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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. I agree that she's gorgeous! A lovely,wispy veil of gossamer fluffy vanilla musk. Wet, and early on, it actually reminds me of that marshmallow ice cream topping that comes in the jar. Very sweet,all sugar. But like Ducky & Invi said, don't judge it that way because the dry down, though sweet, is decidedly less foody to me. Its all light, musky and classy. Not perfumey, just upscale feeling. I enjoy this very much, and my Mexican,who hates foody scents and claims to "despise vanilla" ,has tackled me twice today so, ha! He doesn't know what he's talkin bout anyway. It lasted about 4-5 hours on me,but after the first hour it barely had any throw. It's a total skinscent,which is the only thing I'd change about it. I like to be able to catch whiffs of myself throughout the day,and I can't really do that here. Gotta lean in and huff to smell it. Still lovely though. It'll probably be one of my nice "sleepytime" scents.
  2. Queen of Limbo! You will have a blast here. Can't wait to hear this story of yours! Ps: you have a very cool avatar!
  3. Hi Mara! Thats totally cool. Good luck with the computer stuff & thanks for letting me know. You Rock!
  4. Ok. To my knowledge I've never used credits. The program didn't exist last time I was here. But I'll order anyways, and whenever it happens,it'll be a happy surprise! Ps: Thanks for chiming in. Your good stuff!
  5. Bump. Mara is a busy gal, which i can dig. But I'm tryin to configure an order for tues. I'm not sure if my older posts count....? Luna? Halo? Whatcha think? Not trying to annoy,but every lil bit helps these days,ya know?
  6. I filled one whole notebook full of perfume info and now I'm on my second! I don't think its strange at all!
  7. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    After wearing this all day, working in the bakery where it fits in perfect, I think its safe for me to say that this is my absolute FAVORITE of the July scents, with Sandy Bottoms at a close second. Though I've smelled things similar, the composite of notes is like NOTHING I've ever smelled and again,, the strength and throw are Immense. And the patch MAKES this for me. Without it I'd probably be "meh". I think its genius here and I'm sorry it doesn't rock for you Halo! Grr!!! I love this. I will cry if it sells out by Tuesday. I really REALLY cherish this one. I think it should be permanent!
  8. I've had this one on for a couple hours now,trying to figure it out. I was bugging the stuffing out of me cause its very familiar! LP LE? Not quite. Kimberly's Shameless Ginger Rose PE? Close, but no cigar. Then it hit me. Its the smell that I get when ever I OPEN MY BOX OF LP'S! For real, its like all of em! That initial blast of heavenly scented air that wafts from the box itself! Pretty cool. Hopefully I'm explaining this sensibly when I say, you know how different perfume companies have a "tone" to all they're scents, even if the notes are very different? Like I can smell LP on a person and KNOW its LP, or smell BPAL on a stranger and know for a fact its BPAL just by the style or "tone" of it. Know what Im sayin? Anyways that's what I get with this for at least an hour, after that the spices become much more prevalent and it smells like cinnamon spiced honey dipped rose. The drydown is gorgeous. I'll probably always think of this though as "The General Tone of LP", and I like it!
  9. Gypsy Lynne! Hey, your lucky that your guy actually likes to sniff things! Mine is a total lunk about it. He whines and crys if I try to make him comment on scents,but if I just wear them without talking about it,I get either nice comments like "you smell great,you don't even need perfume", to which I reply " silly young man, that IS perfume". When he doesn't like something he says "what did you spray?!" all disgusted like. Whatever. But weather he likes something or not,even if he just said nice things about it the day before, if I actually REQUEST a comment,he complains. Whatever whatever whatever. I wish that he could get more excited over scents, but hey, he's a guy. And clearly not as enlightened as our own QG! Mine also seems to really like the more unisex, nature scents on me. And florals and resin. He hates dessert/foody scents, which is lame, but I wear what I like anyway. I love him, but he can suck it up on that one!! . Anyways,welcome again. Your gonna have a blast here with us! Looking forward to your reviews!!
  10. Hi Mara!! So this program is AWESOME! Just another reason that LPMP is the best place on earth! You started this while I was away, so I'm a little confused as to how many credits I would have. Can you please let me know? Thank you,and thank you for being so wonderful! I've really missed being here,and I'm glad to be back!
  11. Haven't done a skin test yet, but on cold sniff it smells like lime popsicles and cherry slurpees. Kinda like cherry limeaid at Panera... Trying it in my skin tomorrow. I'm intrigued by the copal in this!
