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Everything posted by cheeseburger79

  1. Yeah I'm busy as all get out today (Dave and I went to see Mummies!! An exhibit at the Detroit Science Center)--but I keep poppin in and checkin in on the PE's too...hehee..I has my reasons....
  2. cheeseburger79

    Honey Ho

    Ok heres another potion that I totally love, but ya know what? Maybe us Michiganders have some twisted skin thing. Unlike my friend Shelly B, I dont get tea, but I also get no dark nothins. Its Honey and Pear,for sure. But a very light and fresh version on my skin. Nothing like Pherogirl, or any other honey scent I've tried. The honey is light and springy on me-akin to the type in Aphrodesia Erotica, and the pear is juicy and lovely. I adore this perfume. It's sweet, sexy and youthful...but dark and dirty? Nope. Not on the Cheesy one-which is totally cool with me. I've got Shelly's wave's of Lust and jouir de....I'm pretty dirty for a lil bit. This is honey. Sweet, fruity, juicy and refreshing. If theres musk, its white or skin musk on me. Great for Spring or summer! I likes! Very different take on the honey scents, which I actually find cool. You dont want TOO many to be all dark and musky-it can become mundane. This was a pleasent suprise indeed. Love!
  3. God you gals are brave to be dating all these Scorpios. I love you Danna, and I find they make great friends(except the one that slept with my ex and broke into my house), but dating one is hard-Gemini's too-my ex fiance was a gemini, he was like a multiple personality. BUT-I'm sure the substance abuse had some great deal to do with THAT. I'm a Virgo-bigtime and my boy is an Aries-totally, really we shouldn't work so well, but I ground him, and he makes me less serious so, so far so good! Now Eternal chain-I can update the effects later-I'm dressed a bit like a sexy sailor girl(haha really-navy blue chemise, more like a dress though, with white and navy striped trim, a red bra, undies and my red crystal heart necklace D got me, and I have little sailor shoes! Blue and white heels with little red anchors-the boy eats this stuff up)-he will be here soon. I'm Slathered in this goodness. Verrrry Sugary Fruity when wet. In fact for the first ten minuites, all I really get on my skin is papya and sugar. Then the magic happens!! The sweet fruit remains, but moves way back and in comes the vanilla and rose(if you didn't know, those are two of my fave notes.) This scent becomes very soft on me, very quiet. I can smell the rose and adore it, and I can pick out the verbena and the creamy vanilla that other reviewrs have mentioned. Ok, now a hint of amber...my nose isn't trained in the realm of lotus(though there is a scent called Flower of Isis I'm considering picking up as its supposed to be almost pure lotus and I've heard great reveiws on it), or pansy unfortunately, so it's hard for me to say if I'm getting those notes or not..just a lovely warm, fruity floral bouquet-headed by rose, vanilla and the lingering fruitiness of papya..I don't detect water lily here. Its a gorgeous scent with a very soft throw-I had to reaplly a few times throughout the night-its pretty much a skinscent on me. Now its been awhile and my "Capitol D" is here-He's been very sweet, chatty, and holding me and smooching me alot. He worked a 16 hour day and is now in the shower singing Irish songs. He was incerdible though about bonding before he went in-telling me about his day, and how all the songs he's written seemed to make me 'manifest' to him..its been a lovely night...he wanted me to do dirty things too (blame the outfit), but I just said, "Go clean up first you dirty boy, your stubble is gonna hurt my um..(insert imagination here)" So. My take? A wonder of a potion. The EST is great, the scent is lovely. I DO wish my skin didn't eat it up so bad, but like Djac, maybe I should just do a B&B set and a spray? Layering helps a scent last!! And this is a dreamy one. I'm looking forward to a roadtest on 7 mins after Midnight now too... But awesome job, TG, M&D and everyone else who put this into creation-its a LOVE POTION-indeed. In the truest sense of the words!! Bravo! update: warning-vaugely explicit--Ok, Lovins- I get lotsa lovin from my honey, and I would with or without pheros, I'm sure, BUT pheros definetly define the TYPE-ie; ravagement in my kitchen, risky things in public, ect....This here, gives ya the slow deep meaningful sex. He really took his time, paying attention to all my needs and was very gentle at first, building up to a creshendo..nothing like any of the straight up cops(ravagement-which I love too)-but this was the slow deep mushy stuff-vurrrry niceeee-just thought that was worth a shout out.
