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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. I really hope at least a sniffie of this one comes my way. I just adore the natural scents. And Jasmine,and i LOVE the rain. Sounds like an excellent scent Stormey! Glad you love it. Maras the best!
  2. He dated Martha Stewart????! What an ODD couple!! I kinda like her though, she's a nut. But still. Weird. Celebrity Gossip of the day,brought to you by Blue Bear!! And thanks,Stacy for lettin me know where to find the descriptions. I am ON this! It feels like a long time since the labels went up though! How long does it usually take these days? It seems like it used to be faster,back in the day. But then it probably just seems that way,cause I'm so geeked to see them!!
  3. Ha!! Connery just has somethin "extra"....plus I like his accent. Belive it or not I haven't even seen any of the newer ones with Daniel Craig or Peirce Brosnan, but they don't do it for me anyway. Now, where do these descriptions appear,when they finally do? Is this the right thread??
  4. Hey!! Welcome to the forum!!! What they said! Dolly and Quietguy know they're stuff. Stick with them and a few of the others on here that have been using Pheros for years, they won't steer ya wrong!! Theres a ton of good advice here,and some really lovely,colorful characters! I think you'll enjoy our forum very much! LPs fragrances are also to die for. This includes the mens range. Everything is brewed with "intent" based on the magickal aspects of each ingredient. All smell amazing and have other effects as well. Check out the reading room on the main page of the actual perfumerie. Very interesting reading both on pheros AND the different notes the scents are composed of. Mara,John and company really do put they're heart and soul into everything they make, and it shows. Your in for a real treat! Welcome again,and have a good one!
  5. Giving him a ride... Ha!! Only the Sean Connery bond for me. Ok, lemme get my head out of the gutter. Hey guys, WHEN do the descriptions appear and WHERE? I haven't ordered in ages and I don't remember how that part works...
  6. Crikey, I really wanna sample this one. Out of all the "new to me" scents, this one keeps jumping out.. But then I'm a total blueberry hound. A true blueberry scent that doesnt smell super sweet or fake us like trying to find the holy grail! Blueberry bomb is awesome and I love it, but its candy all the way. Mayberry sounds so promising!!! Add vanilla batter? Gah! Yum! I WILL get a sample with my next order and report back!
  7. Ha! Thanks Chai! I just placed my first order in three years!! So, im sure ill have much to post about soon! Wand Polisher........hee!!! Congrats, StacyK!
  8. Seven is an ANGEL!!!! That is yhe cutest kitten i have ever SEEN! Shes a MODEL!! AND----Im so excited!! I got the monthly sampler!!! Its my first order in like THREE YEARS!!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
  9. Congrats DD & Stacy!!!! Im a Toothless Fairy now....yikes! I know its just a title,but sometimes I have really bad nightmares about losing my teeth...its supposed to mean something,but i don't remember what...
  10. At the MOMENT(subject to change!): OCCO Black(like to wear alone or layer with purple,pink or gold) 9_7_6 Girl Scented Cougar Sweet Lorien B._Sugared Twilight(tie!) Southern Gothic 2009
  11. I have to second(3rd? 4th?) The vote for Sorceress....I adore that one. Also 9_7_6 Girl. Resin heaven,the both of em!
  12. Hahaha! You little rascal....so those marshmallows are gonna end up on a stick of a very different sort! Heehee!
  13. Orrrrrr is there any way me or someone else could wing a similiar custom? Woodsmoke, spice, and marshmallow or that hydrogenated cream note type deal they have? Just a thought. If anyone thinks it could be succesfully done let me know...
  14. Yowzas. I haven't posted on this thread in a few! Lately my go to's have been: Money Honey Breaking the Ceiling Morning of Glory Bavarian Blood annnnnd my ol' standby, Sweet Lorien B. I'm getting Wayyyyy back into my LP's again. When i moved I missed em. I just labled them all for my roomate and I to share---she's so happy I'm an LP freak!!! As of course, am I!! Ps- I'm also having an Occo issue---I don't wear them to work as I find they turn off my female guests(haha, cause suddenly theyre men seem very 'all about me', and the women dole out tips half the time)--but when I get home from work, I find myself playing in my Occo's...just for me! Mmmm!
  15. For what it's worth, I also HIGHLY request a rebrew of this.... It's like the only sugared I want and can't have...and I want it soooo bad!
