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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. Oh I agree with that-on SOME, not all-theres some Demeters I just adore-but they have zero staying power. I have yet to try a CB(the gilded up version of the Demeter line by the same guy) oil-and I will(to me the colonge versions do NOT stay-just me). To date I own- nevermind-Its retarded how many fragrances I own-vintage, artisan, modern, what have you. And yes, the man has talent-sometimes. His Golden Delicious couldn't be more real, but grass does NOT smell like grass(one of my favorite notes).Wet Garden does though! I love it! Guess ya can't win em all-I do respect his artistry though, of course! Its pretty amazing-just not all the time. I didnt mean to single that man out anyway-that was a mistake, he is-a damn genius. My point was, that LP is making extremely realistic scents too,at a fraction of the cost and with 5 times the strength. Thats all I'm sayin. Nothing else will ever be Angel. Its 150 bucks a bottle-and I'll never stop buying it. But with single notes, or atmospheric blends, if I'm seeing something done better at a more reasonable rate-thats what I'm going for. Especially if it actually lasts longer than 25 minuites. Of course some of his blends can't be interchanged-it's art. But some can,and that goes for alot of other companys too. Certainly not just his. Did he deserve a Fifi? Yep. For Snow? Nope-just my opionion. And I think you rock! Know that lady-this is all just friendly banter to me. edit--I wasn't aware that he left Demeter for CB-I just reread your post. I guess that explains the price explosion....I stand corrected, if he's doing it on his own now, that makes alot more sense to have the products be so costly. I thought he was just doing both.
  2. Haha-this is the weirdest stuff, M&D! WTF??? Yeah, meat. Peas.Corn and gravy! again, Just wtf. I haven't actually WORN it either,it freaks me out! but it would be funny to see what Cullen, Wolfgang and Blanket(my kittehs), do if I try....I wonder if I'd get the same reaction as Katz??? And it IS funny what your stylist was gonna do Mara! I had a notion to like, order out at some down home cookin place, throw everything in pots while this burned in my simmer pot--and say I slaved over a hot stove all day and don't I deserve a treat?? Heehee!! I'd come clean later, but what the hell? Your silly. Goofballs-the lot of ya. M,D and John too. Crazy freaks. And I love ya for it!
  3. Wow another one that I don't feel is getting enough love. Not from me-this is maybe my favorite of the regular November releases. It captures the description to a "T". Rain, Damp crushed dying greenery(which lends a very nature like sweetness to me), wild fresh whipping wind, ozone, aquatics,wet soil whatever magic they spin to make a scent so real. The only difference? Not a winter storm. A storm on the brink of fall, when its just beginning to get really cold, but you can still catch a warm day-(actually lyrics from Gun's 'n Roses "November Rain" come to mind. Haha-I think like that, in sound and color alot). This is the art of perfumery capturing a moment to me, something the ladies are so very good at..you could pay out your rear end for 'CB I hate Perfume', which does scents like this and cost over a hundred bucks a bottle, or Demeter,which not only dont LAST, but I can find flaws in the blending (Thunderstorm smells like dirt, Firefly smells like Dirt, Dirt smells like dirt, and Snow-which somehow won the dang Fifi award(the perfumers equal to an Oscar-mannnnnn did THAT one make my fur fly-)-smells like-DIRT!! but I digress) M&D Have done BETTER than what all these New York overpriced perfumers have tried. This is a STORM. It's the REAL DEAL, it will last all day, all for 25 bucks! Sounds to me, like a 'winner'!
  4. Yep! Orange Blossom Honey! Mmmmmmm......
  5. Um haha-Shellys Winter Sweater and all my PE's! ---I'm not being a narcisscist-I REALLY LOVE THEM! Been wearing alot of tranquilty 2x spray under things this week. I've been stressed out.
  6. Shelly B, I adore this. It smells like home, right? Home at Christmas time. I still live here(in Michigan, the mitten Shelly speaks of so the rest of you know), and I just got out of the city for a week. I went hiking in a pine foest, roasted hot dogs over a fire, saw stars, and the first big fluffy snowfall of the year. Shellys scent captures some of that and more-it has pine, if not pine then somethin like it, Shelly, to me your 'leaves' are pine needles(my little bro blended white and scotch pine needles and had me sniff em on our walk-he also told me to respect fairy rings properly-hes a great kid-15), and theres definetly woodsmoke, these hit me first too. And they are comforting. The scent grows more feminine after the top notes settle a bit, and I glean the fruits and spices. A trace of musk-not much, and I'm glad as I see this perfume as very atmospheric. Your right! It's the most Un-Shelly B scent that you've done, but it's a very well done one, and comforting as all get out. Again, reminds me of home, Christmastime, warmth and cozyness--uh--comfort and joy? Lovely stuff. Good job girls.
