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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. Oooo. Those look lovely! I never even used the GC dear Beccah gave me for my recovery present...I think I'll be needing Teachers Pest! And I get to buy one for myself too now that I'm working(and damn hard. It's 5 am and I just got home from work 20 mins ago.) Caramel Sutra....or maybe Honeyed Lilac...descions...
  2. HI LP LOVELIES! After a long hiatus from the forum, Cheese is back again. Lonnng storys, see my journal for the details. Just wanted to let ya know, Swimming with Sharks(and to a smaller extent, Open Windows), has been makin that green roll in! I started a new job about three weeks ago in Greektown, Detroit. I'm a waitress and bartender again(hey, we do what we must to pay the bills, no?). I actually ADORE my new job, but that's not the point of this thread. When I started working at Loco's(such an appropriate name for my place of employment), I was wearing Ail's Open Windows under my fragrance of choice. No, kidding, that phero makes ya feel sooooo sparkly, approachable, not to mention just beautiful. I exuded confidence and bubbliness with it and like no other serving job I've ever had, the tips I was getting began to be quite phenonmenal compared to a phero free workday at any other joint I've slung hash at. Fast forward a week---I stumble across my bottle of "Money Honey", which out of my LP collection, I hadn't paid much mind to for one reason or other. I never really gave Swimming with Sharks a 'run for it's money-yes, pun intended ..and my stars, the HITS I've had with that one! I realize SWS is for women trying to climb the corporate ladder, which isn't my ballgame at present, but lemme tell ya, in the service industry, THAT STUFF IS MAGIC. I'm not sure if it's the phero alone, or the money drawing notes that comes with it-or a conglomeration of the two...but folks, my tip ratio since wearing that potion to work has been about 30 percent(avereage is 15 to 20 percent for waitstaff and bar). It has been bringing in cash for me daily for a solid two weeks now, and I'm recommending it to a few (adored) co-workers. I find SWS works as a financial draw on both women and men. While wearing sexy pheros and dominance pheros in the workplace can backfire unless I'm waiting strictly on men(and Dominance can seem intimidating even to the fellas), Open Windows and Swimming with sharks have both been a godsend. I've been away from the forum too long, and I don't recall the exact science between these two, but I just wanted to share woith the group of ya'll that they've been workin like the magic charms they are! So give em' a whirl!! I know I for one intend to have MANY more scents laced with these two if for nothing more than to be able to afford my beloved LP's again!! . So thats it. Just thought I'd "Share the Wealth"-yes, pun intended, yet again. If you guys and gals haven't scoped those two out yet, and you work in the service, bar, cosmotologist, commision based, ect, institutes, DO IT! You won't be dissapointed. Talk to y'all later. Time to shower and update my journal before I gotta hit the hay. So good to be back again! I'm aiming to be able to buy at least 2 bottles of new scents a month now since I'm actually productive. Good night LP friends! Much Love-Lori
  3. Heehee---maybe your smelling cheese because you've missed your Cheezy? Just kiddin. But thanks for the welcome back-again! Time to update my journal now and add to the phero secrets of makin MONEY that I've come across lately...yeah especially if your in the customer service industry. I guess I'll do that first! It's gettin late for me again, Workworkwork---but lemme post a bit before bed. It's nice to be back though! I simply havent had time, money or even the web till just lately. K, love you's. Time to post some more!
  4. Hey there Tyvey. I'd say Occo gold bears the most resemelance to Phero girl. Honey Ho is alot fresher, a lighter version of honey(s) and a splash of pear. Its more of a spring and summer thing IMO. I've never owned sugared honeycomb, but it has a reputation for being very..um, "female musky" and sexual. Which to me is how Phero girl is too. Occo Gold is really nice once it mellows down a tad. I have the spray version of it and the oil of Phero girl. I find them quite similar, but OCCO is a tiny bit quiter. Softer and sweeter. Hope that helps!
