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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Welcome to the forum, Saffron!
  2. Alright, I gave this another go today. The honey behaves itself & the apricot is prominent & extra juicy. I cna't say that I would feel comfortable walking around with this on in the daytime again, it's just too sexy for that. I felt like anybody that caught a sniff of me was going to react like this: As for Gotcha, it made me extremely nice & patient with SO. I'm not sure if I want to be nice to him when he's grumpy, but it is an incredible power to be able to harness if I so choose.
  3. If you're already run down any phero can exacerbate fatigue. I find that any phero that makes me hyper, especially exacerbates fatigue for me. Think A-nol, PP, Topper, Open Windows, etc..
  4. Yup, but usually this happens if I'm coming down with a virus. I know that flu & cold has been going around my Facebook friends (who're spread across the country).
  5. Beccah

    Veloute Lavande

    This is all lavender, all the time on me. I love it. It's a sophisticated perfume featuring lavender.
  6. Beccah

    Veloute Lavande

    There's always a way to remedy that!
  7. Yeah this, would you call a young, fertile woman "unprofessional," simply because she sends off that signal? If acting professionally, a smidge of cops could even be helpful to your career, considering that we are a youth obsessed culture.
  8. It doesn't get powdery on my skin.
  9. I finally did it! I finally ordered a full bottle, I'm so proud of myself
  10. Beccah

    Veloute Lavande

    Was I ever off track, lol. I can see it as a comfort scent. The lavender is very fluffy & I'll probably be using it for stressful days too
  11. Beccah

    Veloute Lavande

    Oh please tell us which pheromone you boosted this with???? I'm imagining: a. LFM, b. Lace, or c. SS4W???
  12. Yes you will, lol. I can definitely tell phero reactions in strangers & others. My first over the top reaction was with Tall, Dark & Handsome that used to come through my drive-thru window (when I was a trainer @ our local Hardee's). He was always flirty, but I was wearing Phero Girl: Wild Flower (w/pop.) & was all done up. He literally grabbed my face & planted a kiss on me, saying "Hey pretty girl." Then commented on how I smelled wonderful, like incense. This was all much to the irritation of my husband's friend witnessing this, lol. Of course I did not encourage him further, but that made a believer out of me as to the power of LPs & pheromones. I have had an OD experience w/ G2 (Bosom Bows). I had been wearing it all day, then we went out. I was extremely nervous, so I slathered a goodly amount more on, before we went out for the night. The next day I felt extremely hung over, even though I hadn't had a sip of alcohol. Other people were acting fine toward me & I was getting the reactions I expected, I had simply overdosed myself.
  13. I gave SO a direct hit from the vial & he could not detect the cops in this!!!! This is for sure a winner. ETA: Wow, I never would have guessed that this would be the one that I grabbed a full bottle of, but it is
  14. Oh Sweet Chic......you're not delivering the sweet berry goodness you delivered in the vial. However, my skin immediately delivers a lavender-chocolate niceness. The mint that some people are picking up, must be due to the lavender type, imo. I have just applied this 10 minutes ago, so let's see where it heads (hopefully to a full bottle purchase). ETA: After 1 hour of wear, this is a nice scent, but so very soft & faint on me. The pink sugars are completely overtaken by the lavender/chocolate notes & Sweet Chic is lying very close to the skin on me. I'm going to put this away for a couple weeks & try it again before giving it a final verdict. Although I am sad that this isn't an immediate full bottle purchase for me, it is probably in the best interest of credit card's well being
  15. Man, QG is going to be so disappointed, because this actually referring to newborn infants' ability to crawl toward a breast immediately following birth. http://www.breastcrawl.org/science.shtml Our scientifically savvy members might have some educated guesses as to what pheromones a lactating breast is producing. I'm going to guess Est; even though it's been evidenced that the fetus produces Est, I haven't seen any research on what pheromones lactating women produce.
  16. I haven't tested this on my skin yet, but it is loud & clear peach in the vial. Idk, SO likes it, but I'm not into peach, for the most part. I will have to test it & see, but I know at least one person in the house will be a fan.
  17. Beccah

    Veloute Lavande

    Out of all of the samples in the monthly trial pack, & out out of the vial, this one is a surprise favorite. I hope it smells as good on me as it does in the vial. The lavender is prominent, without coming off as a bath & body type scent. Very well done.
  18. Got my sampler today. I had just slathered a bunch of DTP on, before checking the mailbox (rookie mistake). On what real estate I had available, I applied a smidge of this. I'm picking up the lavender & chocolate notes the strongest, which actually came off a little bit minty. Lavender is in the mint family, so that makes sense. I'm going to let this settle & give it a fair trial tomorrow.
  19. I am slipping! I keep singing the praises of Open Windows, just ran out of my OW boosted Love Potion spray & yet I've still failed to stock this in my cabinet. I will rectify this ASAP.
  20. I've heard folks point to Est as culprit, but I know that TH & SWS do not contain Est.
  21. It's safe to say that if you're using one of the phero enhanced perfumes (1/3rd strength), & using a normal amount of that scent, & not getting any reactions then the phero probably isn't working for you. If you go up to full strength & you get hits, you know you need more of it. My personal belief is that it's going to depend on your personal chemistry, on what is going to be overkill, but usually 1 or 2 sprays, or a couple inch stripe or two of something isn't OD territory.
  22. Drinking lots of water is also a good idea to flush out what you may have absorbed when you apply too much, as well. I've OD'd with cops before. I was decanting some OCCO Red & I didn't want to waste any so I smeared the leftovers from the pipette & etc. on myself, before heading to Walmart. That was an interesting experience.
  23. I would say the OW/DHEAS combo is a likely culprit. Hilarious TMI share, btw!!!!
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