  12. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    See, on me this lasted way longer than Cuchi, and was strong, in a good way. But there's the difference in skin chemistry.for ya!
  13. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    Thank you Ducky. I missed you guys too!
  14. Ha! Lordy. Well if ya could put 2 of em together maybe! I like my big butt though, Hugo and I joke thats how I hooked a latin man. And thanks ladies! I like to write,especially reviews. Stacy, you should try Sandy with Cuchi tommorow(sounds PAINFUL! ), ut really, it will smell like a beach vacation all the way!
  15. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    I've never smelled Darling Catalina, but I'd love to! And your right, this is way more bakery cake than LP Pink, but its got that same new toy note,to me. I love that note. I've actually been eyeing an oil on Etsy called "New Doll" for awhile now.... Anyways, I also wanted to add that OO is very tenacious! It has great presence and it really sticks around! Sigh....so happy. So glad I'm back to getting new LPs and talking with y'all again!
  16. Ha! You and me both! And your welcome. Its sorta like a counterpart to Nymph,but more unisex,less femme. I think this will be a big hit!
  17. QG, what a fantastic idea you have here, and Mara & John executed it flawlessly! Lala, no pee pee. I can't detect musk at all. In fact I can't say I can really"pull" the notes out of this one like I can with some, cause its blended so perfectly. It is BLUE and Sun Gold. Its a cerulean sky without a cloud in sight,strong sunlight glinting on the water. You can feel the unvarnished bords of the deck beneath your feet. The air is hot and dry,not humid,and the only sounds are the gentle lapping of the waves against the the deck,and the whip of the wind in the sails from time to time. Maybe a radio and kids playing way far off on the shore,but that's far far away. You are isolated and peaceful way out on the water. You close your eyes and breathe in, and your content. If only every day could be such a treasure... So yeah. So far, this and Double OO are my faves. Stunning craftsmanship here. Round of applause to everyone who had a hand in it!
  18. I didn't expect to be bowled over by this one really,but, SUPRISE SUPRISE! All summer long I've been researching the perfect beach scent. I wanted something with that old school Coppertone feel to it,and this, though like Halo said,is very simple,I totally get that with this! Happiness! . Its a summer perfect,coconut suntan oil type smell to me. Reminds me of precocious summers of my teens. Really, this is what I wanted Waves of Lust to be(I still really enjoy WOL, but its very honey heavy which cancels out the suntan oil scent on me). All told, its a real suprise hit for me and now I want a full bottle of this toooooo...hope they don't sell out! Ack! Sidenotes:.I can't even detect a HINT of cops in this. Layered with Sandy Bottom, this would smell like a completely authentic day at the seaside! ..
  19. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    I got my stuff! Yeeeeeeah!!! Double O is the first scent I went for and it is AWESOME!! Wet, it has a very similar note as LP Pink to me, in that it reminds me of new toys. I mean that in the very best way possible too, like strawberry shortcake dolls,or charmkins(anyone remember Charmkins?), but yeah like that. As it dries down some, it does become a delicious,sweet and dense pink cake with a sort of floral aspect to it. I assume its the patch that's doing that and I adore it. This wouldn't be right without it. I think that even people who think they can't pull off patchouli will definitely be able to HERE. Even though it doesn't SMELL like Fleur Cremmuse, it has that lovely bakery-meets-candied-floral vibe to it. Just delicious! I must get my mitts on a bottle of this in spray form now! LOVE!
  20. Welcome Loki!!!! Sounds like you amp maple, so do I. Theres a certain type of it that never fails to turn me into a walking pancake. Maple leaf is another story though. I know you'll have fun here, these people are the greatest!
  21. Whooop! Mine should be here by the 20th! Yayyyyyyy!!
  22. Another cradle robber here! My Mexican is 27, I'll be 34 in September. We have a few small issues on occasion, but it's not " a thing". Mostly I just joke with him when were watching an old movie or somethin, and tell him he hadn't started shaving yet So I vote: Go For It! Younger guys can make a gal feel verry Also, both of you:
  23. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    Im on the mondo excited bandwagon with this one too ! I got the sampler, but I reallllly want a full bottle of this! Preferably a spray,so I can display the label better! I already know pink kitty cake will smell fantastic! Also really geeked for Sandy,Marsha & Agent XXX! ETA: real overkill on my exclamation points. I'm leaving it that way though. I'm freakin geeeeeked!
  24. Arrgh...me too!! ...I'm praying this happens before I have to go to work. And Miss Hazel, I'm late saying this, but that was WRONG! That picture will haunt my dreams!
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