  7. And then Mara said this was a rebrew-#3..Xev, did you get a new bottle? Cause theres a chance that this time the LP base had a touch more patch in it? Just a little, I'm sure M&D have the LP base down to a science,but if your super sensitive to that note, you'd notice. Every rebrew is gonna be just a wee bit different-I'm told.
  8. Sure! It's verrrrrry maple-y though. We'll take this chat over to your trade forum. I'll just throw it in with the rest of all your stuff! You have quite the little Christmas present comin from Detroit-when i get to the blessed post office(Rosebud-I hate the post office-I live in the inner city ghetto-every kind of commerce here is a pain. Maybe I'll go mail it from a suburb!)-srsly-you have alot of stuff! Ha! I'm so weird in my procrastination. Sorry. edit-i think an anonymous member is follwing me around the boards...hi there you!
  9. Well baby powder of course-and lily of the valley. I THINK she said violet and mimosa(I'm not trained in what mimosa actually smells like,so I can't 'pull' it out of the scent and anaylze it-i do know it's a 'powdery floral' but thats all I know, dunno if its got a green nuance or what.)...after that, no! Ha, I'm not real sure- Oh duh, white musk-theres that(that must be the depth I was talking about that I totally forgot). And Danna can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think she used any sugar in this. Glad you love it Fawn!!
  10. Yeah. I was scared of that coffee note. But I will order anything with the word Vamp-Vampire,ect. Plus, yeah, Constant Craving and the New Southern Gothic-helllllp me!! Love em both. Very glad to hear that the coffee is subtle. I still wait-I missed my package while I was outta town and now I'm having trouble getting it redelivered. But it WILL be done!
  11. Haha.....ahhhhh Rosebud! Hi! Mannnnnnnnn..........that means getting RID of things....but I will think about it! I guess theres a FEW things I don't totally love-a big part of it is the mailing thing. You of anyone should know how wretchedly slacker-like I am about getting anything to the post office! I've had stuff for you for awhile(though I did get that one thing for ya last week before I went outta town)- I'm afraid to take that on a little cause I don't wanna be slow with peoples stuff! But I'll think about it!!
  12. Why your welcome! I'm back from my mom's(just before we clawed each others eyes out-haha, we love each other, but you know how it can be with family and holidays-she has no internet, so I've been MIA)- Anyways, I can't really describe this better than Liz already did. Very, well, 'tart' at first, and sweet. A little lemon punch in the face-but the good kind, like an older relative nudgeing your jaw in a 'good job kiddo' way-haha, I'm tired. Then it mellows out and grows creamy and the custard, pastry and caramelly goodness come out. Great staying power! And yes, perfectly done. I'm extremely happy with all my PE's this month! Yay! PS-All the PE's were on the banner this month I think.
  13. Cheesy frowns and hopes like hell this is not sold out now-I got Winter Chai, Jo-its amazing. Now I see you've made another masterpeice! I want! You gals make it sound divine...
  14. I felt that way about this too! I liked the Black Rose(rose is one of my top 5 florals, lavender is definetly not), so you'd THINK, I'd dig the Rose variant more. Nope. Like Pony said, this is clean and 'bright'(which perhaps misconstrues "Dark" Seductions?)-who cares. It's a great lavender and goes wonderful with the base blend..even better than rose-and I can't belive I'm saying that! It's Gorgeous! Hats off gals!
  15. I thought of snagging this, but I run screaming from maple...I got something called Pumpkin Pancakes from elsewhere-all maple on me.... Now you all say the maple is quiet. Dang...maybe I'll get a sniffie at least my order is stuck with the post people again. The scent, aside from maple, sounds so tasty!
