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Shelly B

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Everything posted by Shelly B

  1. Shelly B


    Agree with all of the reviews above - this is a lovely, complex scent that would be perfect for a woman to wear to the office or an elegant evening out. Warm, sexy, but not so much you shouldn't wear it out of the house. I have to say the DA scents as a whole have been outstanding.
  2. Dear Daisy - Thank you for the LOVE. I'll take it. It's been quite a week. More frustrating as I was logging on while traveling - only to see others had the smellies and I was on the ROAD. Not ideal. But I'm totally in agreement in the vanilla/orchid giving a light overtone to a raunchy, bad girls dirty scent at the bottom. And Katz - I would totally agree with: Hrm...if this doesn't SLF, I don't know *what* might! Whew, wow...gorgeously blended! I can see why Goddesslyne doesn't like it. There were parts of the dry down I wondered if it wasn't too much for me. And Cheesie - "Bring out the freak in me, Shelly B!" Babe - every Michigan Girl has an inner freak. U don't need me to bring it out. <roflmao> Givin' it up for the Mitten!!!!!! And Pony - I can see your issues. I had moments - as mentioned in the note to Lynne - that I wasn't so sure how I was going to feel about this one. And last - but never least - Luna. "In fact, I'm ready to change the sobriquet of Shelly B's Honeyed Amber & Musk to Smells Like Sex because there's a definite aura of fuck to this one, even more than the former. I would not wear this out of the house, only because I'd be too distracted. It starts to get a little sweet around the edges after a bit, but it's mostly skank. But I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing. " As always - you hit the nail on the proverbial head. (And based on some of the TMI's - might want to hit it again? <G>) But yes = Honeyed Amber and Musk almost smells innocent next to Jouir De. Jouir De wet is overpowering. More than a few drops of this - and you dear girlfriend - will clear a room. And they will clear it thinking you are a bad, bad girl. At least - the more innocent girls and the bigger wusses amongst the boys will. The bad boys are going to stop, head snap, and try to figure out how to be your new best friend. <wicked g> Before you panic - smell Jouir De after an hour - sweet, sex and magic - with a lingering undertone of DIRTY girl. Apply this an hour before you want to get horizontal and superimposed - and you are in a GREAT place. Fresh - wet - and unclothed? Ummmmm..... Nope. Wouldn't recommend it. Imagining this with either OCCO White or OCCO Gold and thinking - dash of Woozy - and I would not be able to dig myself out of bed. Or dig him for that matter. This is most certainly the "uninhibited cousin from the Isle of Wild" - and she is one hellaciously naughty girl. Jouir De - it's not for the faint of heart.
  3. OK - so this review is going to be excessively honest. But - I really, really wanted to like this. What a great idea for a fragrance - and marrying intent and components - awesome. Truly - all the mixes for a great LP like any of the HooDoo Scents. In actuality - on me? Well - it's sweet. And fruity. Totally awesome for teenagers. And so NOT my speed. When I huff the spot - I think well-grade Umbrella Drinks on a 3rd Rate cruise line. But then - I really do prefer excessively dirty scents that are clearly not for everyone. That said - if you hate Shelly B's customs - you may love this. If you prefer animalics - I don't think this will be your thing.
  4. Shelly B

    Siren's Serenade

    So - I am with Pony on most of this. It's not my favorite so far - but it is clearly my second FAVE of the DA scents- and much more practical for everyday use than my FAVE. (Duh - Jouir De?!!!! The bad girls scent.) Soft, tropical, FABULOUS - totally great for work and play - I love this much more than I thought I would! Awesome - well blended - and just wonderful!
  5. Shelly B