  16. Yes, Fallen Angel is strong enough to handle cops. IMO... As for scenting your hair, this is what i do daily with all of my LP's(but you have to have slightly dry or coarse hair for this-mines been bleached a gazillion times), I roll my LP of choice on my hand and add a little drop or so of olive oil, then rub my hands together, flip my head over and evenly distrubite it. It's great if your using a heat styler like a curling iron, or just as a DIY shine serum. As long as your hair isnt very fine...otherwise like Mara said, try silicone. Don't put pheros in your hair though=it gets weird. Annnnd Fallen angel is an orange strawberry, liquory butter cream cake on me. SOOOOO tasty. I love this one. It's not TOO boozy, you can just tell it's there. It makes it a bit deeper to me, almost like a touch of bourbon(like a nice sweet bourbon vanilla on me at least)?.It's preeeeety magnetic. I get compliments on this one often. YAY!
  17. Hahahaha! Wha??? Chiken broth. Our chemistry is indeed strange. And now Djac and I are both back, so dont be sad about wearing Sweet Baby. Djac!---so glad you love it! It was totally made in your honor. Love ya lady! Now its bedddtime. work tommorow again. Sigh...
  18. Dang. I am REALLLLY bummed I missed out on this. I love red apple! And studies show its scent promotes happiness in those who smell it. Man...I'll keep my eye on the Trading Post!
  19. Jusssst mayyyybeeeee....I'll try to do this one again. It won't be exactly the same(thinkin of switching red rose for pink and cherry for strawberry(think that would 'fall' it up? maybe even a teensy dash of spice...), perhaps. But I need to get some cash in the bank first. Again, I'm really glad you all enjoyed it though!
  20. Hey Leadcrow! What scents are you curious about on the sale list? I bet I can give you the notes your after on those... Ya see, I'm a product reviewer in general...I has a blog coming! And I own most of the sale scents already. I don't thinnnnk LP hates Firefox, but try internet explorer, I know it can be glitchy, but thats what I use for this site with no trouble.
  21. Luna! Hi and good morning! Have you ever read 'The Stand'? Thats what your post sounded like.... I want Teachers Pest, Pom Nom Nom, Caramel Sutra and Honeyed Lilac.......is Pie in the Sky GGG? I still wants it..... PS-Gah. I seem to be in the wrong thread. But Kovvy, you got some NICE perfumes comin your way. Don't regret spendin the dough. Like ya said it's a SALE and those are all awesome Especially, IMO, Mothership(lemon chocolate cookies and milk!), Morning of Glory(reminds of Bluebells, great for the start of the day, hence the name), and Bloomin Naughty(Cheesy loves lilac.....). Ya done good!
  22. Love ya both! ATTN-Mara, Danna and Ail--can we please get an Alexander Skarsgard specific phero? Haha!!! :sock puppet shaking no ha: Or at least one that attracks men that look just like him....
  23. Oh Dear LORD! THANK YOU!!!! Sooooooo tasty..... :sock puppet shaking no ha:
  24. Aw thanks everyone! I got too sleepy the other night to update my journal, but I'll start tonight. Its 530 am and I JUST got home from work. Even though it's late, I can't ever fall right to sleep after work. I gotsta unwind. Haha, it's really hard to go straight to my journal though! I want to read reviews and catch up on some of the things I've missed! Beccah, what's an MR? Djac, it's good to see you too! We both took off for awhile and came back. Hey, how can ya not? I'm really glad you like Sweet Baby. I do too. I can't really afford to design scents again jussst yet, but in due time. I actually work and pay bills like a real grown human now. Bout damn time...but like my boy Stephen King says-The past is history and the futures a mystery. So no kicking myself for the past or fretting over the future. One day at a time...might seem a little cliche, but it's true. And no TG, no more leaving. Dolly, I have a sample vial of PCMP, I need to find it and try it. I'm also down to about half a bar of your awesome soap...I'll have to facebook ya about that or something, but its such great stuff. And again, everyone else, thanks for the welcome back--again--!! Love you guys. Let me poke around a tad and head over to my journal. I have more phero chatter to post too, but I'll get there. I also miss the trading post. Being back is like comin home to a bunch of new cool furniture or somethin, ya know? With all the sweet new scents and reviews, but it's also so familiar and FAMILIAL. You all rule. Now, time for me to write and nose around a bit before the sandman comes. PS-Thanks for saying I posted a good report! I'll try to keep em comin!
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