  5. Oooo!!! I wants goodies! Shelly, whats Spring Fling? I agree, the labels ARE darling and similar to Peter Max... Touch of Ebil---is that Danna on the label??? Haha, just curious! But the PINK in the hair probably makes it not so...
  6. Howdy! I agree with the other gals- The Promise is a LOVELY white floral, white musk, I peronally smell gardenia-magnolia(those two are so dang similar to me), just really a pre white gorgeous floral--a wedding bouquet fo' sho' JALN--well theres three of em, but the standout to me is Romance In Bloom, probably because I'm a lilac FREAK! That one has pink, purple and white lilac, as well as white musk and glittery sugars. Its gorgeous. Sorta reminds me of a PE I did called sugared Twilight but without the honey.. Anywho-both are supremely beautiful scents and I highly reccomend each. The throw is very light on each one(as all the JALN's as well), but soft, snuggly and cuddlely....You should shoot for both, IMO.
  7. Haha, Hi Ivy! Ok-more reviews. I just slathered some of this on for ya(yes I'm playing in my perfume again!)-- The top note, to me is a creamy lemon..sorta like the lemon in Caught in the Act to my nose, if youve had a chance to sniff that one(one of my FAVES!!! MMMM!). My bottle has had a little time to age, so I'm not getting such a watery milk note as a richer cream-its very yummy. Add that lemon creme to a buttery cookie-almost like a richer version of a Nilla wafer, and add a dash of the lightest milk chocolate. VERY light amount of chocolate(and not funky at all-just tasty)-and you have Mother Ship. To me its mainly lemon, cream and vanilla. A gorgeous lemon too, by the way. This is a very wearable scent with great lasting power. Approahable and deeeelish. Give it a go!
  8. Hi! Favorite LP of all time? I would kiss you if I could! Thanks so much!! So- I made this one with Danna I think, or Mara too? All I know is in my last round of PE's they each did a few. Forest Floor was Mara and Skelly Tart was Danna-I know that much. I too adore my Orange Blossom Special(we named it after the Johnny Cash song, just so ya know). On me, its very juicy(initially) and youthful. Not in a teenage way, just very young and bright. The peach hits me first, its a 'floral peach', at least thats what note was used, so I reckon its peach blossom? But to me it smells like juicy wet peach juice-but thats just the IMMEDIATE top note. It quickly develops into a deeper scent-heres the Orange Blossom in its full floral glory and a lovely orange blossom at that! And after a little while, soft light woods meld in. Each note ties together seamlessly and it brings to mind being in an Orchard on a sunny day, waering a gauzy dress while a warm scented breeze caresses your skin. Fruit, flowers and woods in harmony. No sugar in this,nor honey.The ladies always have done me proud on my PE's, and Orange Blossom Special is certainly no exception! Thanks again M&D!!
  9. Just lately its been Ashes to Dust(1) Kimberl'ys Shameless Ginger Rose Night of the Fae(sooo lovely! one of my top 10 ever I think) My Forest Floor PE Vamp Cafe All usually overglazed with unscented Tranquility or Lace!
  10. Ooo! Occo pink is reallly lovely. It reminds me of LP pink, which both remind me of pink sugar, but wayyyyy nicer!! Youll get eaten alive with that one and Buns of Cinn!! Haha! Enjoy!!! î„…
  11. Welcome CuriousCat!! We have alot of fun here! You sound like you've picked up some great things! Buns of Cinn is Divine, so is all of the Occos! I shamefully don't know Lp red..which makes no sense as my collection is outta control. Give us a review when ya get your stuff, and enjoy the forum!
  12. Rosebud I must have your PE's...... Lynnes too! Gah! (those are the only ones I saw descriptions for though some of the lady spritzer bottles sound damn fine too!!) I will wait for the descriptions for the rest...but I'm definetly eyeing some up! Hows the magic kit? I needs reveiws! (goes to look at reveiws.....)