    Honey Ho

    Dolly darlin' - This one goes all Iced Tea smelling on me. I contributed and I know it's my wonky chemistry - but to me - it smells nothing like NSD. My name is Shelly B - I am a Honey Ho. But for some tragic reason - Honey Ho - hates me. Fooey.
  6. Question for M and D - I haven't seen reviews about the DA scents - can you tell us which are your favorites and why? Since you made the lovely smellies?
  7. First of all - welcome to the LP party. Cops in order of lightest to most: monthly scent like Joiur De - more in LAM, then BAM, then OCCO, most in EOW neat anol in woozy is crazy - Dolly testing a 2x woozy in alcohol base for socials. Read through the old posts on the phero's boards and you will be in good shape again - welcome!!!
  8. Want it, want it, want it!!!!! See Luna's point on the OCCO/WF thread about high dose phero's waking flagging femine libidos!!! Not that mine is flagging - FAR from it. That being said - I have an event coming up where I want to be insanely, mindbogglingly smokin' hot. What r the chances this is coming anytime soon?
  9. Yee Haw!!!! Bring on the 2x WF!!!! Let's get the PARTY started!!! Dancing on the bed - no kidding !!!!!!!!! And I am sorry but immaturity is a state of mind - not an age.
  10. Way way stronger self effects. Borderline illegal desires. Massive reduction of inhibitions. This could cause on of Dolly's spackle incidents. In a nutshell - LAM can be worn to work or during the day - Woozy/OCCO? Yeah - I so wouldn't do that. LAM is I feel sexy/fun and WF/OCCO is do me on the floor right here/right now. completely different IMHO
  11. Had a challenging day yesterday - said - WTH - try it again to see if it was a fluke. I am just saying mega mega self effects. Crazy mega. Made me feel like an early 20's sexpot. If you remove all credit cards from your vicinity - and you have limited your exposure to things you will regret later - this could be an exceptionally good - "I am crazy smoking hot and I want you this instant" mix. There is after all a time and place for that sort of thing. :-)
  12. Could well be the chemistry - this lasts at most 2 hours which is a bummer because it's lovely. But sugared honeycomb lasts much much longer and hovers like a cloud of fab. Wouldn't be surprising - I seem to really amp notes in other scents that most others don't. Skin chemistry. Total mystery. :-(
  13. Truer words never spoken. You can hide the cheese! And you can really go wild with the cheese under this one. On my Friday off - I laid on the cheese and then Summer of Sin. Everwhere I went running errands - people were sniffing the air and asking - ok - what exactly is that wonderful scent? Keeper.
  14. I hadn't - but I have now. Thanks for linking to it! :-) I totally agree that it facilitates a certain "manly swagger" which I admit to LOVING in a man. I love a confident man - Mr. Shelly is more introverted normally but when he wears it - he has a bit more - I guess oompf? And I do respond to it. It's sort of a positive feedback loop - I respond, he's more confident, I respond some more. Really - it's an awesome phero for men.
  15. I had the wanted man phero put in Mr. Shelly's Bravado and that was a WOWZER! :-). It is a really dominant phero blend and I LOVE it. That's a total he-man vibe and I say Rawrr! Fans self. Seriously ladies - worth loading a little wanted man into whatever scent you like on him. Robert - you might test drive it in something and see where it takes you - besides soccer moms. :-) I don't know if any of the boy/boy is left to load into a scent - but if that's of interest - you might check the phero store.
  16. I was just wondering what would be a good starter scent for a little man. Girls are easier. And I really don't want him breaking into Mr. Shelly's wanted man loaded Bravado which is mega HOT!!! And totally inappropriate for him to trial. Thanks for the suggestion Luna!
  17. So - the little man has been wanting to wear "man perfume" because he wants to smell good for the girls. Today - after his shower I put on small swipes of Teddy Man. A few minutes later - what did I find him doing? Huffing his wrist and blowing kisses to himself in the mirror. The ham bone. Ladies - I am in for trouble with this one.
  18. Well - ultimately that's up to the fab M & D - but have to admit I was hoping civit/tonquin for a contrast between warm/clean - almond and warm/dirty - musk. Nom nom nom - get to see a crush at the end of September and I want to smell sinfully edible. Want to leave a lovely scent memory in my wake...Will have enough Cougar with me to light up a yeti. :-)!!! I want to have a Countess hot CFO moment.
  19. agreed - it's soft like skin musk but with a big boost of honey. Totally a honey ho scent. There is almost no throw though - maybe it's my chemistry.
  20. - Cougar (duh - anyone think my favorite was going to be something else?) - the cheese in all it's forms - presently LOVING OCCO in red and white - driving home I slather it on. - PP for work - can't wait til there is a replacement for PP - tranquility for crappy days I run from the b'nol heavy blends - can't stop talking with those on. Just wind me up and let me go which is very bad - lack of rate limiters and all.
  21. got one in the sale - fell in love - and three more on the way. Everytime I have this on - I find myself huffing. I seem to amp the cocoa butter so everyone keeps asking who smells like yummy chocolate. I'm finding it's a good base to "summer-ize" other scents - mixed with Lacivious Peach? Insanely sexy. Lickable. All those things. It really is beachy- takes you straight away to a fabulous resort with delicious umbrella drinks and lazy, lusty afternoons. Love it completely.
  22. Shelly B

    Blood Martini

    this is one that if not for the sale - I wouldn't have tried it. But yummy! This smells so fresh in the bottle and on application that on the drydown - the darkness is really a surprise. Dark sweet (not too sweet) fruit with just a teeny hint of floral. Absolutely lovely.
  23. Snickers. Snickers again. Saying nothing else. :-) Hey Luna - ordered another custom - same honey musk base - but with almond. I thought that would have the whole warm skin/slf component. :-)
  24. I am just grateful to God that txting wasn't around while I was in college. It's one thing to have the memories - it's another for written proof of the stupidity. And yet. There they are. This morning. Written proof that age and experience do not necessarily good decisions make. Oy vey. Shrugs sheepishly.
  25. So - I tested them out. And OCCO plus Woozy - with a red wine assist - leads to some MONGO self effects. I am not swimming in rate limiting behavior under the best of circumstances and there were NO inhibitions at all left. I would recommend giving your credit cards and your iPhone to someone for safe keeping with this blend. I had some TFLN moments that I am debating whether or not I'd take back. (tfln = texts from last night website. Which is a screamingly funny site if you to spent your college years testing your liver's ability to process various substances.) I don't think I am going to road test that Combo again unless I have very specific plans on how to keep my unihibited self away from text and spending opportunity. I had tested it once a week ago - and there was different - but equally bad - behavior. I really don't think God meant me to be that unihibited. Omg.
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