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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I've had a good reaction with G&L. So Lace is bumped up on my loooooooonnnggggg LP wishlist. I'm not sure if it's the scent or the phero? Maybe just the right combo of both He's a tad bit sensitive to phero's, he seems to do better with pheromone enhanced blends, rather than full strength boosts. BTW, I love your Avi, PM!
  2. They have been very busy with putting the new site up. Poor Danna, I've sent in like 2 emails. I hate to bother them. She was very nice to assure me that my happy little package is out the door this week Addiction is lovely, isn't it?
  3. Why did my brain just go to the antagonist from 'Meet the Robinsons'?
  4. Duh I forgot to factor in his high sex drive! He does find pregnancy to be attractive. It was hard for him, cuz during the last month I was refusing the maritals. Our baby was large (for me), 81/2lbs.& I was a week early(they gain 1/2 a lb a week in the last month). Coupled with an active baby( the little one would move & kick during). Anyway, it must've been a hard month for the TT( we had a few blowups). Thanks for the input Quietguy.
  5. As far as intent with this one. Whenever I wear it, I notice it's easier to slide into the background i.e. go unnoticed. So that's a nice bonus along with the smell. I always use it to project out thoughts like 'Go look @ that sale over there. Isn't that a great bouquet?' (I use it @ say Walmart, where I don't want to talk,lol).
  6. Good days with TT & Est, Hahahaha. When pigs fly,hehe. Not going to keep waving a red flag in front of my 'bull' to find out. I do appreciate your wisdom tho, Lor.
  7. Yep I'm doing that laugh, just so the TT can wonder if I've truly lost. Bwahaha...
  8. Huh..he probably does have negative associations with pregnancy( accidently knocked up an old fling). The est. doesn't trip his trigger, I should of realized this earlier. When he first met me I was very dominant, & he doesn't respond well to vulnerbility in me. I tried eternal chain on him last night( I wore it to church). I had a great time wearing it, he was just like 'meh' about it. Of course he didn'tgo to church with me. So he was only exposed for 1/2 an hour, not long enough to get a full blown negative reaction. I'm going to try leather on him, I think he might respond great to that mix. I'll start by spraying Est. over Sorceress, before I invest in a full bottle.
  9. Luna-Thanks for the scent reviews SW-Thanks for the paper bag tip TG-Thanks for the usage tips Ok so don't make fun of me, but I was thinking of using an old children's nursery rhyme to visualize with the protection oil. 'I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say, bounces offa me & sticks to you!' I don't know why I had that thought, I just figured it would be hard for bogies to stick around in my head. If I had that silly little rhyme there, besides it is pretty ingrained from childhood. I should haz no problem remembering it :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  10. Haha now I'm getting the linen closet vision about SG's house :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  11. So happy for you sweety *hoping my happy package went out today*
  12. Usually if it's like sexology. He's just like'I've smelled that before'. & that's only if I make him smell it. I forgot to add that he gets great self effects from Heart & Soul. I gave him the LP#9 I had boosted for myself. So basically when it's associated with me the reaction is for the most part negative( haven't tried Lace unscented yet). Yet when it's in his cologne(self effects), it mellows him the f$$$ out? Maybe it counters the extra test. in his system?
  13. Can't figure out why the TT is so averse to Est. ( he did treat me worse when I was pregnant). The only postive reaction I can get out of him from it. Is when it's in a blend @ 1/3rd strength. Then I have to wonder if it's the perfume intent he's responding to? The worse reaction I get from him, is when it's a full strength unscented or boosted LP with H&S. I can partially understand that, I think the beta anol loosens his lips(not good). Any thoughts?
  14. Still no stamps.com notice. Serves me right, for not wearing Merc.Retronaught!
  15. Beccah

    Top Five

    Current top 5: 1. Immortal Beauty 2.Mara's Rocket Fuel 3.Plenty 4.Thief of Hearts 5.Sweet Revenge/Dom. boosted
  16. I'll add that the blend is going to depend on him personally. My husband doesn't respond well to full strength blends containing Est.(everyone else does ). He responds well to 1x Cougar, G&L, 7 min., & LAM. I don't get as much of a blatant sexual response from him with cops. Its more of a friendly, playful atmosphere when I use LAM. I get nothing from Sexology, except 'Ive smelled that before'. Just a thought...
  17. Yay, notice enough for me I was just thinking about how quickly you got my beta Stone Cougar to me, & how I don't need this order before the 29th. Although, if it gets here this week You know there are 2 sayings that popped into my head today. 'Good things aren't cheap. & cheap things aren't good.' Obviously, they never ordered LPs before. My favorite, 'Good things come to those who wait.' A deadon phrase,lol.
  18. Gah I got that last week! I'm about to implode with impatience hahaha......
  19. Beccah

    La Belle Reveuse

    So I gave this a skin test last night. I really don't get lavender. I get 'green floral', I smell the Heather the strongest. I really like it, this would be great combined with Tranquility.
  20. Getting the mental image of all the hoarders *who shall remain nameless, cough insert names* houses. You go into their house, have to use the restroom. Open the linen closet to look for handtowel. No towels, the whole closet is stacked with LPs....... As soon as I get my ship notice I'm putting in for the deluxe spell kit. My husbands like I told you to get it in the first place,lol. I'm like yeah, but this way I have a refill.......
  21. I really liked this one, actually. I'm regretting trading my bottle off *sigh*. It was because I had it amped with popularity (which for some reason can go wrong for me,lol).
  22. *Duchess of High Heels bows to Her Royal Highness Duct Tape*
  23. Lol@ Lor, I just wanted to drop the 1. I don't mind keeping it to remind you guys, hehe.....
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