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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Surely you'll be hot, sweaty, and nervous! Drink strong espresso or something before. That always makes my temperature and circulation go up!
  2. Resident experts, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was looking at the individual pheros for PM last week (because I have a trial vial of Bonded) and there are some in there that seem more all-purpose than just for romance. I actually thought of wearing some for an interview because I don't yet have my blends with SWS. The description "Promotes attraction, bonding, trust, communication, conquering of nervousness and happy, good-time mood elevation..." might be useful for a job interview that's as intimate as a one-to-one meeting and the self-effects could be useful (especially around nerves, mood, and communication). Ignore me. Good luck!
  3. Amalthea, I'm not yet au fait with the pheros and how they work (I've read the wiki but I still don't know it all off the top of my head) so do you mind explaining a bit of the effect you'd expect/hope for with this blend? Just curious as your idea sounds interesting -- and very uplifting and shiny.
  4. I re-read the description yesterday and it sounded so lovely. I'm much more interested in it now that I was when it was first released. I think I was overwhelmed by all the NRs and didn't read closely enough at first.
  5. donsie

    Decadent Diva

    Looking forward to your review, Rose. And not to worry, if this one goes before I get some there'll be traders and there's always next month's NRs to look forward to!
  6. Calii, after some of the cops stories on here I half expected one of those things to happen!
  7. For me anything sexy and attractive is a new persona, so at least half of what I ordered is intended to be a persona shift. I'm not sure whether this will have any success but I'm sick of always being plain. Once in a while I'd like to be like the pretty girls, thus the sexy stuff. Edited to add: This wasn't intended to be as whiny and self-pitying as it reads! It's just truth -- some people aren't attractive and I know that about myself. I'm spiky, snarky, intellectually aggressive, and awkward. I come on strong and I don't take the expected care over my appearance, weight, or what people (especially straight men) feel about that. That's just the way I'm made, but sometimes it would be nice to play at being someone a bit different. That's what I was trying to get at. That being said, I'm looking forward to trying Sex and Violins, which is probably a lot more "me".
  8. Oh, wow, this one smells great. The musk is prominent right after application, but the edges are rounded with the sweeter scents. As things are progressing the musk is actually coming out more, which is the opposite of what I would have expected. I love musk so this is excellent. I wasn't too fussed about the phero blend itself (I'm sure it has its uses but I don't have any particular ones in mind) but I could see wearing this just for the fragrance. I'll report back if I start telling people my most embarrassing secrets!
  9. I wish it were still available. There's some violet in there, isn't there?
  10. donsie

    Decadent Diva

    I couldn't get any (I'd placed my order before the NRs came in) but I sure hope this one sticks around. It sounds so, so good. Mmm, sandalwood.
  11. I tried this while I was also wearing Occo Blue, so I'll also pop back to see what comes of trying Sneaky Clean on its own. That being said my initial impression was that it smelled very much like soap/detergent/fabric softener right out of the bottle. However, that cleared and after a few hours I was surprised at how much the vanilla and florals came through instead of musk. Based on the initial scent I would never have guessed at how floral and especially sweet this would dry on me. Sadly nothing noticeable in terms of the pheros from other folks... I don't think. As for self-effects I was pretty punchy at choir (I applied just before I left for pre-performance run through) and was sassing everyone. I can be sassy anyway but I wasn't intending to be and I usually save that for more social engagements rather than evensong, so I was certainly surprised. Like, I snarked out loud at my (adorable) choirmaster in front of the organist, director of music, and rest of my choir in the middle of rehearsal in the chapel. I try not to be too social with our choirmaster in rehearsal -- oops. I have no idea if this was the pheros, though. If so it's not what I would have expected based on the description but since this was my first time wearing anything with SS4W maybe that's just how I react to it -- or the cops in the Occo! It was more what I would have expected from TMI. Good god, I'll have to be careful with that one!
  12. Are y'all feeding your dogs corn? Molls, the idea of the combo seems so much more legitimate with a name of its own!
  13. My order was shipped on 14 January. Since it's my first I'm not sure what to expect in terms of overseas waiting time (I think I saw three weeks suggested) but every day I live in hope that I'll have a special delivery!
  14. I used my Occo trail vial for the first time this week (along with Sneaky Clean) and I did three inversions in a line from under my bra to my belly button (so, holding the vial tight against my skin and bending backward until it was pretty well inverted and left a little dab of oil) and then used the stick to smooth the down in a line and around my navel in an approximation of the Mara Manoeuvre. I have no idea if this was "right" as it were, but I think the amount straddled the line between offensively strong and unnoticeable. I could certainly smell it but I didn't get attacked on the public transport or thrown out of church. No one asked what that smell was. Then again, I also didn't have men falling at my feet (or even paying me particular attention) so I may have got it wrong after all. More testing is in order.
  15. Belated gratz to you, NuTrix! QG is right, party time!
  16. Ah, I should have put that in my review. One of my cats was especially demanding about being able to sleep on my lap. I'm sure it was the Occo.
  17. I really love the sound of this one. I am crossing my fingers there there is some left when I am next able to place an order. I'm a bit wary of the ginseng because I don't like its flavour, but I can see how it would work in a scent, I think. I will be great to read some reviews!
  18. Aaah, mystery solved, NuTrix! Oh, I'll make sure I enjoy the way my cats smell while I can. It's a talent to be able to sniff out dog disease; usually it's the other way around and it's dogs who do the sniffing out of human illness. I had a boyfriend who loved to smell his dog's paws. He said they smelled warm and fuzzy. And I had another boyfriend who said my hair actually has ginger in it (I often grumble that I don't think I have red hair like my siblings) because he could *smell* the scent of a ginger coming off me. Mini Occo Blue quickie review until I have a chance to test it properly on specific targets: unsurprisingly it goes a treat with Sneaky Clean. The funk calms down pretty much completely on me to a lovely sort of blue musk, too, but it takes a few hours. Luckily no one in my cathedral choir (HA!) asked what smelled like salacious ass. Sure does come through clothes, even after 20 minutes of dry-down.
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