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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I have to retract some of my past libel / reports of being afeared of this phero. I impulsively used a half-spray of 1x Leather (it happens to be flavored, but that's irrelevant for purposes of this review) very early this am before working out, high on my chest.


    I thought that it would turn out to be a mistake, make me pissy/grouchy etc., as I had been feeling sad/heartbreaky and tired. But within 10 minutes I was KICKING ASS in my workout, and my emotions were lifted. I don't think it was endorphins because I wasn't doing the kind of workout that usually kicks them in for me, and the effects began way too early in the workout anyway. To my surprise I think it actually 'evened me out' and that maybe it wasn't just the a-nol 'lift' but also the general confidence it provides, that created this effect.


    It also made my new workout partner (platonic and must stay that way) solicitous and touchy and kind... an Est responder, I see!


    Fascinating...must experiment further.

  2. So are the LAMS and BAMS lightly scented with light cops?
    no, regular cops, though (I believe) a little less than the OCCOs, and BAM has more than LAM because a little b-nol goes a longer way than same amount of a-nol & therefore there's more room in the BAM for the cops.


    seems like everyone loves the OCCOS. I don't know I haven't really had much luck with the cops.

    You may be using too much. As I fell in love with the OCCOs (and cops in general) I started using more and more until at a certain point they not only stopped 'working' but people IGNORED me. Is called "ghosting". YMMV (in fact WILL vary) but for me, the amount of *OCCO* that 'crossed the line' was: stripes all the way up each arm AND the mara maneuver (down cleavage, around bellybutton & back); my ideal amount seems to be about half or a third of that.


    I want something to make people bend to my will so I can have my way with them

    one word: Leather


    and I want people to throw roses and diamonds at me when I walk into the room.

    Cougar, Lace, unCB (for the men anyway) come first to mind


    I want people to give me their babies so I can kiss them..

    Treasured Hearts, Teddy Man perhaps. Also, you are fucking hilarious.

  3. I haven't really tried mixing oils because I am just not all that creative yet...don't want to get stuck wearing something funky all day, but if Occo Pink and Snowbound work do you think Sparkle Fuschia and Snowbound would?

    hmmm I only got to try Sparkle Fuchsia once before I dropped my sample :'( and don't really remember it very well... I imagine its pinkness and Snowbound might play well together... if you do it lmk how it turns out!!

  4. My 2 big blasts of 1x unLace to the chest this am resulted in my blasting music, dancing around and singing as I got ready for work this am. It would be impossible to overstate how abnormal this behavior is for me.


    ETA aha looking back upthread, I see that I was indeed probably overdoing it - 3 was probably too many sprays for me. Thanks y'all for the advice!!

  5. I still can't decide if the UNpheros are as effective as the phero enhanced scents for me. Kiss of Magic seems to work better than my Beta UNH&S and Girly Twirly seems to work better than my Beta Lace! Not sure if it is the scents or the oil...

    I was just thinking the same thing yesterday. I haven't experimented enough w/my 1x betas to be certain, but I feel like I don't get the same 'amount' of self-effects or 'hits' with them as I do w/other formats. I need to start using a bit more - I'm usually afraid to do more than one or at most 2 sprays...


    At least for me,

    -- the next most effective seems to be the un oils (I only have CB and SS4W), but I have never worn them alone -- I always mash them together with an LP.

    -- the most effective is the LPMP-created phero-perfume blends, hands down.


    It seems pretty clear to me that the addition of scent is very helpful for diffusion and effects, including on me.

  6. I didn't see a separate thread for just the phero, so posting here (please move if I'm mistaken- sorry & thanks!):


    I S'd my pillow with Teddy-boosted Rosebud Vanilla Maplewood again last night, and despite emotional s*** and stress I'm dealing with these days, had my SECOND NIGHT IN A ROW OF DEEP, UNINTERRUPTED, INCREDIBLY REFRESHING SLEEP. I cannot remember the last time this has happened in my life - it's been years probably.


    I've worn it on my torso/arms/etc. before bed before and of course enjoyed some effects, but putting it on the pillow seems to make a huge difference...makes sense, obviously, since that keeps it closer to my face for longer.


