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Everything posted by july_girl

  1. Black & red cherries, white chocolate, butter rum, brown sugar, buttery cinnamon. I think we soo have the same taste in scents LOL.
  2. LOL! I love foody scents. I'm very happy with this one! Cherry and spice are two of my favorite mixes.
  3. When I first put this on...POW! Banana! But after about 20 minutes, it quieted down and blended well with the cherry and vanilla. Now it's been about an hour and a half or so, and I'm getting the tobacco and cherry mainly. Not bad, just masculine smelling. We'll see where it goes as the day progresses!
  4. I absolutely love coconut, and I keep forgetting about this one every time I order. I really want to try it, it sounds deliciously nommy.
  5. Yay, got my notice my Jan/Feb order is on its way!!
  6. Ugh, I'm dying for my order to arrive so I can try this!! It sounds so yummy!
  7. I've tried TH a couple of times, and still don't seem to get that same effect, although it is good. Soulmate makes him really cuddly, in a good mood even when we are discussing "serious" things (he doesn't get as irritated with me LOL), he listens better, and he's attentive. TH seems more like he gets talkative, still in a good mood most of the time, but not as attentive to me.
  8. This sounds soooo good, I wish I hadn't missed out on it!
  9. I was curious if there is anything different than PM or H&S that would have the same effects (or close to) as Soulmate? I have about 1/4 bottle of UNSoulmate left (I've been hoarding it) and it works excellently with hubby when we need to have some serious "bonding" time. I've tried the other two and they just don't seem to have the same serious vibe. I don't care for The Promise, so I traded away my bottle of it w/Soulmate long ago. Any suggestions?
  10. Now I'm wishing I'd gotten a full bottle...darn it. I was worried about the bananas so I went the sample route!
  11. OK, as soon as I make up my mind, I'll let you know!! I hate parting with anything this good, but I know I can't keep hoarding either LOL.
  12. Since I was lucky enough to get the bottle of this in the auction, and I ordered a bottle when it first was released; as much as I love it, I know I have so many scents that I'll probably never use it all up...probably. I'm debating putting up half a bottle decanted on my trade post, but I'm thinking hard about it because I do really really like it a lot! I love citrus scents and sweet scents so its perfect for me
  13. I did a sample too, not sure about the banana, but the rest sounds yummy.
  14. I was already seriously dying for this one, now I just want it MORE!!!
  15. This sounds really good, and something that I would like a lot. I think I'll add it to my wanted list and hope it doesn't disappear before I have a chance to try it!
  16. Can I find out when I last redeemed mine? I totally forgot about posting credits lol...I'm losing my mind, I swear!
  17. I got a bottle of Spun Sugar for my daughter, Velvet Coffee Cream & Bourban Vanilla Maple for me and a sample of Lavender Marshmallow for my mom from the January releases. From February, I got a bottle of Titillating Temptress and samples of Unbridled and Cocked & Loaded. I put off some of the things I've had on my list for a while; I hope they hang around until I can get them!!
  18. I love coffee scents, I think this one will be my FB buy this time.
  19. Well, now I fee like a wondertard for keeping that sample separate thinking it was something special LOL. Yep, I'm S-M-R-T.
  20. HAhahaha! I remember singing this at karaoke the night before graduation from nursing school... & Like A Virgin, Viva Las Vegas, and I Will Survive! (why yes, I *was* a little drinky, why do you ask?) ETA: Alcoholic drinks! There's a yummy theme... White chocolate Russian, Mango Pina Colada, Spiced Butter Rum... maybe I need a night out...
  21. Oh, ack! I forgot this ended January 1st I hope there are some of the ones that I want left over. If there's any Tabby Tiger, I'd take it!
  22. What I want to get: Indecent Exposure, Candy Cane Cookies, Glitter Kissed, Get Happy, Flambe, Demimondaine, Plum Dandy, Kitten Heels, Heart Strings, A Lick of Cream, Frosted,Teddy Potion BB, Super for Men, Empathy Potion, and wax melts. And of course there's always NR'S. What I'll actually get... Depends on my money fairy
  23. Well, I've asked a few people and not one of them gets the weed smell...I barely noticed it, for a few minutes at the most. Mostly all I get is a super deep rich floral chocolate. I like it, but I'm not sure I love it. I'll have to try it a couple more times. Even hubby didn't get the weed scent, he was kind of disappointed LOL!
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