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Shelly B

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Everything posted by Shelly B

  1. Oh and Mystree- For the LAN party - you could do a combo of PheroGirl and Neanderlicious. Your at home and they are all friends and in the interest of science you could test.... Giggles. You might not want to but if you had DIHL before it could be fun.... I know I know - bad influence. Walks off laughing... Tell me something I haven't heard before. :-)
  2. Actually - on a recent Friday off - I was just wearing LAM around the house. Anol plus cops = happy, yeah I'm cute attitude. So when I went to pick up the kids - one of the folks at the front desk - said "Where is the baby powder smell coming from?". We all looked around - nothing - I finally offered my wrist for a sniff test - everyone is like - yeah - that's it! I suspect that it's the combo of vanilla and honey smell sweet and innocent.
  3. I don't think anyone thought otherwise. :-). We are a pretty supportive environment so no worries. (g)
  4. I am really excited to give these a try. Just the bit of success bringing an upbeat vibe with regular strength anol in the alcohol spray- has me wondering about bringing more smiles. What fun!!! I will say I get what Dolly is saying about that hairspray smell. The pheros certainly smell different in the alcohol carrier. More potent smelling almost - not horrible - but having on a good fragrance underneath is certainly important. Dolly - so as not to monkey with the diffusion - I'm guessing perfume oil first with a drydown - followed by spray?
  5. Roflmao!!!!!!!!!! The millenial gen in the States has caught up to Europe on this and thinks (generalization alert) NBD. I am a product of my Midwest GenX upbringing - and if u ask my mother - her black sheep for sure. And yet - still. Some things are still strictly an exit - who would have thought I was old fashioned. Off 2 continue color processing - overdying my highlights "wild red" - basically a cool toned candy apple red. :-). Let's give em something 2 talk about. :-)
  6. Fawn girlfriend - take the fun and laughs where u can get them. :-)! And if it comes from a fecal smelling perfume?! whatever. You are among friends. (g)
  7. Nearly spit the red wine I was laughing so hard. :-) According to Mara - it's the new civit. Correct me if I have it wrong but only one ML went into 32 oz and here we are?! Thane - which is magic - only had a single solitary drop. And what a diff one drop versus 1ml makes. ;-)
  8. Can't say about the 2x strengths of the regular line of unscented Phero blends - but you can already get Est - in two strengths, and single strengths of BNol and Anol in alcohol. :-) All I can say is I hope I'm never around someone wearing the B-Nol in an alcohol base. I can't shut up if there is a trace of B-Nol near me. Egad. The things I'd be likely to say. I wouldn't have a single secret left. I don't think I could leave my house again. :-( I told Mara I wore Ail's Open Windows one day - and people I met that day are still talking about me - not having seen me again - 3 months later!!! Got told about it this past week. And with Ail's Open Windows - like True Confessions - I.Could.NOT.stop.flapping.my.lips. B-Nol is the work of the devil - I'm convinced.
  9. It works for nurses too. One of the nurses at my doctor's office was mentioning how everyone was grumpy that day because the schedule was an hour behind - including the doc. I whipped out the A-Nol and gave her a boost. (In that case it was Woozy but in silicone base - but I did not give her a ton - just a couple little swipes) Next time I saw her - I asked about the rest of her day - after the roll-on boost. She said everyone was so cheerful and the doctor became a ray of sunshine. And she'd felt so good she actually gone out after work - and two different cute guys bought her drinks. She asked me for the LP web site so she could order some for every day use. <g> It's what lead me to think to get the A-Nol in the spray. :-) It's the whole social phero - bring a little sunshine affect.
  10. Personally - I've got my hand up for 2X Cougar. :-)!!!! Since that one is all about creating a sparkly/sassy/look at me vibe - the alcohol - with the faster diffusion - should really be ideal for social/party settings. Like a big date night. Or someplace where you will be around a bazillion people and want to be SMOKIN'. That wouldn't be something you could unleash at the office - who could get any work done?! I'd feel so full of myself I don't think I could function. :-) But - for what's it's worth - my regular strength A-nol in alcohol spray? (Already available here - duh - it's where I got it. :-)!!!) Awesome. Just perfect. A couple squirts on my wrists and the back of my neck - and people are so cheerful and happy. I do like to have fun/happiness and laughter around - I'm not happy if everyone isn't cracking up - so it's just perfect. Speaking of which - I think when I'm done typing - I'm giving myself some sprays. It's gray and raining so a little fun would be good. I'm not trying to get a drunken stupid affect - just a cheerful affect. And the regular A-Nol in alcohol is just perfect for that. I could see that being really popular with folks in a service industry - where a good mood can lead to increased tips.
  11. I adore this one. The smell of Ginger and cream... I hadn't thought I would prefer this to Neanderlicious but I do!!! I get flirted with a LOT when I have this one on. This is one of those I wish would get rebrewed. I wear it quite a bit but would wear more often if I had hoarded in time. :-)
  12. Waiting to hear all about Dolly's Road Test of Ail's Open Windows at the tailgate. Cheesie - can u imagine being the tip girl with the 2x woozy on? :-)
  13. Girlfriend - I so get that. Raspberry beret notwithstanding - there is NO going in through the out door. And the Gen Xers amongst us will get that comment. Everyone else? Not so much.
  14. Ding ding - Luna shoots and scores!!! It was the Kouros now that you say it. So - basically Jouir De is a femine of Kouros. Egad. Lol!!!!!!!!!
  15. Shelly B

