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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. Howdy. BI is all sex babe! Hence the leachery.. Cuddle Bunny contains a phero that women exude naturally when they are pregnant. So men read that signal and want to take care of you, do things for you and protect you. It's a goodie! Oh and you already knew that it has sexual pheros too, but they are a tad lighter. So thats where the Cuddles and lovin's come in. But the chivalry is all thanks to Estratetraenol-the "pregnacy" phero
  2. Hi Mara!!! I'm sorry! I bet I DID say that because I wanted to save you shipping fees---but I didn't realize at the time I guess that the customs would have so many wacky ingredients in em! IF its cool with you, yes, please send out the other goodies-I'll just get the customs whenever! Thanks and LOVE!!!!!!!! Lori
  3. I have this a comin to me! Yay! I didn't know Ail helped make it though... What up with Salem Liz? Why would I dig it so much?
  4. I'm SUPER geeked for the reveiws!!! I keep checking like a slobbering like hyper child for them ---or--something! Haha! BRING IT ONNNNN!!!!!
  5. Well. I say (I really wish I could capitalize the letter 'I' more so it looks like I'm shouting)-haha- AHEM, I SAY, If you ladies like something, and its making you happy, the pheros are kickin and doing they're job on those other 9 people... Well. Then. That 10th person will just have to go on living. They can walk away, or they can deal with it. You shouldn't alter your enjoyment for fear of what someone else thinks (especially random strangers, right?). The other 9 out of 10 find you an exceptional shining star, and the pheros help with that! Soooooo, that 10th fuddy duddy can blow it out they're you know what. Xev-your beautiful-don't stress. Geena-I'd send you a sugared Twilight but my Mom wants it and who am I to deny MOM!?(plus she's a huge Twilight fan, it's my doing,she's read all the books and now demands I come up north to visit on the opening night of the next movie New Moon. Teehee she's 55 and loooovvvves it, makes me happy!)- However, I'm in the process of doing a big cleaning of my house and reorganizing a bunch of stuff. I MUST at least have a sniffie of of that lying around here someplace, as well as sniffies of other things I think you might like. So, give me a little time, but I'm gonna throw somethin together for ya. I know you like florals and aquatics-no civit-haha..I'll see what I've got! Lotsa Love you two-Lori
  6. Thanks Fawn.....and PERFECT! I think I placed like 3 seperate small orders after that one with the customs. THEN the Halloween stuff...my I shall be waitin awhile.
  7. I'm just tryin to understand how ya GOT em already! I put an order in before that one 4 weeks ago and dont have THAT yet...granted that one had customs---5 actually, with weird notes--but...you'd think it could just be skipped till its done to the next order.... ....... so I can have my Halloweens.... (Cries self to sleep....) Goodnight all,,,kidding Its not all THAT bad, but is their a SECRET to the fast order getting? Tellllls Me? Please?
  8. It IS light..I find I have to reapply a few times a day-but so pretty! And the first JALN is like that too. Try to find a Sugared Twilight on the Post-it smells ALOT alike with stronger throw and staying power! And I think your friend just has a hyper nose-or just is one of those anti-phero types. My boy loves this, and I'm like you, after drydown-I dont smell em at all!
  9. I gotcha- well, thanks for the response! I might take a chance-I might wait. We'll see how much these sprays cost- and now you have me wanting doggone pajamas for winter. I keep wearing those lil shorts-I'm cold! I shouldn't have to use my heat yet.. Thanks again for answering my friend!