    If any of you have any sleep issues as I sometimes do, you know how life-transforming good (or bad) sleep can be. You've GOT to try this.

  7. As for CB, I don't have a bottle of it and I'm not certain if I will get myself a bottle since I have a bottle of Est.


    I like est by itself too (I only have it in Eternal Chain) but lemme tell you there's something about unCB - the expertly determined ratio, no doubt - that makes it more than the sum of its parts. At least IMO. :Hug_emoticon:

  8. Sorry as I know this is sooooo GGG but I finally got up the nerve to try this and, like BI, it made me feel very ass-kicky and STRONG and confident for a workout.


    The scent is instantly one of my very favorite ever here. The rose is an unapologetic, deep, red red rose. Complements the phero amazingly: totally feminine and yet totally straightforward and blunt and IN CHARGE.


    Haven't tried around other people yet but will experiment later :Hug_emoticon:

  9. And I assume the stranger would be a man? I believe SS4W could produce such effects with women as well but will it become too much for the ladies to handle that they become jealous and bitchy?


    LOL, yes. I don't think this one would be that likely to cause problems with women, because it seems to make them happy too (unless they're especially insecure and need ALL TEH MENS IN TEH ROOM TO BE PAYING ATTENSHUNS TO THEM, AND ONLY THEM ALL TEH TIME...I know we all know summa those!).... the only phero I recall causing such problems was unCB and I was ok with that, LOL ... and it was only once.

  10. LOL - Leather is a red flag waved in front of me...I admit, I'm an asshole.


    :lol: I didn't mean it's an asshole DETECTOR for ONESELF!! I meant that it can make OTHER PEOPLE insane with rage, at least when I wear it... Of course I'm talking about a sample size of 2 people total in my experience, so maybe more experimentation is needed. (It may just be me or something about me [my shortness? my femaleness? my general smileyness?] not being 'congruent' with Leather, somehow - maybe the asshole thinks "I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to be subjugated by the likes of that peon"?)



  11. i really like it but i dont think patchoulli works for me. i got a plasticky note that i also found in Comp Positions. other then that i thought it was wonderfull. so i will keep the sample but not a full bottle for me.


    Hey girl, I thought the exact same thing at first with some scents, that it was the patch that went plasticky on me, - but I have a hunch it's actually a certain kind of vanilla...

  12. Yeah if PP works for you, it seems like the no-brainer choice. I personally do better with OW and Cougar so would choose one of those if it were me. I know I am alone in the corner always banging my drum about this but I find Leather can be like a bullfighter's red flag to assholes (or at minimum an extremely effective repellent), and so I wouldn't choose it just in case some of the people I wanted to network were assholes...why not win them over instead w/something in the OW, Cougar, or PP direction...

  13. I know this is long gone but I must sing to it.


    Beautiful Pancake, wafting from me,

    Bananas and maple are rising from thee;

    Vanilla and cinnamon mingling in...

    Using this all up would be such a sin


    Srsly now, 7 hours after application, it's burnt-mapley banana and I could just faint.

  14. Uh what there's chocolate in this?? Didn't pay attention to the notes before trying it on today. All I get is swoon-inducing vanilla sweetness and fresh dried-in-the-prairie-wind cotton sheets. I get no orange blossom (which I dislike, so that's a good thing) or neroli. If it reminds me of anything it reminds me of Captivation Equation. Super delicious.


    OK today it is all chocolate up in mah face :happybirthday: but brightly, cleanly so. This is uplifting and foody in a non-gloppy/non-syrupy way. Would be kinda great boosted with Lace! :)

  15. LOL I felt the same when I started.


    AD = phero company Androtics Direct

    IS = Instant Shine, an AD product

    LAM = either Lust After Me (an AD product) or Like a Magnet! aka just MAGNET (an LPMP product)

    TUTH = Turn up the Heat, an AD product


    OCCO = an LPMP product: huge copload covered with nom scents - see pheros page of shoppe

    NOCCO = cop-less version of OCCO - just the nom scents

    B-Nol / beta-nol = beta-androstenol

    A-Nol / alpha-nol = alpha-androstenol

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