  4. Oooooeeeeooooooo---Halloween tricks! Well then my nose is wrong!! I did say when I was describing Sugars to TOJ that Brown sugar can be glittery too. So I guess maybe its a light brown, no clue-all I know is that I love the stuff! edit-totally off topic, but my kitten, Cullen, loves to sit next to me and watch me type on the boards..as long as i pet him and give him kisses. He's growing into such a little man!! He has the "Golden Eyes" of the Cullens!!! Funny how that worked. Seriously-Golden..
  5. Yes Mara, thats exactly what it recalls as it is now-a fairy tale from Childhood-the colors, it isn't 'childish' but it brings to mind my old She-ra Castle, and Charmkins and the colors of the things I would play with when I could still imagine being a 'princess'--you put it in perspective perfectly!! Thanks!!
  6. And Cheezy has things for you! Cheezy loves you. Mmmkay-on my first cup of coffee here, so forgive my chatter, I'll give it my best shot! First of all, I love every scent to come out in the Baby Drac line, and no, the picture of baby drac doesn't hurt! But the scents inside TRULY ROCK. After the original Drac's Bakery, Skelly Head Flambe is my FAVE!! What perfect, spicy fall scents (both) of them are!! Skelly opens up on me with Sugar and Spice!!! NomNomNOM!!!!!(Sorry Luna, your a catchy gal), its a perfect balance of sweet and heat-haven't put it and D yet, but he likes it on me! I smell cloves, and I smell nutmeg(IS THERE NUTMEG? I dunno, but I smell it! and its NICE!)-oop yep, there is, just looked at the description. And of course the cinnamon. With Brown AND white sugar(yep I smell white in there, its glittery by god)---these are alllll topnotes that never go away!! Lucky lucky me as they are warm and delish and I loooooove them. I get no wood till like at least an hour in(this scent has amazinggggggg staying power as well, it lasted all night long and into the next day on me.)- The wood, I'd say is Mahogany, and though the sugars recede into the backdrop, the spices definetly stay, and the sugars still hang out enough to sweeten things just enough, though they are far from being a main attraction anymore- So, Skelly Head Flambe IS Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice-I just adore it!! This and Santa Carla are my two faves of the October Releases(though I've been so obsessed with them, I haven't quite delved in too deep to the others yet-today will be a test day. Yes I love and reccomend this and anyone who doesnt want it drop me an email. I'll be happy to Hoard it. Sidenote-As a layering idea-I got The 2x spray of LAM spicy brown sugar(which I don't own and hope really compliments this), to put on over my new beloved Skelly Head. Sound like a good idea? Comments are welcome!!
  7. Hell yes she has great taste! Now I feel all bad over sayin anything hippie. I just mean this layout is kinda like, 70's or something-I dunno what I'm sayin. Dont mind me!!! But YES a new look will still be exciting to all of us! I do like this one we have now-its pretty-it reminds me of my little pony colors and fairys and such. I like! Heck-left to me and SG the site would probably be covered in little vampires and skellies and things. So don't listen to me. I Overslept(its POURING RAIN here), and I have the guilty funny brain..you know the one-Onward Ho, caffine!!!
  8. Noooo, but why donycha just call Mara again and see if she'll hook you up with some? OR Go with a dab of Me Jane or Neanderliclious in your mix....Me Jane would work nice with all that honey. Honey.
  9. Cool Mara-I'm interested to see the new digs! I like the site as it is, but it mayyyyyyy be a tad um, hippie...(sorry to the hippies). I mean I love it, its home, but I'm veddy veddy curious to see what Scourger and her fella has been up to-so-Scourger get on here and show us a preview,eh?
  10. Luna, your somethin else-a true original! Hey Mara, or Starlite, or Someone who knows-tell me about this "whole new site design"----or maybe I'll also stick this under questions for M&D.......
