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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah

    Phantom's Breath

    I want to test this today..do you think it will take the dose of cops I'm letting dry-down currently?
  2. Beccah

    Phantom's Breath

    bwahahaha! Now I have this image of a small hispanic grandmother searching her house desperately for the source of the smoke, while you chuckle fiendishly....zomg...seriously...can't...breathe *bolded words in Shatner voice
  3. That's funny! I know, I'm completely spoiled by the TAT here...& the excellent customer service.....& the delicious scents...
  4. Yes, yes I can & it's awesome :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  5. Hmm, maybe a tower isn't very exciting? Must think....
  6. Hey that doesn't mean anything, I used to watch Bewitched on Nick at Night when I was little...
  7. Y'all are hilarious. I have nothing to contribute to the convo, but I hope the Pheromas NR's are sold the way they were last year. The men's & women's sets were cool.
  8. I wore it class without issue, so just stay away from the & you'll be fine. I wouldn't advise sipping wine with ANY pheromones though (most are inhibition lowering as it is).
  9. Beccah


    Started off testing this today & it's my second favorite of teh month after All Hallow's eve. It reminds me of Musk In The Pixie dust, but in the fall.
  10. Full bottle list fo'sho'! Tried it today during my most despised class. Glad I did, I really like every aspect of this scent; spiced apple custard combo, genius! I did feel like I smelled like a candle a bit, but yum! So who cares?
  11. Lmao! In my personal experience B2 has been the most effective blend when dealing with difficult women. I'm assuming it's because most difficult women just have a subconscious preference for male company. I think this will put the youngling in her place at least, if it's a Dominance issue than I'd hit them with Leather. I would suggest being careful of the dominant blends around menstruation time. Other than that, I don't think Leather will off-put your clients if you soften it with something like LP O
  12. Beccah


    This is yum! Dark chocolate perfection with a hint of coconut. There's an aura of power to this one as well.
  13. Beccah

    Cat's Eye

    It does smell like a luxe classic in the vial. Slowly working up courage to test it.
  14. I got mine today & it's a lot spicier than I thought it would be. The spices are strongest on me.
  15. Major late reply, but... Its a powerful blend for me. Men seem to react very strongly to this on me (except for SO), & combined with alcohol, it seemed to make them really aggressive, in a "white knight' fashion. Idk, I might try it again if we go to the Halloween party we were invited to.
  16. @Tyvey I think anything that directly interacts with your neurotransmitters, well in the way pheromones do at least, should not be combined with excessive amounts of inhibition lowering chemicals. Also, if nothing else, drinking may cause the dreaded neurotransmitter burn-out to occur more rapidly. Which in effect may hasten a tolerance to one's favorite blend. I haven't experienced this personally, so this is purely conjecture on my part. I have experienced the major decrease in tolerance, with Heart & Soul having the most pronounced inhibition lowering results.
  17. Maybe you should try each one separately first. He was probably staring because of the high amount of sexual signals you were wearing (cops). He probably couldn't think straight, lol. ETA: Welcome to the forum
  18. That is a difficult one. I'd probably suggest starting with a social like Open Windows if he is awkward.
  19. I stole Pheromas for my sale announcement @ PTruth, I hope you don't mind : http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Pheromas-returns @Mara, I can't wait to try all NRs! So is Spinerett an Autumn friendly candy scent then?
  20. Cat's was making my collector senses all tingly, but not sure about the civit.... I think I'll go monthly sampler & pray there's some left if it works for me.
  21. You had me @ LP AE:2011... LP's doing an all phero month again, where has my year gone????
  22. Woo-hoo, a new Love Potion variant! I spy a Flying Potion rebrew.....? Also, a new pheromone blend release?
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