  13. Yes, I'm workin on doing just that! Thanks! Its scary, but venting and talking does help!
  14. After being gone a long time, Rosebud ,my heart is warm that you thought of me! I'd love to check this out! Way to go Robert!
  15. Thanks Robert!!! Its good to be back!!! And I'm Allllllll over your PE!! I want me some of THAT!
  16. Hrmmm....I'm Ashtmatic too Rosebud, but this doesn't trigger it(of course perfumes dont..bleach does, weird things do, ciggarette smoke doesnt...I've been smoking since 13 and didn't get asthma till I was 19-I'm one of those weird late life cases-smoking had me hooked by the time I developed the disease.), Anyways I love this stuff. Yes, its smells just like a cinnamon roll! I cant say Cinnabon because I dont think those have raisins, do they? I smell rasins in this! Bakery fresh dough, cinnamon, rasins, sugary icing, yummmmmy!!!! Very authentic!! Crazy authentic! I'm in love and the boys in my life love it too! Can't go wrong with this one, men will want to eat you alive. Pretty nice!
  17. Missed You too gals!! Thanks!!! MMMM, Sweet Bottom....
  18. Know whats grown on me in this? Theres CRUST! Am I crazy? I've been wearing it alot lately as it makes me happy, and I swear--graghm cracker crust??? Right?! I smell it.....I do, and Danna didn't tell me it's there...
  19. Yes They do---And Is Attacked in the Stacks going to smell like Old BOOKS AND LEATHER???? I Neeeeeed it! Ummmm what am I missin??? What have I missed? I've been gone awhile....lonnnnng story(s). Will journal about all of it in due time. I promise.
  20. Danna! I just saw you wanted me to call! OK!
  21. Aw, this might remind me of my dad too then. He wore old Spice. That would be comforting-I'll have to try this!
  22. Hmmm...putting it IN white musk. Whatcha got? Body shop? Thats light...I wouldnt know how much,if any to put in. Gonna leave that to the pros to answer. With me personally, I'd just use a different phero, like Cougar-it doesn't smell all crazy. Neither does Heart and Soul-they are both still romantic. And if someone hasn't mentioned these-Vivenne Westwoods "Boudoir" and Thierry Muglers "Angel" should cover damn near anything. Annnd your welcome Allie!
  23. I got Garland and Lace in oil AND spray-to layer..unscented Lace, Cougar, and Leather. Nobodys talkin about leather-whats up with that? Granted I've only read the past few pages, but it doesn't seem to be very popular?
  24. Oh I agree with that-on SOME, not all-theres some Demeters I just adore-but they have zero staying power. I have yet to try a CB(the gilded up version of the Demeter line by the same guy) oil-and I will(to me the colonge versions do NOT stay-just me). To date I own- nevermind-Its retarded how many fragrances I own-vintage, artisan, modern, what have you. And yes, the man has talent-sometimes. His Golden Delicious couldn't be more real, but grass does NOT smell like grass(one of my favorite notes).Wet Garden does though! I love it! Guess ya can't win em all-I do respect his artistry though, of course! Its pretty amazing-just not all the time. I didnt mean to single that man out anyway-that was a mistake, he is-a damn genius. My point was, that LP is making extremely realistic scents too,at a fraction of the cost and with 5 times the strength. Thats all I'm sayin. Nothing else will ever be Angel. Its 150 bucks a bottle-and I'll never stop buying it. But with single notes, or atmospheric blends, if I'm seeing something done better at a more reasonable rate-thats what I'm going for. Especially if it actually lasts longer than 25 minuites. Of course some of his blends can't be interchanged-it's art. But some can,and that goes for alot of other companys too. Certainly not just his. Did he deserve a Fifi? Yep. For Snow? Nope-just my opionion. And I think you rock! Know that lady-this is all just friendly banter to me. edit--I wasn't aware that he left Demeter for CB-I just reread your post. I guess that explains the price explosion....I stand corrected, if he's doing it on his own now, that makes alot more sense to have the products be so costly. I thought he was just doing both.
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