  16. Hayley-I had a five hundred dollar order go missing(I hadnt been able to order LP for 5 months, had been broke and came into some cash) for like 6 weeks or something. Maybe I'm jaded to think this way, because I live in the city, but its true that where I LIVE, the postal workers, well...frankly my dear they just dont give a damn. Why should they when they have so many others on they're route and they will still end the day with 'X' amount of dollars weather or not you get those smell goods. They just dont CARE. The supervisors are usually cool, but even they arent that great all the time. My little story ended like this-my package was never attempted to be redelivered-not once, and I never even got a 'sorry we missed you slip'. So, Danna, Mara, Myself and 3 postal supervisors are looking high and low for the thing(or ARE THE POSTAL SUPES????), When I called yet again-about my goods, oh--yes, here they are sitting in my local freaking post office collecting dust for 6 weeks. One of the regular gals at the PO found it buried under a bunch of other packages(and after 6 weeks, no wonder). Did I smile through it and stay calm? Yup Was I mad as all get out? Oh, hell yes. In fact, today as I write this I'm yet again irritated with my post office over an LP package,(They will NOT deliver to my actual door, or ring my doorbell, cause its in the back of a house divided into apartments and this is Detroit-guess theyre afraid I'm gonna whack em over the head and steal the mail), and I'm at the point where I'm gonna have Mara and Danna disengage signature confirmation-I cant take it any more, I cant even pick my stuff up at my PO cause my address is different on my id(yup, dodgeing city taxes-sorry,sue me). Now after allllll that babble-heres my advice. Get on the phone, or go to the Post Office and RAISE CAIN. Cause again,unless you really make yourself stand out, they just aint gonna know you from Adam among the masses-That is what Danna and Mara will do too, start off nice, and eventually raise hell. They are the sweetest women alive,but know how to get a job done. That is in order to locate the thing-once its located, you have to set up a re-deliver, (I suggest a supervisor for all of this), that means someone has to be tethered to the couch quietly till they bring it back, OR you can go pick it up. If you get bossy and they STILL blow you off? Threaten to file a complaint with the Postmaster General. After 6 weeks of searching and bitching, thats what Danna did for me and guess when we found my stuff? Magically-the next day. So, yes, by all means call M&D-I think Mara is on vacation though? Dunno. But Danna is every bit the badass when it comes to helping you locate missing stuff. Good luck,and try to relax-its out there somewhere. And now I can say-HI I'm Lori, WELCOME TO OUR FORUM!!! And congrats on the wedding! Always nice to see a new face-I've been on vacation too. As for insurance-no LP is not insured, HOWEVER, the ladies are very very NICE! One way or another, something will be worked out for you. I'm not speaking for M&D-just take what I said for what it's worth.
  17. Methinks SG is putting a touch of Baily's in her expresso? Heehee!
  18. Nooooo Verbena! I made this-its lemon creme brulee. I'll edit this with a review. I've only cold sniffed-sweet and yummy!!! But I need to add on once it's worn on my skin. Hang tight. But its Lemon Vanilla Custard, carmalized with brown sugar. Those are the notes.
  19. Ok. I can smell-this is the very first thing I tried from my order(this and Forest Floor being the most anticipated.) and IT IS PERFECT. I asked for a more "Grown up version" of a Love's Baby Soft type deal, and they NAILED it. Danna was a lil concerned at one point that this wouldn't be "IT", but it IS! Sweet, but certainly not overly so, baby powder. A bit of floral, I smell lily of the valley and violet, faintly, blended PERFECTLY, and theres a depth here, maybe somethin SG didnt tell me about?? A wood or spice of some sort way down deep,giving it 'just enough' headiness to make it known as NOT a perfume for children. Powdery, sweet, snuggly and very very feminine-in a word "nuzzleable"! Like a cozy soft fluffy blanket of scent. Its sexy and comforting all at once. And the throw and staying power are perfect as well. This is exactly as I hoped it would be. I made this awhile back, as a gift for Djac(it was her idea to make this and she put the idea down, cause it was an LP release idea I guess, and had met with some trouble along the way, I don't even recall what it was about), but I knew she wanted this made, and so I decided to suprise her by turning it into a PE. With all thats goin on with her, I just hope she gets some kind of lift from it. At the time I just figured with all she does, it would be cool to make this and dedicate it to her. So, Djac-this ones for you! Love ya girl. Hope we hear from ya soon, and I hope you enjoy this small comfort.
  20. Whew! Made it!! I absoulutely thought everything would be gone! AMAZING month! Garland and Lace? Oh yeah! In a frenzy, I forgot to get my bath goods. Whoops--goin back in. Thanks to you who made chocolate covered cherries too....and Gingered Roses...I'll be back! Ack-I'll order those in a little bit here. My package just came! I'm Overdosing! MARA!!! Have an AWESOME VACATION!!!!!
  21. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE HAVE I BEEN!!!!!???????????????? AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (RUNS TO GIFT SHOP).
  22. I have a sign of relife(and I cant spell)--whatever-I GOT MY STUFF- NO NOTICE FROM STAMPS AT ALL!!!! In fact if Mara hadn't told me, they sent the package, I'd have never known.....so. Maybe Stamps is down????? I will come back for an edit on Sweet baby, I am sick-again-bronchitis cold thing, unshakeable..but I just took alka seltzer cold and my nose should be in decent working order shortly. Then I can do some reveiws!
  23. I have another tip for ya. IF your not going to use it in a pre blended perfume-you should Probably use something much heavier than white musk as a cover even after the drydown. A resin or incense based scent, or a heavier floral(like Rose), would do well. I love White Musk but it can be pretty light-go spicy, dark or deep to cover that baby. Just a few suggestions-Any Dark Seductions Variant Skelly Flambe Nosy's Apertif Liz's Patchouli and Rose Otto Slave to Sin or make your own Sugared Nag Champa,Amber, ect...
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