shelly can add this to his list. WTF?! U only live once and if u do it right - once should be enough. Kisses girlfriend - early morning wake up call so must run!
  24. Luna darlin' - I did it!!!! I made the skank work - JD plus Pure Sugar boosted with ANol - and the skank is a candy coated sex goddess. When I get the next stamps.com notice I am buying some skank.... Whew - the world is more in kilter now
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