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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. I deleted a crazy drunken stupid rant. It was here. Now its gone, and I hope not too many people saw it! of course-you did though- K--Rosebud, everyone else who read that mumbo jumbo-please forgive me. It's no excuse, but last night was Devils Night in Detroit-we went out, I didn't black out, but obiously went temporarily insane. Please forgive me-again..Lori If it helps I feel like an idiot. And I didn't mean any of it. It was just a stupid RANT.
  2. Hi Djac- I was wonderin where ya went, I don't know what to say except that I'm kinda--pissed off that of all the people in the world something like this would happen to you. Your too GOOD, kind...I'm so sorry. As for the PE of course, its not a thang,as for your meds TAKE THEM -ativan is it ? Thats very close to klonopin, which is what I take for my out of control (not to get graphic but my panic attacks induce vomit and the other kind of 'emptying', I get dizzy and fall down sometimes), panic attacks-I don't know what kind of panic attacks your havin, but after losin a loved one I think it's perfectly NORMAL to want to hide yourself away in a room for for awhile, especially a young one. Counseling is good, and breakthrough medication is too. Alot of people might disagree with me on that saying 'get through things without chemicals'-well, I say, this world is tough enough to shoulder and we can use all the help we can get. If that help comes in the form of a prescription sometimes, so be it..it's harder for you with other children in your life. You can't hide yourself away as long as you'd like to. Still-why do these things happen to the good ones...your one of the best people I know and I've never even met ya.. I wish you strength in the coming months(and then some, honestly),and I send ya all kinds of LOVE. My Heart goes out to you, and all of yours. Please, feel free to email me,or call. I can give ya my number. Love You Lady, Lori ps-Ancient Goddess-um it seems we lived very similiar lives! VERY. Just sayin..you can email me too if you ever wanna vent about anything.
  3. Hey yous-I like the construct of this, I do. But I really dont wanna smell like a cup of coffee. Aint my thang, thats why I never got La vie Bohimme either. Soooooo----some of ya know I'm on a cleaning spree-landlord is selling my flat and I want to look like the tenant that peepee's gold so they wont make me move. But When thats done you guys can have my sniffies of this-I'd only use em in a burner. Beccah, your up for for sure. I'll haveta take stock of unwanted sniffies and put em in the freebie forum on the trade post.
  4. Me too! And the PE's...descriptions....but those ladies are busy little bees. Let's all try to keep the patience meters running. sidenote--I'm so glad Lp's come in rollers and sprays-I tested a dang BPAL tonight- Dio de los Muertos-for some reason I always think those bottles will have reducer caps. NIET! 1/6 of a bottle spilled on my arm to be smeared all over me, and now my house, my neighbors house house and my ex all smell like sugar skulls and incense(He got a hug goodbye, we watched the Orphan). But SHEESH!!! Smells good-but not the best application method.
  5. this new site sounds NICE!! I'm with Liz-can we order yet?? I'm putting off many other things financially in wait for these LP's to go up--which reminds me-I gotta email the gals about how much of my PE's I want! Edit--um, Cullen has a full bowl of water and just started lapping at my tiny glass of scotch?! WTF?
  6. Duuude---a -I'm with Rosebud-a hopeless romantic! And Liz--I THINK it's JALN-the first one-am I CRAZY???? If it is, the reviews are under the phero section--I know its Jasmine based, has BI, with sugar annnd damn. White musk? Go looksie.
  7. Oh I get ya, my friend-I guess it's all about reallllllllly taking your time and makin sure the guy is right. And THAT is tricky indeed!
  8. You women are scaring the hell out of me, I had a failed engagement--never been married but I still want to. Not with the Bells and Whistles though--I wanna take my man and run outta town and come back hitched-and not tell anyone till it's done. I think the pressure of a big wedding helped ruin the first one. Still-your scaring me. No jadeing the cheesy one. edit---ok Mara-to make things clear, those are the SAME JALN's with different labels? Now sold through you...I never got the second one...
  9. I'm interested in others too---but this Red Sand Champa keeps grabbin me... K-Champa, Sandlewood...and what's RED? Red musk??!!! Cinnamon? Either way....mmmm.....
  10. Godsakes if we arent all in TROUBLE!! OKKKKKKK---- Skelly Tart is -Lemon Creme brulee! Sweet lemon Custard, carmelized with brown sugar and whatever else Danna did with it! D&L's Sweet Baby-is indeed like a grown up baby powder scent-think Love's Baby Soft for adults! This was Djac's idea, and my gift to her. Djac, one is already being sent to you, just so ya know! Theres Baby powder, white musk, and a bit of lily of the valley and violet, I belive-but srsly-wait for Mara or Danna's description on all of these cause all my PE's were crazy to make(lots of tweaking the notes!). White sugar to make it girly and sparkly-IF they even used sugar. Again, wait for them on this one. Orange Blossom Special-Orange Blossom is my Favorite floral(well one of em!). So this has a heavy main orange blossom note with a scant bit of floraly peach and a basenote of light blonde woods. Probably white sugar-and yes, it was named after the Johnny Cash song! . Gettin Lucky-Based around Clover (hence the lucky)and Sweet Grass and also includes aloe-very fresh and green. I dunno what else the gals did here or what sugars they used if any. I've been told by Danna this could almost be a unisex? Forest Floor-Ok, again, Mara is gonna have to describe this one better. I love Bluebell-love it. Bluebell by Penhaligons is one of my favorite fragrance house scents-this has Bluebells and hyacinths(which are the same flower, actually, but M&D's notes are different). I sorta just told Mara to run with this. The Original Penhaligons has cinnamon-I'm thinkin she probably did something totally different. Other than Bluebell-Hyacinth, even I don't know whats in forest floor!! And after Shelly B's description I need hers too!Maybe for the label alone-God! I'd buy that T-shirt too!! And Jo's Chai----GOD were in for it! Ok-NEXT!!!
