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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Not really -- scented was just as devastating -- I just personally don't like that scent, and on me, its covering effect doesn't stick around -- it slips away within an hour or so and leaves behind pretty bad cops stink + that metallic EST swingset-pole-in-summer smell. But, as you can see above, that doesn't happen w/most people, so it's an issue of my own chemistry, and besides, the fact that it was crazily effective *even when* it was super stanky says something ^_^ I was like "OMG CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT *SMELL* ME?!?" lol

  2. Hi, welcome!! There's *tons* of information in each phero's review threads -- see here. But my personal initial reactions -


    1. leather, especially if they need to be 'kept in their place'

    2. haha, you'll need to be much more specific than that ;) the many wonderful sexytime blends here are all intended for different things and their effects will vary widely depending on your husband's personality & responsiveness.


    Combinations: as you'll see in other threads, it is strongly NOT recommended (including by LP's own Potion Master) to mix blends. (Leather and OW are both blends. EoW is not and goes with everything :wacko:) Experts created the blends - sometimes taking years - and they know what they're doing better than any of us ever could :) Mixing doesn't necessarily get you 'both effects' - in fact they can cancel each other out, make you/other people grouchy or worse.


    LAM vs. BAM -- see their review threads


    As for beta-nol placement -- I can't even put Heart & Soul on my *wrists*, as I am a hand-talker and it really affects me there. OW isn't really one of the blabber-making ones though, at least not for me, and I love the effects it gives me, so I wouldn't *want* to keep it away from my nose :)

  3. I'm testing it today/now! VERY pretty - complex floral with daffodil greenness and bright powder keeping it very fresh and 'daytime'. Classic, girly and perfect for spring. I remember seeing it on the PE page but it's not there anymore...

  4. This is unutterably fabulous. It's got it all - uplifting, sweet but not overly so, unusual, very complex (I don't think the average person on the street would be able to pick out anything other than vanilla), warm, skin-musk-y, a little mysterious, dead sexy. To quote someone's topic subhead (I think it was cheezburger), I am gonna drown in this stuff. Taking all my willpower not to order 1000 bottles.

  5. Super Sexy? (is that an actual scent or just a phermone to be added?)

    It's not a scent - it's a phero. (Unlike sexology, which is a phero, but can be bought either as a 'plain' unscented phero OR in its dirty-sexy honey scented version.)


    * I read on another thread that Sparkle Fuscia (I think) created tension when worn among other women. Is this a rule of thumb for all or again a matter of personal chemistry?

    That would be very surprising. The phero it contains, Cougar, tends to make everyone (men and women) think you are Teh Sh*t and borderline worship you.

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