  11. I'm excited too!!!!! I have 3 costumes but 2 are more ahhh...for home use..haha..but they could still be pulled off in public! I have a cop-Toatally able to wear in public-its a sexy cop, but still, it works-and a Nurse(dirrrrty Nurse-a short little petticoat dress with all the fixins), and whats supposed to be a "Beer Babe" but I got it cause it looks like a sexy Finnish girl outfit(blue petticoat dress again, white knee hi's with lil blue ribbons, blue bow for my blue hair-Dave has this thing about how he's dating a scandanavian chick and has been begging me to dress like a dirty version of one-heh, whatever floats his boat.) Were going to Theatre Bizzare, a big cirus/burlesque show/haunted house extravaganza on the State fair grounds with live music, ect...YAY! Can't wait-provided he doesn't piss me off again between now and then...(see journal later). As for scents-yes its daring, but I lovvve perfume, especially LP's. There are VERY few notes that dont agree with me, so I'm usually good. And someday, when i'm not-The elusive trade thread will go up! EDIT-Dave has no costume yet-I did order him a tuxedo T-shirt with bloodspray on it though and a corsage-Hot Topic named it a 'ZOMBIE TUXEDO T-SHIRT' Sooooo, if worse comes to worse. I'll just make him up like a Zombie. And I also have Prosthetic fangs-whichever costume I wear, I'll probly throw those in too....
  12. Pheros with EST tend to make my man VERY protective(sometimes overly so, and after I call his jealous ass I will journal about it)--but they make him Chivalrous too...they make him DEFINETLY wanna do things for me. I'm not sure WTF TAH does exactly except bring out the wild sex beast in a man-Works well in me Jane and Tantric Butterfly(goes to make sure its IN TB so Cheesy doesn't sound like a ninny...nope I'm a ninny-that's TAF-christ on a rubber crutch, so many, so confusing-either way, both get me some.) But Me Jane and Neanderlicious get me ravaged like an animal, BI does too, Cuddle Bunny, Heart and Soul and those EST blends added to that might rock for you-its the pregnancy phero, yo. Makes a man all protective and think-"mine! Shes Mine!"-soooo in combo with a sex phero, that could be right what your after. I'm alot like you-A very dominant natured woman that likes to be dominated-so I get ya. As for this boardroom biz- The only experience I really have so far is with the DOM. i use it to get my way at the Doctors when I think they are going to try to lower the doses on my prescriptions. I use it in other situations too...works like a charm-but if ya dont need it, dont use it. I JUST got Swimming with Sharks, havent done a ground test on that, but I will for you.(Whass in there anyway??). Also-The OCCO's, and LAMS and BAMS all work great too-and yet--to bring a man TO HIS KNEES- I still reiterate BI. I's the most potent sex phero I've found yet (Cougar comes in the mail soon and aren't you proud?). Forgive this post for being all over the damn place=I just woke up and I'm havin my coffee. But I was on the phone with Danna yesterday for awhile and I asked "Whats a good Phero to add to Santa Carla in a Spray?" (I mention this cause as a 'vamp' scent, it needs to be comforting, sexual and beautifying-like a vampire)--SHE said SEXOLOGY, which I see others have reccomended as well..... More to come when I'm more awake-again, these are obviously just my humble opionions--but I owe you and wanna help(I OWE you for making Jouir de and Waves of Lust ya dirty rascal..heh). So I'll do my best to keep up!! Love ya girl! Cheesy B :pumpkin:
  13. duuuudessssss....I wannna order stuff!!!!! But lest we forget-Mara says theres MORE coming! GAH!!! :pumpkin: And for some reason I've never been much on sample packs-dunno why...I just wait for the descriptions and go full throttle on what sounds up my alley--and ya know what? I haven't been let down yet!
  14. I think I want a bath set that smells like this-and massage oil-with Splenda......
  15. BI!!!! If I could make that look bigger I would! Since I've gotten that stuff---I've not gone a night unravaged. It's MAGICAL!
