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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. Awesome. I'm glad ya dig it! And my project tomorrow is to finally open a trade page in preparation for the sale. There's just sooooo much new stuff I wanna try, and I'm broke as a mo'fo! So trade page it is. I think I have three ro four bottles of Sweet Baby, so odds are one will end up on the trade page. Probably a Sweet Lorien B too(maybe...I love it but i think I have four..). Anyways,keep your eyes peeled! As for the pubescent thing..heh, yeah that's kinda what I'm after. Id never dress in the whole Lolita style, but I really want a scent that takes me back in time to those days.
  2. Coooool.... I know alot of people really liked this one. Im thinking about a "dark" Sweet Lorien B too...instead of strawberry, id use black cherry. Id make the vanilla a "noir" type. Red Rose instead of pink,and throw in some leather or patch... You likes? Lady V, I added my Babe in the Woods comment after you posted. What do you think about it comparing to Sweet Baby?
  3. Ya know, the ONE thing that I would change about this is to add some kind of sugar to it. Probably powdered. I love it as much as ever but I do tend to wear it with Sukis Boy Bait, Egg, Sugared Cream, or one of my vanillas to sweeten it up. One of these days I might do an updated version of this, just for kicks. Id add sugar and possibly alter the florals, just to switch it up! ETA: How similar is Babe in the Woods to this one guys? Cause reading the descriptions made it sound like grown up Loves Baby Soft too...might be right up my alley...?
  4. Thanks! I think I'm gonna revisit this today and amp up the creaminess with one of my vanillas like you did DD! Thanks for the idea! I think maybe Ail"s Voluptuous Vanilla,OCCO white,or Beths Milkmaid...my Mexican complains about vanilla when its straight up and foody. I still wear it, but today I'm home all day and so is he and I'd enjoy a nice "nap" later... He likes fruity stuff,so I'll cover my vanilla with Blueberry Bomb! I'm just very happy that years after making it, people are still enjoying it! That makes me happy. Mara did a great job with this,as with all my PEs. Cant wait till I can afford to make the next one!
  5. Orris is a type of root. Its earthy &dirty smellin. Man, I hope I don't get in trouble, but my emails I'm my profile. Mara must only have the old one so I'll haveta email her too.I'd post it right here but I dont wanna break the rules... Rules were made to be broken,but not Maras!
  6. Gee whiz,I didn't even know it was discontinued! Wah!! I don't remember the exact notesI know violet and Orris,some type of resins, but I don't thinnnnnk theres any vanilla. It really isn't a sweet one at all. At least not on me.Maybe someone else will know? It smells dark to me. Purple, but ROYAL purple..ya know?
  7. I'm wearing Purple today. This and Black are my top two OCCOS. Love Pink & White too...and red...and gold...I digress.. Anyways Purple smells like a pretty straightforward "dirty violet" to me. Its deep and sorta resiny and earthy, with some orris I'm the background and the violet stealing the show. Purple layers great with black candy & that's my combo today. It's only 10 am, but my bus driver gave me a free bus ride, 4 free bus passes & asked what kind of perfume I was wearing!.Never saw the old fella before today. What a nice way to start the day!!
  8. QOL, is this the same roommate that you said is"dead set" against being with you? If so, then the pheros may be working and he's just trying even harder to be aloof. As for not smelling cops, maybe your anosmic to them? A problem for some folks is the inability to smell certain things, like musks. It's more common than you'd think. Maybe that's what's up.
  9. Couple more suggestionsfor ya. If you dig Betrothal and fresh aquatics,ya gotta try Happy Water. Its a really lush,bright refreshing floral with a citrusy lift from the orange blossom top note.(eta: oops! Molls already said that!) Nymph,if its still around is another gorgeous aquatic, heavy on the water lily. And Sandy Bottom(new) is a unisex scent that smells just like a perfect day sailing on the water. Very beautiful and natural. Eye of the Storm I believe is still around, and that's one of the most natural scents I've ever smelled. It really does bring to mind the air during a cold thunderstorm, and the black eyed Susan floral facet in it feminizes it just enough. Hmmm, what else...Molls is right about the OCCOS. I love em, and you can't smell the cops in em at all. Try purple for sure(beautiful floral, blue: cotton blossom heavy,fresh, and my favorite: black. How do you feel about resins and incense?? They are one of my fave subgroups, but they aren't for everyone. OCCO black is pretty much straight resin,not too sweet. Its delish. Oh, and the new bonded is super clean and shower fresh too,IMO. I do like having my pheros unscented, just because they are more versatile that way, but I enjoy em in add ins too. And oil vs. spray is personal preference. I tend to like sprays more myself. Lady, I think your gonna find a heck of alot more than ONE Rachel scent! Have fun!!! Ps: I have not tried these yet, but Pixie Dust and Vanilla Fleur(non foody,floral vanilla) sound right up your alley! One more thing.... I am greeeeeeeen with envy that you got the whole Treasure of..... Set as a freebie!!! Jealous!!! Mods: I tried to edit this into my last post but couldnt on the phone.
