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Everything posted by paganlady

  1. Man! I was so sure that this was going to be good on me.....Alas, it's way too "In My Face". Pooh!
  2. paganlady

    Lava Rain

    I can't do this one. To me it smells too masculine.
  3. I have to get a sample of this for the DH. He is all over Green Scents..
  4. Hey, another Ancient Mythologies buff! Welcome Lobo. I've been reading Mythology since I was nine & my Swedish Grandma gave me a book of Norse Myths from her collection. I love Norse (Freya is one of my guardian Goddesses, and I Love the way Thor rolls!), Greek, Hindu (Ganesha is another favorite of mine. How couldn't use an obstacle removed every now & then), Egyptian, Celtic, Roman, Native American, & even some Chinese mythology. In 5th grade, my daughter had to do a project on a Greek God or Goddess & she chose Artemis. She was going to walk to the library for reference material & I said "No, come with me." we went to my bookcase & I piled like 8 different books into her arms. When she picked her jaw up off the floor, she looked at me & said "You are so weird!" She got an A+ though..... Oh year, and my fantasy is to someday do a Mythology tour of the world. Karnac, The Parthenon, Stonehenge, Newgrange, The Hindu & S.E.Asia temples. You get the point.
  5. This one sounds interesting.....
  6. You got one of those too???? I have it on tonight. It's LOVELY!
  7. paganlady

    One more man

    Welcome to the forum Liam! It's nice to have another man here.
  8. paganlady


    Hey Spoodlum!
  9. Ok, Occo Blue is a no-go. I get too much of the Tide smell with this one. It makes me gag. PURPLE, on the other hand, is very pretty....I didn't think I'd like Violets, who knew? I still so want to try RED though...
  10. I hope there's a re-brew of Karmiel's Silken Moonlight in there...
  11. I get the yukky dryer-sheet smell on this one. I'm thinking that I'm better off amping a bottle of Bayou Musk or Silken Moonlight (if it ever comes back) with the unscented phero.
  12. paganlady

    Bayou Musk

    Ok, so, I loved this one so much that I bought a bottle of it. I used enough (thanks to Mara's tip) that it's lasting a good long time...and it's heavenly!
  13. This is pretty. I can tell that it's a LP version, but it's lighter & more delicate than the Original. I love the fact that you lades managed to get some silver leaf in the sample. I still like Silken Moonlight more, but this is nice.
  14. This one sounds interesting. I will have to grab a sample in the next order.
  15. I had this one at work all day today. The ladies were more relaxed around me, kind of like I was being brought more into the fold (which is just what I was looking for). The big thing of the day was I have this saleswoman in the company. She's never been not nice to me, she's just a little standoffish. She likes the fact that I have a good work ethic, and that I don't get involved in office gossip, but it's almost like she needs me to prove myself before she extends her friendship. Well, she got into my phero cloud today, and spent a good 20 minutes chatting with me about our ebay site, and how she thinks that most of the guys that buy machinery from us don't even know how to use the internet. I'll consider that a hit As far as self effects, I felt relaxed but warm & fuzzy today. It was nice. I wonder if this would be of use during the dreaded PMS...
  16. So I got my bottle today, and like the LP slut I am, had to try this one right away . I love the scent, on me it's spicy & it stays spicy (I luvz the spice...). Its not a "Spontaneous Combustion" or "LP P & D" spice. It's much lighter & brighter. Totally appropriate for work, I think...I'll have to test it tomorrow...
  17. I got a sniffee of BLUE in the last order. I can't wait to give it a test run....perhaps with Cuddle Bunny...
  18. Shelly, I think you should just pack up, move to Southern Cali & work for Love Potion (com'on.....you know you want to...) This time around: Bayou Musk (believe it or not the MIL says she likes this) Spontaneous Combustion (bottle # 2 ) Coeur de l"amour Samples of Cuddlebunny & LP Silver It's so nice to be working & get to place decent orders!
  19. I recently ordered a bottle of Coeur de l'Amour which has this in it, but for the female bonding thing (I'm the new girl at work & although every one's been really nice, I figure it couldn't hurt). Now I'm even more psyched to get this!
  20. No Worries! I'm sure there's enough here to keep me broke but smelling good!
  21. Is there any of this left? I can't seem to find it in the store.
  22. HOLY GINGER! This is like diving into a bag of Gingersnaps! Awesome Liz! I wonder how this would go with Spontaneous Combustion.....
  23. 30 minutes & we still had "Wet Nail Polish". It got washed off...
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