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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I second using the sprayer stick to dab with. You may be getting some cops on your clothing, unknowingly, otherwise. Also keep in mind that your children are more likely to be extra sensitive to scents like that on you. My 12 yr.old is, he finds the smell of cops on me repulsive (as well he should). Also LP Red is a smutty scent as it is, so smut + pure sex was probably very repulsive for her. If you covered it ith a more innocent scent like Spinnerret, LP Pink, etc. she probably would not have detected the BI.
  2. @Dolly thanks for the heads up. SO had given a neutral response to AHE, so I won't push it around him. Maybe Cougar doesn't have est. in it? I'm guessing a-nol, DHEA, & cops in Cougar. I know that wouldn't be the entire blend, just 3 components.
  3. I noticed I felt a warm, happy glow when I tested it in AHE. Looking forward to testing it un.
  4. Beccah


    Aw man! It's 11-11-11 tomorrow, I wish I had me some of this!
  5. I would say Perfect Match, Open Windows or Treasured Hearts. I'm not in favor of something like TMI right away, because if he's got trust issues & starts spilling his guts out too quickly it may spook him. Also, not in favor of Est. heavy blends right away either, because a few men don't react well to est. & again you're still in the trust building phase. If you get into with him, it will be harder to make way. A great blend paired with lots of hard work & understanding should get you headed in the right direction relationship wise.
  6. I love cedar. I can't wait to get this version to try. I know I'll love it & it's definitely on my full bottle list unsniffed. I just hope SO likes it as much as BB 2.
  7. I can say that it's really fun to wear PM with your other half. The blend seems most congruent for this type of wear in my experience.
  8. Y'all didn't try Allumette? I was surprised that my SO liked that one because it's sweeter, but he does.
  9. Yup, definitely an addict over here! I call my perfume cabinet my "happy place". My 4 yr.old has taken to calling his "collections" his happy place, & it's adorable! I've even converted SO into an LP addict. He's begging me to get him some Pashade All I know is that I'm going to burst if my sets don't get here soon
  10. I can't wait to test this out with SO. We like doing the matchy-matchy with scents
  11. Ooh Congratz to you!!! I iz willing my sample sets to fly through the mail @ warp speed, on the other hand my impatience is a great motivation for me to invent that teleport machine already, and the self folding laundry....
  12. I make a mean Spicy Surimi roll I'm actually going to experiment with the left over King crab from dinner & make a King crab California roll tomorrow methinks....
  13. Hmm, pump(k)in-cider, hard swallows, & sister wives. My inner 15 yr.old is going nuts right now!
  14. Yes well, any type of cider tends to have a laxative effect. I quit drinking, but always suggest sticking with beer if given the option.
  15. My excuse also I got SO the men's monthly & un-Lumina sample for myself. I considered his request for an un-Throb sample, but than decided that he better just try Pashade first. After all, I tried Lumina in sample form first & beggars can't be choosers. Sigh, our 6 month car policy is due. I really just can't wait to have everything in hand so I can decide what works to stock up on
  16. Good luck! I suggest you place a phone call to team LP before you hit the trigger, that way PM or Le Wiz can help you to get the most optimal ordering experience: 818-508-6525
  17. Why don't you go for both the men's samplers? Mara let's the guys pick their 10 samples in the regular men's sample set & the pheromone sampler will only be available this month. This way if Voracious doesn't work for you, you've got 19 other samples to try
  18. Hahahaha! You have to share the deets with us! I shall live vicariously through you
  19. Hmm, this was years ago...but I did get groped by a gay guy in a unisex bathroom before. It was the most non-sexual grope, I swear! It was spring break in South Beach, I was wearing a see thru shirt & this gentleman wearing makeup comes up to me, lifts on of my breasts in his hand, stating: "Your breasts. are. beautiful."
  20. Looks like you'll be getting a hefty dose of raunch now, we're worse than construction workers
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