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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Anybody have a review for me yet? I iz (not so) patiently waiting...
  2. Beccah

    Rapturous Reverie

    What fantastic reviews! I'm looking forward to trying this one out, I love music & perfume that evoke "ancient".
  3. I think I OD'd myself @the 2x strength, & that's what brought me to the trippy effect, lol. Normally I say less is more, but if you want to feel like you're living in a Salvador Dali painting, I say spray as much as you can on...
  4. Wait how did he do with these? I'm so curious to know, or is the fact you waited until he's gone to burn it answer enough
  5. Was it your 2x trial? I like mine, but I find it addictive & TT maybe gets too comfortable & open when I'm wearing it...
  6. There are three new releases that I am current;y looking forward to: New Rainbow Falls Gallimaufry Thanks for the review LadyV. Hmm, I wonder if I slather this on with it, if TT will get the right reaction to Est. for once?
  7. We did a blind testing trial on it: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...=5645&st=80
  8. Favorite scents: Rose Cookies & Love Potion Original
  9. Well I know the Love Potion Original w/ Open Windows has been a hit @ my house parties & B2 is the equivalent of diffusing Valium throughout the air (my MIL definitely needs this in her life). ETA: Now I don't have to hoard mine anymore
  10. Right! Got my ship notice today.....so happy, as I was about to pull the trigger on ordering Rainbow Falls unsniffed. I'm intrigued by the extra dash o' A-nol added to the TH mix, I'm thinking this will be pure happy juice.
  11. Ooh I can't wait to try it. So it's alcohol based then? I also noticed there are two phero enhanced offerings in this months releases...we iz spoiled, lol!
  12. I'm in the same camp, I have a couple aldehyde based perfumes that I won't ever throw away, but they are just so loud compared to LP. I mean what's sexier, a fragrance that entices someone to come closer or having your scent trail announce your presence across the room? I imagine that was quite a shock blending aldehydes, after working with the subtleties of natural ingredients for so long. I am curious, is Gallimaufry crafted to hold the same soft seductive feel as the rest of our beloved LPs, or will it come off a bit louder?
  13. EoW boosted LP SE:2011 & walked thru a liberally few spritzes of Cougar Potion. & MUFE HiDef powder. The waiters @ the restaurant Miss'd me (I hate getting Ma'amed, even if I'm using a walker & sporting a grey poodle perm, do not ever call me ma'am!), & the ticket taker @ theater on the way in to Bridesmaids, joked about ID'ing me to get in....it's the best day ever(brownie points to anyones else who knows what that's from).
  14. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...ah's+Secret There you go sweety. It came out as a resin-y, spicy oriental type scent. It has a lot of depth & could be layered with a scent that you like to add that element to.
  15. Glad you cleared that up, otherwise I was going to demand pics...
  16. I have an earring & necklace set that Mara made & you will love whatever you get! The jewelry she makes it absolutely gorg.!
  17. I've only done 4-5 tests, I've still got pretty much the whole vial left. TT's sitch completely throws a monkey wrench into my testing parameters though *hrmph* I think this blend is great though, I love how it attunes one to others emotions, yet distances you from your own. It's almost like an empath protection blend...
  18. K Happy birthday to my Gemini VGFs (that is still the plural, right?) & *squee* these look SUPER AWESOME! I probably shouldn't because I have enough LPs to be buried much like a Pharaoh, but I wants me some of that Rainbow Falls! I've been super busy with much of a hulabaloo today, but I can't wait to see the notes on Gallimaufry! I wonder what this steampunk wizard is all about???
  19. Yes that is exactly why I haven't been to the gym (in a year & a half)...
  20. Yikes sending vibes of clarity your way Mz.V! Not wearing today, because B2 is the only way to deal w/MIL, but I just want to re-iterate that this blend has a surreal, trippy feel to it for me & I don't think driving with it on, is the best idea...
  21. The Essence Of Woman Oil in the phero section is the no perfume added kind & the undisguised EoW definitely has a strong & distinct scent. I think it smells like vinegar personally, but my husband & 12 yr.old alway ask what that g-d awful rotten cheese smell is, when I'm letting it dry down. My 12 yr.old especially always asks in befuddlement why I would put such horrendous smelling perfume on??? I'm not letting him in on the secret anytime soon...
  22. As to the difference in pheromone strengths, this should help explain things. As a general rule of thumb, PM uses 1/3rd the amount of pheromones in her monthly releases fragrance brews, than what is the dose in the non-perfumed or "un" pheromones you find in the Pheromones section. As far as results, I find I always get better results when I wear perfume with pheromones & strength I use is going to depend on which pheromone blend I use. Example: Stone Cougar. I have it in the Unscented alcohol spray & also in the Cougar Potion, which is grapefruit deliciousness, but anyway for me when using Cougar pheromone blend I get great results when I use a higher dosage of the actual pheromone. With Heart & Soul, this isn't the case, I do just fine with the standard dose in the 1X strength. As far as cops go, you can always get them in the OCCO line, which is a heavily scented line that takes the guesswork out of having to cover them. I find the Love Potion line works great for covering straight EoW. Birth control shouldn't drastically slash your natural cops production, as long as you are fertile, but it will decrease them somewhat, because you shouldn't be ovulating when using it, which is a key time that your body increases your natural production of them. I don't believe that you'll find the LAMS scents heavy, but they do effectively cover the cops in the blend. If they cover for you, you should just add a fragrance that goes with. Example: LP Pink would go with LAM Pink Amber, they're both candy sweet scents. If you have any further questions, Dolly is definitely our resident cops expert on the forum. Also PM & Ail hold the key scientific answers as well as expertise. Luna is definitely well versed in using them as well. I hope what I passed on helps, as this is all recently acquired knowledge for me, lol.
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