  16. OH MAN!!!!! Madness! That Stuffed Bussiness though-I dunno..... Use it in an oil burner and get takeout-someone will think you slaved all day!! I want Domino, Buns of Cin, Tabby, The Tabacco One The Lavender Dark Seductions....Sigh............
  17. AWww Hells Yeah, Isa! Lookin forward to this goodie! Soooooo Novembers released in a few days then, eh?! Good to know(will hold up on my spray and B&B order make it go all together). I just called my bank-PAYPAL LINKED! So, Paypals are going tonight to those of you I owe em to... Been an off few days-My two good friends are getting divorced-my ex-lived there, so he's suddenly displaced-my boyfriend sorta is too-journal time-- Annnywho---Cinnamon treats--NOM! I hope theres icing.......
  18. MMmmkay-I got what I'm now calling the "cult classic" Joiur de today in my gigantor order. I played and played with potions all day, but this one has had me soooo curious that I had to work it on its own. (I Wore BI with Santa Carla all day, then took a bubble bath --begin slather in Jouir de story here;)--- Some of you get feces(really?) Honey glazed cat's ass(huh?) and some of you get skewed(I got "skewered" haha ). Seriously, Dave is here and I'm cookin, its sweetest day and he brought over a bottle of congac, And after I pop the garlic bread in I come sit by him on the couch, all freshly slathered in Shelly B's sex juice. There was no banter, no chatter-I swear(I mean a bit when he came in but but then I got close to him), I am immediatly attacked by the wild wolfman that dwells inside my boy. He's all OVER me. All our clothes were off before we even made it to my room for some of the most primal, hard and frenzied sex ever(I like the slow kind that builds up too, but that desperste-"I NEED YOU NOW" kind is awesome sometimes.) Thats what this stuff does! At least to Dave. I um, totally burned my garlic bread-had to make more. To me this is an even sluttier version of Phero Girl. Honey, Musk and 'I skipped a day showering" female sex smell. I get zero florals at all. What I do get-is gooood lovin. And I'll take that any day. I'm with Luna and Mystree on this one-I personally like the smell, and the effects are just as they should be! Bravo to Shelly B and the gals!
  19. D'oh! I just realized something-I've for some reason been thinking this had Soulmate in it the whole time! Not Heart and Soul! Well that changes things! My goods should be here tommorow--I am Verrrry excited! by the way- off topic but two questions 1. Soulmate has flown the coop huh? Its all gone? 2. Are there pretty labels that match the perfumes on the B&B goods??! I'm all revved up for some B&B since Lor sent me a sample of the shea cream....
  20. Djac-what's Cheesy's PE? Did one of mine go up?! (Runs to check)..... Nope- I bet you thought that Spider web was the one I was talkin bout..your present I made. Well. I can't take credit for that one! And it wouldn't be a present if you were buyin it either....I'm Lori anyhow. I know most folks go by forum name only online but I don't care if ya call me Cheesy or Lori just don't call me late for dinner! So I got a few sprays before paypal MADE ME link my bank account. Turns out they DONT recycle your spending limit-FYI...and GRRRR....so now _ must wait 3-4 more days before I can use paypal again..annnnyways. Got Cougar lightly Scented with Orange Blossoms Sugared Roses with Tranquility Potion Occo Green Occo Gold (I think they are both just normal doses). All sprays. Thats My adventure into sprayland so far!
  21. I'm glad to hear the maple is dry-not all sugary or syrupy( I've said it before, I amp maple, I don't like smellin like pancakes..much like Xev and Patch!). So that makes me happy! I was worried about it a little. Anyone else have word on the maple factor?
  22. What an awesome review Luna-killer. I'm there when I read it...(I'm in the movie a little too, but perhaps walking alone)...God I cant wait to get my hands on this stuff.
  23. I love you both!! Thanks! Jo's gonna send me a wee sample too, so maybe I can find a teeny tiny pretty perfume bottle(like those mini Chevkoslovakian kind-I apologize in advance for butchering your countries title if your from there) and pretend I have my own lil bottle of it....
  24. These PG Dominance references are making me very happy! If you saw on the trade post, I was prepared to do illicit things for a bottle of that! Cant wait for this to arrive!
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