  11. Stopping in just to say-YOU GIRLS ARE TO MUCH! This post-well, its one of the funnest I've read in awhile...Shelly, I hope you get everything your lil heart desires!
  12. Good morning. God, I would drop everything in a second to move to LA and help them work up there! Then they'd have four! And Dave would come with me. Ahhh, I can dream.....
  13. Oh Mara! I'm really excited!!! Bwah! Yay! Glad for the non-stickiness(or sick nutra sweet tate thats in like allllllll flavored massage products)! Again-YAY!!! The order for these will go in with with the Nov releases....even though my boy is being INTORERABLE tonight. A lil fiesty tussle is kinda fun sometimes... I'm gonna request, instead of my LP sample, a sample of the taffy flavor of this oil..is that cool?
  14. A little Luxury is good for ya. Ok, I'll try honey-and Peach..maybe together... Yummehhhh......
  15. Ok-I'm game! I'll report back as soon as possible. Any particular flavors you guys are curious about (no cherry or saltwater taffy-cherry is always funny tasting--and I would need a sample of this "Taffy"-I wanna try it, but---hmm....). Lemme know. edit-If theres a bubble gum thats out too-anything else is finnnne..... edit again-Coca de Mer, eh? I shall look into these as well, being the love goddess you are and all.
  16. They'll probably go up tommorow you guys--it's Sunday night. I'll keep the faith!! But ya know, those women need a night off too....
  17. Rumor Control---read it! Not trying to be bossy, its just plain good advice--anyways-if possible, you could place another order, if not-you could call M&D-they will probably be able to work with you.
  18. Hey all. I'm real curious about these and was wondering if any of you have taken em for a spin yet? I have products designed for that(usually that double as other things), but the taste of that stuff is always soooooo strong and I dunno-blah. I wondered if anyone has tried the Splenda kind yet..do they get sticky? They SOUND like they would be far better than anything on the market now........
  19. Yep! Got a sample of the shea cream in this scent from our lovely Lor! The texture is DIVINE and now I really wanna try some lotions, creams and shower gels-problem being picking scents, but I'll figure it out. With the harsh MI winters though, these creams will be a godsend, my skin gets sooo dry and this stuff is GOOD! Of course I want Pheros in my creams-I'm thinkin Occos...not in the shower gels though, was talkin to SG and she said you'd probly just wash the pheros off..makes sense. More things to play with....oh boy! Edit--I wants me some flavored massage oil too-with the splenda! Heehee-yes, I'm a dirty gal. Even when clean.
  20. I just wanna say real quick-I'm really working on the right words to review this. I LOVE it, and after Sultry and Luna's bang up jobs-it's hard to add to that, but I'm working on it, Danna. I'm actually gonna write this one out first, as its a memory scent to me as well as something else. Thats why its taking so long to reveiw it. I need to find the right words!
  21. cheeseburger79

    Honey Ho

    Darlin you may call me anything you wish. It all works for me. And yeah! I'm glad I'm not the only one it's like that on. It's a great change of pace to me.
  22. Is it? I thought I was just sortof freaky. Thanks!! I like his for her too, but I've only done a cold sniff on it so far....
  23. I wanna add-At the museum yesterday I bought some astronaught ice cream!! I LOVE it! I used to get it at the museum as a kid all the time. (Heehee-I also got a water snake-remember those? Toys shaped like a tube that you cant hold onto? And some SLIME!!! Yep good old fashioned slime-I oddly love smell of toy slime-I paid museum admission and D bought my toys-yes 30 and I still play with toys-sue me!) I came home and WOW-the comparison of Rocket Chick to real Astro Ice Cream REALLY is spot on. Rocket chick is perhaps a bit creamier, that's a good thing anyway. Again-I love this stuff-broke my fear of chocolate and now I'm plumb HOARDING this perfume. Yummeh!!!
  24. I bought this for the Darlin and man does it smell gooooooood on a man-I can get the cK1 comparisons, but its not as cheap smelling AT ALL to me, or watered down as that stuff(man since I've found LP and a few other artisan perfumers, have I ever been snobby about department store stuff-there's a few exceptions(Angel, Tocca,Bond No.9,Penhaligons), but not many-but can you friggin belive, that before I got in a lil deeper here, I almose dropped like 300 bucks on some little coffret of Tom Ford perfume vials? WTF??!!! LP can do every scent in that box-in larger sizes with cooler labels and better staying power! Even like, Creed, Annick Goutal, compared to REAL crafted oils-they just dont do it for me anymore.) And now back to LP#9-D is in a band called the Potions inspired by that very song so he totally freaked when I gave him the bottle which he covets and now carrys around in his guitar case everywhere-but the smell-yum!! Clean CITRUS wood-my best way to put it, with a definite masculine undertone. Sometimes I'll swipe it and spray a shirt with it if he's gonna be gone awhile(yeah I'm weird that way), cause I like to smell him, but I do find it a tad manly for me-but thats just me! And if the staying power of LP#9 is any indication of the beta tests then-were all in luck, cause that stuff lasts a good long time. Good juice, I likes.
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