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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. That was the best advice that my grandma ever gave me about men TG-Target guy/girl Too bad you couldn't talk wifey into putting on some cops for you before you get ready to go to gym, lol. On Throb; I think it's a fun one for long term couples to us. It's like the old game of "pretending you don't know each other & meeting up in a bar", I guess. I like it on my SO.
  2. Welcome to LP Jones Yup, I think you're on to something. I would think men would be interested in blends for new TGs that won't risk aggravating her during the wrong time of her cycle, but it does seem like a lot retailers pushing the 'none heavy blends aren't interested in factoring th ewhole picture into their products' usage, imo. Sorry, I hope that my commentary wasn't completely off-topic.
  3. K, so if it disappears before I has monies to get some, I'm knocking on your trade post door lady
  4. I would suggest Heart & Soul, in my experience it is a great bonding & communication phero. Especially if you're SO responds well to est.
  5. I don't suffer from this, but you've presented the topic in relation to pheromones in a very interesting manner. I've kind of skimmed the last part due to my eyes still being a wee bit sore from the hours I spent setting up my online class stuff Tuesday, so forgive if someone else already suggested this. I think the OCCOs, or any of the ultra-fem blends, in a spray may be perfect for you, you can get them up to 3X strength & sprays tend to diffuse more strongly in general. I am extremely curious to see if a 2X or 3X strength OCCO spray would be effective for you.
  6. Hahaha! Man, it is *impossible* for me to pick out a favorite this month!!!!! Much like the spell collection, I will eventually own every bottle in the Treasure collection. I love the combination of sweet & floral notes. I'm a honeysuckle fan & the notes in this play a sweet background to it. I can't say it enough, but I also love that I can smell the mica in these. It makes me feel like I'm literally wearing the distilled essence of gold, etc..
  7. Bwahaha! Bacon, hmm? I detect an ingenious new scent to attract men! Goodness knows they will eat anything if you put bacon on it
  8. I would definitely third Xev. To my nose Cops don't really smell unpleasant, they just smell vinegar-y. To my 13 yr.old they smell like foul, rotten cheese & he can smell them if I put them on in the next room. He's actually my dry down indicator, if he can't smell them in my perfume, I know I'm good to go. I like the smell of straight est. or est heavy blends, but to some people est smells like pee. To me 'none smells very sharp & unpleasant, almost like rubber in a way. The only time it doesn't bother me, is during ovulation. I would suggest staring with Open Windows, Heart & Soul, est., or a-nol to try uncovered 1st as they are the mildest smelling blends to my nose.
  9. It reminds me of Silver also, I even get a minty note on my skin, but there's no mint. Maybe the mica...?
  10. K, so..I love this one! It is aquatic AND tangy! Until the perfume part kicks in, it actually smells like something I could eat (the tanginess).
  11. Oh, I can't wait to try this one! I imagine it would be gorgeous as a spray, huh?
  12. The goodies are on their way, oh yay! M & the crew are the ultra awesome benefactors to my happy place Eta cuz, what the what?! My goodies have already processed through the KC sort facility n I just got notice 2 days ago??? Amazing!
  13. Hmm, I think that Cougar is a good blend if you want men to approach you. I've tested Cougar in completely innocent situations (like school) & usually find myself in a circle of men paying rapt attention to my every word, a little disconcerting, lol. I think there is a smidge of cops in that blend. I'm married so I just try these out for fun in social sitch's, & I am used to men approaching me because of my beautiful eyes (big boobs, haha). The right pheromone blend just kicks up the fun factor. BTW welcome to the forum! @Rosebud, bwahahaha!
  14. Everything is so pretty. Halo texted me to let me know the smellies were out, hehe. Happy New Year's to everyone plus the elves
  15. Welcome, I can't really advise anything better than anybody else already has, but I will third Pashade & throw in Super for men. I find it to be nose crack
  16. From personal experience, H&S is more suited toward romantic endeavors. LP Red if you want him unable to focus on ANYTHING else but you, LP SS:09 if you want it to be warm/fuzzy minus the intensity, lol.
  17. Heart & Soul is great for what you want to use it for. The oil diffusion shouldn't be a problem as you will most likely be with 1-2 feet of each other, no? Just cover with a fragrance that he will want to get closer to you to smell
  18. Go for it This is like LP Silver's mischievous little sister to me. Still classy, maybe not quite so elegant. Flirtier, more innocent (no patch). This is great for everyday. I also find that I like the minty scents in the 100 degree summers here in MO.
  19. Beccah


    Tried it out today. So this is another one that I would swear had pheromones in it! I do like the spicy vanilla of this one & my 5 yr.old was extra lovey dovey with me. So this one is on my never ending full bottle list
  20. Beccah

    Lala Gulaba

    K, it's official; this IS happiness in bottle. No pheromones necessary! The scent is growing on me, it's still not my fave but the aromatherapeutic benefits alone make it full bottle worthy.
  21. How adorable! My (soon to be) 5 yr.old LOVES my perfume cabinet. He always wants to carry around the LP rollers, unscrew them himself & apply them himself. He looks cute when he holds the roller extra carefully up to his nose to sniff. He doesn't discriminate between male & female scents yet, if it smells good he wants it. I have to swipe some Ghosts of Christmas Past on SO today. I handed him the vial a week prior, but getting him to apply oils on his own is like asking a cat to put it's own sweater on....
  22. Beccah

    Lala Gulaba

    This is so weird. For some reason I don't really like this. I don't hate it, but I'm not fond of the rose in it, it's just too intense for me. The thing is that it acts like a pheromone! Seriously. I'll have to test for this effect again, but damn! Had an unexpected pop in from the MIL when I was wearing it & the entire visit was nice. My first recommendation would be to wear this unphero'd, but if you had to boost it I would suggest Open Windows
  23. Beccah

    Blushing Embers

    Ooh, I know the strawberry ones with the liquid center? Yes! Totally smells like strawberry incense on me. Saw my cousin at his work & he was like "where are you working now? You smell like incense." I was all like "nope it's just my perfume." He said "Well it smells like incense & I like it."
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