  10. Oooh! I loves this- The 3rd installment of JALN, The first being a Jasmine base which I own and love, The 2nd, I BELIVE is tropical flowers(Gardenia and Tiare flower based)-don't have it and havent heard anything about it, oddly, though theres a HUGE reveiw section for the first one(K, someone tell me how to spell 'reveiw' already--spellwizardspellwizardspellwizard). Annnnyway today I tell you about the 3rd rendition, my fave of the two, Romance in Bloom. The notes are; Purple, pink and white lilacs,white Amber and White Musk--and call me crazy, but I'd bet my bottom dollar this is SUGARED-white sugar. And of course its boosted with Sexology(works-heh ). If you liked my old long gone PE Sugared Twilight(lilac, honey, white musk and 'sun-'ie;sugar cane, with luminescent sugars), you will like this too, they are very similar to me. Its gooood I tell ya. You can smell that phero at first as the scent itself is very soft and close, but not after 5-10 minuites. Just pretty, sweet lilac heaven. Another loved one for the Lilac Whore. I belive I'll pick up the 2nd JALN now too....I so enjoy the other two...report to come! Smoochies, Lori
  11. Please look down one thread and answer it---pretty please. I don't mean to sound douchey, but I have the hell pms and I'm trying to place an order. Info por favor! Wheres my Luna? honestly-sorry so cranky-these cramps HURT. I just woke from a nap and took my scrip for them, but it hasn't kicked in. OW!
  12. Always on the ball-one of the many reasons I love you. K, I'll give it a go. What 'circumstances are those though, pray tell...
  13. Perhaps I should be putting this in the straight phero forum, but since this forum is so active, and I'm considering it as a spray, I want to ask you gals a little about Cougar in general. Ok I see its VERY popular, and I get that if your a tad older goin for younger fellas-but CC loves it and shes in her 20's and I saw in some thread she tends to go for older guys...I'm 30 and my man is too. What is it about Cougar that has y'all so bonkers? Does it just work like, amazingly well? If so, I want some in a spray fo' sho! I dont have it yet. Talk to me ladies!! Love and Thanks-Lori :onigiri_fruit:
  14. I can't either---now with the sprays??!! ACK! Ps-Mercury Retro is driving me bannanas!!!! END already!! I thought it was over, then John John said the 10th(after my phone cut us off in mid sentence and my computer went insane)....I'll be very happy to have THAT potion! I'm lightly annointing my electronics with it..
  15. I would like to know more about the sizes, effectiveness, and packageing of the B&B line--like aren't the creams 4oz? That seems tiny? How long are they lasting you guys? Are the lotions better at spreading and lasting longer? Tell me more abot this stuff, if you'd be so kind. I'm tempted to get a set, and I love all things LP(bout to kill myself on the sprays, you know this-but the B&B line just seems, well-small, as do the candles for 25 bucks.... Who has candles? Do they really kick out the jams scentwise? What about burn time? (I burn my candles every single night usually for at least 4 hours. How many days would one last me? Someone gimmie a line on these treats pretty please! I know theres a bit of info in the scent reviews, but I wanna know more! Greedy like that! Thanks Lotsa LOVE-Lori
  16. Yeah, me too! I'm so glad I let it mellow! And I agree-perfect for the colder seasons with that yummy spice(once the spice calms its ass down of course )! By the way To our Forum, SPIDERMALT!!!!!!!!! :spambanana:
  17. I'm rather smitten with Robert myself, Miss Mara!
  18. Its sad for those of you whose skin ate this! It lasted all day on me. At first, Sweet honey, but definetly not that typical 'in your face" sex honey- more of a light one -what the ladies must be speaking of when they say 'light spring honey' and mingled with one of my fave florals, Orange Blossom, I enjoy it alot! That aroma lasted a long time on me-hours, even- I suppose the neroli was there as well, making it deeper and spicier. Later comes amber and sandlewood, just making the orange honey richer, spicier and deeper. Dolly's right, this is a skinscent, but it has great staying power and I adore the overall scent! High marks, once again! Thanks gals!
  19. Off topic, but Mara, you seem to keep checking this forum-- No Danna hasn't answered them Heres whats happening- I email you gals-and I get a response-but the response is the email I sent you, not a reply from you. Its Dang strange!! I dont think its from my end because I've been getting replies from Fawn and others just fine... I will just give you a call this afternoon-make it easy! PS- your sprays will be the death of me....Love you!!!
