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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah


    That is weird! Does it bother you that you can't smell it anymore? I've never went scent blind before, I'm always switching it up.
  2. Let's see, I get DIHL from Cougar, H&S, Sexpionage, & cops. A couple others, but I can't think off the top of my head.
  3. Yeah, we've got the master bath, that's just ours & the SO is sleeping for the evening. I used the blowdryer on the cool setting for 5 minutes & it was effective in mellowing the cops out much more quickly in the 20 minute time frame. I felt confidant applying my LP oil over the top at the ten minute mark, still waited the whole 20 minutes to get get dressed, but I didn't feel like I had a ton of oil on my skin. Which was nice.I wouldn't use the blowdryer with the actual perfume oil, as you would be shortening the life of it on your skin, but I think it works good for cops. Remember, on the cool setting ladies.
  4. Yes, this one is lovely. I like layering it with Rainbow Falls, also. The two scents are well matched for each other.
  5. I think Dianne was recommending using them everyday to get better results. I tend to fall into the category of people that uses them "especially for..." because I'm afraid I'll stop getting self effects from them, but I think my fear is unfounded. Nobody else that uses much higher dosing then me, on a much more frequent basis has had any problems with that. The only time I stopped getting self effects from alpha-nol was when I was drinking too much, which had nothing to do with using the pheromone. I've gone off topic, sorry.
  6. No, not just in your head at all. Cougar is one of my favorites for over the top effects & DHEAS gives me a surge of energy as well. I seriously forget how old I am when I wear it, lol.
  7. My mother was a Libra, so she had to have several scents. I specifically remember Tabu, Dior's Poison, Heaven Sent, & White Shoulders.
  8. Yeah, I really like this in my collection. I used to put the NRs ahead of the permanents, lol.
  9. My SO isn't into this one, but little kids LOVE me when I wear this one Actually, I use to dye my hair cotton candy pink when I was 21 & they love me as much as then.
  10. I think it would be fine for cops. I use a hairdryer to dry my faux tanner, & I was actually considering using one to dry my cops, too. Just don't let anyone else in the bathroom because it will probably stink to high heaven, lol.
  11. As this ages the fruit seems to be coming out more. It's definitely getting sweeter & I like it.
  12. I tried a little bit of DHEAS with this last night, but didn't really notice anything from adding it. I only added like 1/2 a spritz, so I'm going to try more.
  13. Beccah

    Spider Silk 2012

    The fragrance smells the same in either base to me. The spray is just more practical wide range application & the oil anchors it better.
  14. Beccah

    Spider Silk 2012

    I'm glad I was able to get a couple bottles in my stash as this is a double win for me, love the fragrance & so does SO. Alright, when I tested initially, I had Lick Of Pink on my neck & that was what was tricking my nose. On a bare canvas, I'm just getting smooth, white musky heaven. A sweet skin musk. I still amp it the same way I do the white musk in Cougar, but is definitely nothing like Cougar. This is very innocent & yet grown up. Innocuous for daytime wear, but still feminine/sexy. I am very happy with this purchase, & yes getting it in spray was a brilliant idea. It's so sheer, the alcohol doesn't really change the character.
  15. Idk, if you have any already in blends try those again, if no dice, then work back up from 1 spray. Even if you don't get self effects, you're still effecting others. I get zilch from SS4W, but it still works to affect men around me.
  16. Thank you so much! That little grab bag of Halloween party favors, adorable! My 5 yr.old said to tell you thanks. He loves bubbles & he collects rubber duckies. I told him my friend Mara sent it for him. He said "does she know me?" I said "no, but she knows I have you." He said "well tell her I'm putting this duck in my collection & I can't wait to go outside & blow my bubbles!"
  17. Beccah

    Spider Silk 2012

    So the husband loves it. He could detect the oakmoss (he smelled something masculine) & the white amber/musk (something familiar). My skin sweetened this & amped the white musk, which it tends to do with Cougar. It was really funny, because my nose kept trying to trick me into smelling citrus, because the white musk/amber amped in the same ways. From the description for Cougar: I'm glad I was able to get a couple bottles in my stash as this is a double win for me, love the fragrance & so does SO.
  18. Beccah


    Yeah, I really like this one as well. It came out as a close to the skin, whisper of vanilla musk on my skin. Was opening my box o goodies yesterday & my little one wanted to try something, so I put "the kitty" on him. Didn't even irritate his delicate skin. This is very well constructed.
  19. Well, I have a Heart Strings sample, I could mix it with the Blessing spray I have & spray his room. Couldn't hurt.
  20. Yeah, welcome to your new addiction Am I the only one that OCCO Red turns to coffee on? Oh well, I like the coffee
  21. JOC, did I ever tell you how much I love having you around. You're pretty amazing. Most of the time you come off reserved & still (like quiet, but still vocally present) & then other times you bust out with a true gem, or something quite hilarious. Anyway, your post was gem quality.
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