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Everything posted by donsie

  1. This is so great. It really puts a smile on my face... and probably yours, too!
  2. Thank you for reminding me! I read through the phero blends list and the wiki after I found the old thread mentioning that version of CB and decided I wanted to try BANG! because of the similarities between it and the Pharmacom CB. Certainly a better choice given what you say about the spirit/intention of Mad Scientist.
  3. I've been reading through some threads that discuss CB and came upon the old Pharmacom formula that included anone. I believe Luna described the effect as "stupid horny". I feel like I could do with a bottle of that in my arsenal, so I've been pondering whether I should/could have that recreated as a Mad Scientist Blend, unless the ratios were proprietary to Pharmacom. Does anyone who used that blend of CB want to chime in on whether it is worth doing (assuming it is possible)?
  4. donsie

    Budding Romance

    I am very much hoping it is pee-free also. I would love to hear from everyone that the cassis is light because I really want to try this one for nostalgia if nothing else. One of the first spells I ever tried to do was a lonely 13-year-old was some love nonsense I got at the mall. There was red glitter, for goodness sake, but there was also a vial of gardenia oil that I adored. Ever since then I have thought of gardenia as magical love potion, so it seems simply perfect in this perfume.
  5. Thanks! It does seem very useful, having happy times in a bottle. And although I like the scent of Garland & Lace I can see the value of having an UN bottle to use when you're not in a Garland mood scent-wise.
  6. Smells just like a Yankee Candle in the bottle but wet on the skin I got a lot more of the spice. It dried down to spicy holiday candle, though: creamy warm spices and baking. It's a nice scent but the real gem here is the phero. I felt a bit disappointed because my target this evening didn't seem to respond (I'm not sure anyone this evening did, actually). I thought, though, that I'd just read through here about what kind of effects Lace can give before I dismissed the day is hit-less. I especially because suspected the Anol might have been at work. OMFG was it ever. I missed a massive hit, or should I say a series of them! I wore this to the office yesterday. There's not a huge amount for me to do as my whole project is being made redundant at the end of next month, so we are winding down. We have a pretty chatty and jovial office but always balance that with work. Well, today it was like a party all day long. Our Opps Manager could not stop laughing (mostly at my jokes) like I have never seen her laugh... even though this morning her partner and one of her dogs were attacked by someone else's dog in the park (both are fine, by the way)! My manager for one of my other projects came down and just sort of hung out in our office. She even helped me collate paperwork while we all sat joking and chatting. Even my line manager who can be really brusque and rude came in and, when she would normally have snapped at me about something instead she spoke to me like a normal person, then relaxed and joined in with that chatter. As I keep reading from all the experienced phero folk on here, it was in keeping within the realms of the plausible given the usual character of the office but taken to a new level by the pheros. I wouldn't say I felt anything particularly myself but it sure made the office lots of fun, so I felt the benefits of that if nothing else!
  7. I tried this today in Garland & Lace. I felt a bit disappointed because my target this evening didn't seem to respond (I'm not sure anyone this evening did, actually). I thought, though, that I'd just read through here about what kind of effects Lace can give before I dismissed the day is hit-less. I especially because suspected the Anol might have been at work. OMFG was it ever. I missed a massive hit, or should I say a series of them! ETA: The longer review really belongs in the Garland & Lace thread, so I've moved it, but I just had to pop on here and say that Lace is ace!
  8. donsie

    Budding Romance

    Cassis is blackcurrant, which smells ever so faintly of cat wee to my nose. So, I'm too wary to try this one despite lurving all of the other notes. I think I'll wait until some braver souls give it a trial run and then think on it!
  9. So much (love) magic here, especially the hummingbird nectar and the sweet pea!
  10. Thank you for explaining. I will say that even between the first and second time I wore it I got more used to the camphorous edge. I'm not sure I'll get to loving it as well but I think it's worth persisting in case!
  11. That would be an excellent punk.
  12. Ah, okay. I don't know whether PM mixes up from master stock for bottling or mixes it and then bottles as needed, and thus whether the perfume in the trial vial I have is the same age as yours although I bought it in January and not November. Just to be sure I might let it hang about a bit before I try it again. I have never before encountered a lavender I didn't like and I'd love to find a way to get the one in this to work for me.
  13. Tyvey, how long did you let this age before it settled into its current form?
  14. I really like this but I'd be hard-pressed to identify which notes I can actually smell. It's certainly a cologne (as in more butch) and not a perfume (as in more femme) to my nose but I like that -- have done ever since I started nicking my dad's colognes as a child! Some of the sense of not being able to put my finger on what I'm smelling is probably oakmoss; I've never smelled it in isolation except when I've actually walked through a forest. I think I'm getting violet, bergamot and vetiver (yum), plus some pepper, patchouli, and possibly some bay and coriander. I'm not really noticing the cumin, ginger, or leather. I suppose this means that overall it's very well-balanced since there's not a single stand-out note. I'm enjoying it so far and it has softened on dry-down from something that smelled more like obviously like I'd applied a gent's scent to something that has softened into a more unisex scent.
  15. Oh, what an interesting prospect, JOC! SWS is the first thing that comes to mind but what about Dominance? Do I remember reading somewhere that you're not into that? If so (thought I could have made it up) then perhaps Leather, which will give that dominant vibe but also might encourage people to want to be accommodating toward you.
  16. I would just email Mara and promise to be patient while you wait for her to have a chance to answer! Since a-nol is one of those that can make give you a headache, make you feel drunk, etc. I'd want to make sure I was right about the ratios before I ordered. You wouldn't want to get it only to find out the a-nol made you feel off.
  17. They've started putting music I loved at school onto classic rock stations, so I know how things stand! This video basically sums up how I feel about getting older. Is there an LP to fix this?
  18. Most important of all: nobody wants to be a redshirt. TNG is my favourite! Luna, would you say she's your Fearless Leader?
  19. Oh, Mel, that's frustrating. Are you going to wear it anyway or is it headed for your sale/swap page?
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