  20. Haha-yes! I folded this month-everything looked so dang good, I just went ahead and got the whole months worth pack(hey, maybe I'll FINALLY start a trade post if somethin doesn't work), odds are though, I'll gift a friend thats more into certain notes.....(again I am a nutty collector-especially around the time of year when things go bump in the night)... . Starlight, Thanks for the info! I saw the post and I'm all over it now....sigh...I wish I could build a house of perfume! (landlord is selling our duplex...I don't mind, I just hope the buyers let us remain tenants-blah-I've been lookin into buying a house anyhow, but I need a job too....ugh sorry-going off on a tangent)..It'll probably be ages till he sells the place anyway, I even considered buying-but its way overpriced. Meanwhile-I'll find a great job, keep my other irons in the Fire and smell faboulous(triple strength Swimming With Sharks perhaps!?)... Anyhow thanks again for the heads up!!! Much obliged!! Love Lori! :angelstar-kaos058:
  21. Oh dear--this IS going to be fun!!! I'm gonna do a 60/40 silky oil spay of BI (Can we pick ANY perfume oil we want to lightly Scent it with????)-I just want to be clear on that that.... A Triple Strength OCCO Green(dont own it-am dyin for it-and for 3 times the cops, that seems like a reasonable price--also probably a regular strength OCCO gold-don't own it and I hear great things. A double dose of LAM in Brown Sugar(don't own that scent yet either, but the original turns Dave into a Madman.. Either a single or Double dose Bam-Really up in the air on Orchid Rose(which I have in a roll on and would turn into an Occo if possible-might do a PE based on Orchid Rose-OR-Sandlewood Resin because I DONT have it yet....descions.... As for Perfumes? My Rose whorein' self doesnt own Sugared Roses--may try it this way. I dont own Lp Black either.... my only conundrum is --I GET IT with the Pheros-the difussion, cloud mist, ect....but would the staying power with an alchohol base be as good as an oil for the regular scents? Maybe My 60/40 BI will be scented with sugared Roses.... Can the 60/40 mix be done on ANY spray? Or just the base Pheros? Let me know ladies, please--This is like Christmas! I'm all excited!!! Theres MANY pheros I wanna play with in that 60/40 base....but I'll be good-for now! Haha--Ok, I'm not gonna be THAT good!-just saw the add in phero option for perfume sprays on the Beta Test. Hi there, Santa Carla---Hello next months Pe's that I made! Heehee!
  22. Like The Countess--my 'Money Fairy'comes tommorow-----I sure hope somethin is left by then...by the way, Mara-did you get my email about how your email replies to me arent Working?! Its driving me insane.... Yeah, a little off topic, but I'm getting replies from ya, and all they are is copies of the emails I sent you....Grrrrrrrrrrr......What the......
  23. WELCOME KIMAAA3!!! We Have barrels of fun here! never hesitate to ask a question! Everyone is really Cool, nice Polite, and generally has a good sense of humor! Good to See You on our boards! I'd say more-but I'm beat!!!! Lookin forward to yappin at ya in the future! Much Love-Lori
  24. I tested Occo PINK today! Its Verrry nice, reminds me of LP pink 2009 almost to a "T". Unforunately, I dont catch any whisps of lemon(I was sorta hopin for a pink lemonade scent here), but- I'm not dissapointed! I LOVE LP PINK! ALOT! Vanilla, pink sugar cotton candy-and not even a whiff of cops! Crazy!!! I adore it, just like most of the OCCO's I've tried so far. I NEED GREEN --if anyone doesnt like it, I dont have a trade post but my email is in my profile--I'm tryin to get it a few bucks off before I buy it full price. Same goes for GOLD--I own the rest...except blue, which I hear is a near dupe of Cuddle Bunny. Let Me know-I'll pay ya! As for Pink-I'm lovin it!-For a pink Lemonade? I'll try Ann's-or make make my own. Occo Pink is sweet candy, cakey, and perfect--verrrry sexy!
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