  10. That's what I'm sayin!! Is it really that time already??? I thought maybe like a week from now???
  11. Coooool! Glad you got your records back! And that's awesome! Thanks again Mara!
  12. Eggers, I love you!! And I totally agree with everything you just said. Round of applause is in order!!!
  13. Bravo!! I love the ones with Pov and Null. They're friendship amuses me. Such rascals!! ETA:first impressions of Bonded was "shower fresh". I'm off today to give it the full run and report back!
  14. Yeah, cause ya have to remember,alot of these "young pretty things" have major insecurities too. Really most people do, in one way or another. Alot of guys see older women not only as sexy,but also "over the bullshit", know what I mean? We've already gone through all the drama and nonsense that the young ones are still dealing with. Were more sure of ourselves,what we want from a man, and what we want from life. Those things are sexy in themselves. Alot of guys see us and see the best of both worlds: a sexy,experienced lady who is DONE with the "drama". Food for thought. Self confidence is key though. You have to know these things and OWN them, IMO. Good luck!
  15. Congrats BB! Your avvie is adorable! I am now OCCO LOCO! Yay! I has teeth again!!!
  16. Yes m'am, its permanent. How have I never reviewed this? Its an ultra femme,blush rose(think magenta, at least that's how it strikes me), with an icing sugar overglaze. Pretty straightforward to what you'd expect. Very pretty and long lasting with fantastic throw. One of the scents that I can catch whiffs of on myself alllllll day. Plays nice with other scents to add dimension, but perfect on it's own. It seems to also be quite a crowd pleaser. People are generally very pleasant to me when I wear it,with or without pheros, and I get alot of compliments on it too. Easy to see why its one of LP's staple scents! Its simple and gorgeous.
  17. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    Thanks for the links! Gonna scope those out this morning after I get to work. I'm goin in early for breakfast. Null in drag.....yikes!
  18. Welcome Rachel!!! What kind of scents are ya into? Nature, bakery goodies, flowers, spicy resins, shower fresh?! You'll get great suggestions and meet wonderful people here! LP is the BEST!
  19. cheeseburger79

    Double O

    I love it too. This is my fave out of all the stories I think....great job! Actually,been meaning to ask you,without veering too far off topic, if you have any of your short stories, fan fiction,ect published at all? Either in print or online, I'd love to read it if its available! Lemme know.
  20. The Ruins!!!! I looooove that book!!!! The film version is actually pretty good too. I haven't done a real full test of this yet,just a swipe. I can tell its not the chocolate-of-death on me, but so far thats it. Will report back with more soon.
  21. Luna,I LOVE that your adding onto these stories, I want the book!! I know everyone has already told ya how awesome these are, but for what's it's worth, I think they're the best work you've done for LP to date!! Love these. And they make the scents even that much more special.
  22. Me too! But 00 is still my fave of the Bond girls. And sexy time us why sleepy time is in quotation, Good for both, for sure! I don't know how i don't have more SS4W. I only have it in Rocket Fuel, which turns me into a pancake. I still like it and wear it, but it's one of the ones the Mexican bitches about. Jealous! I want more! 20 hours!!? Wow! DOUBLE Jealous! Luckyyyyyyy...
  23. This sounds tricky. Especially since you guys live together at present. If he DOES start dating other women, I have a feeling it's gonna cause a hell of alot of at best awkwardness and at worst hostility in your home life. And your home is your haven, you don't want that. I'm sorta confused as to the actual reason he broke up with you in "round 2". "Moving too fast" and "being scared" are very vague reasons to give you. And if they really ARE his reasons for not being with you, then why is he trying to date others? I dunno. My bullshit-o-meter is sounding a bit here. Not on your part,but his. Could a large part of the problem be that your living together?? Maybe he's scared of a volatile living situation. Its a big step, but could you possibly move? You could date each other maybe and take things slower,but still have your own respected houses to go to should things get rocky...just a thought. Phero wise, I honestly wouldn't go TOO sexual, cause sex is sex,not love,and even if it happens it doesn't guarantee a damn thing. I'd try Cougar maybe, or one of the newer ones like Gotcha or Perfect Match. I've never tried Gotcha,but I've heard great things,and PM is alot like the old Soulmate phero. I tried it for the first time today and had a wonderful experience. Maybe look into BAM too. I mean sex is awesome,don't get me wrong. If it happens in addition to bonding, great! But I think your after more than that, which is why I'd go with more of a bonding type of phero. Good luck though! Y'all sound kinda like Ross & Rachel or somethin! Keep us posted on the sitch,and what you order! ETA: I just reread your post, it says you THINK he got scared and moved too fast. Hmm. What was the actual reason he gave for breaking up with you?
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