    Honey Ho

    Dang it - tried again. I still smell like a supersized iced tea. More FOOEY. Wonky chemistry - honeyband musk almost always love me - it must be the pear.
  16. Seriously - this whole thread has had me lmao. Djac - Mr. Shelly told me I smelled like I hadn't bathed in days. Roflmao. Thinking that particular blend of musks might just be *too* much. Rolfmao - again. Luna - I don't have my book of perfume reviews by Luca Turin handy - the Kindle is out of juice - but wasn't there a classic animalic that smelled like unwashed balls and considered polemical but brilliant. Maybe someone needs to send a sniffie to Luca to get his thoughts. I can't remember laughing as hard at anything onscreen as Lynn and TG's reports. Sighs. Too funny. I wi say I might were it to aggravate Mr. Shelly but I would not wear it when I wanted to be considered smoking hot by others. For that OCCO Red plus NSD is crazy great. Oddly enough on my trip out - women were nicer and more overtly friendly and men looked at me funny. Go figure. What the heck do I know?!
  17. Ok Goddess Lynne - washed off everything and decided to do a trial run with my recommendation to you. TA DAH - a bit of Jouir De on wrists, cleavage, behind ears and on pulse points - but small amounts. And honkin' amounts of Cougar Loaded Sugared Honeycomb. And the musky/almost ass smell - still there - but way less than last night wet. It's like a sweet cloud of "Come to me...." and then BAM - BAD GIRL! Head Snap! So - I'm going to go Road Test this - have to get the kids and run to the grocery store. Have to see what the reactions are. Will report back either tonight or tomorrow any obvious positive or negative reactions. Guessing the Mom's won't like this and the Dad's do a double-take - but that all remains to be seen.
  18. OK - DJAC - on my way out the door - but I have a OCCO Purple getting no love - and I would gladly swap for a bottle of the OCCO Gold. :-) Will swap mail addy's later tonight or tomorrow?
  19. Dolly - I swear - I know you have NSD at home - mix it with some OCCO RED - and YEE HAW!!!! Olfactory Orgasm. :-)
  20. Hee Hee! Bring it LUNA! I'll come read it. Promise. And Lynne: See, when I tried it on, I was so freaked out that I almost IMMEDIATELY took a hot, scouring shower!! As read the reviews and comments, I'm wondering if I should give it another try, when I have hours by myself, and no danger of Mr. Goddess coming home. I traded away my bottle, but I still have the sample. I'm skeered!!! So - I totally get that. :-) It's awfully naughty. Maybe you should give it a try with something that boosts the other scents (besides the musks) - say sugared honeycomb or something with oodles of delicious vanilla? Maybe more of the Sugared Honeycomb or one of the Vanillas - and then just a scoche of the Jouir De? To see if you can take it in micro doses? It may well be one of those that you can use just a drop of and get the affect without knocking everyone over with a dirty girl funk. <g> And don't worry about tinkering with it that way - it's just a sample. Half the fun is playing around with your preconceptions of what you like. Before I found LP's - all I wore was white scents- Issey Miyake, Fleur by Kenzo, Jessica McClintock, stuff like that. But the more samples I got - I found what I thought I liked - I didn't like as much as things I thought I hated. Go figure. And now I wear totally different things than what I wore before. It's like LP came along at a time in my life I was more willing to embrace my inner bad girl. Somewhere - my mother is getting worried about my behavior.
  21. Ooohh, oohhh - wants something DARK and and something Vampire. And an autumn gourmand would be lovely. Something with cinnamon and brown sugar and musk - NOM, NOM, NOM. See - I knew someone else wanted to come out and play regarding this months selections. <g>
  22. Since I'm certain I'm not the only one eyeing this section and wondering.... I think it's worse this month since partcipating on the DA threads - I knew what was coming. So it's been - GASP - 2 months - since I've had a surprise. NOT THAT! <roflmao> My name is Shelly B - and I have an LP addiction. Let the hovering over the section officially begin.
  23. hi mystree - HAM - was one of my first PE's - Honey, Amber and Musk - which turned out amazing - and good luck scoring even a drop. There wasn't much made and it went away quickly. It's where Luna said it SLF - smelled like F-ing. Which has become the short hand to describe how evocative the various honey/musks are. And the ones with boat loads of musk or the more -ahem - evocative musks such as Tonquin or Civit - tend to be a love it or hate it proposition.
  24. TG and Lynne - so died laughing!!!! It smelled very very very dirty on me before drydown. Yes - I smelled a bit of ass. And yes - I thought M and D had finally made an SLF that I simply couldn't wear. But as the drydown commenced - innocent danced with naughty and the ass largely disappeared. And then it became just sweet and dirty. And no - I never smell like this the next day. Roflmao. But I wholly admit to a more pedestrian existence in that department. :-) And Mr. Shelley hates all the SLF's with a passion. He found Jouir De vile. Good to know - that by itself makes it a full bottle purchase. ;-) He hates honey, he hates musk, and he really only likes ones with cinnamon or florals. So - as in so many other areas of life - our scent preferences are totally out of sync. Such is life - I wear my various SLF's pour moi.
  25. This is a manly man smell. I had a couple of drops on me - and I could not stop huffing. I was thinking this boosted with Wanted Man? Mmmmmmmnnn. Break out the spackle!
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