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Everything posted by tyvey

  1. Agree with cutie and Stacy and hearts. I think the last thing you need is to be doing even more accommodating, since that's what's gotten you into the situation you're in. My first thought was empathy or h&s, but then reading others' posts it became apparent that that might just drive things with both fiancé and presumptuous friend even further into disrespect and taking advantage of you, and my brain started shouting DOM THEM - DOM THE SHIT OUT OF THEM ALL. When it comes to it, FIANCÉ SHOULD BE ON *YOUR* SIDE - vs friend and family - and I don't care for his hysterical reaction to your statements of your feelings about his asshole friend. Even he is disrespecting you,
  2. Great report! What I love about the scent is that it IS bright and sparkly, and yet really rich, warm and sultry - pretty uncommon IMO. There's something about the musk in it that I really really really love. I think the way it works with the grapefruit = the magic. As for the phero you've probably noticed in the reviews that many find it equally or even more effective with older & much-older men, not just younger, and that it has a fabulous general popularity vibe; for me, it works even better for that purpose than Popularity Potion!
  3. hey! welcome. do you like patch? if so you MUST try Compromising positions.
  4. tyvey

    EBIL-ish 2014

    AUGH this killed me. Midstream in a classic LV hyperbolic sequence is this sudden matter-of-fact, chipper, practical note. LMAO I misread this as 'cooch' and was very confused. OK I guess I have to try this again to see if I can perceive it as less masculine. Maybe add a smidge of vanilla velvet...
  5. Agree with the OW suggestion for all the reasons given; a second choice, less slam dunk, might be teddy BB or b2 if they don't make you sleepy.
  6. So this is a new thread for SH for Sugared September - is it different from the previous longtime Sugared Honeycomb? Apologies if someone already addressed this elsewhere but I didn't see it in either thread...
  8. Back to report I tried this with un cuddle bunny tonight and it covered perfectly and instantly. Even better, while wet, the est made the ylang very bright and sunshiny, almost lemony - very enjoyable!
  9. tyvey

    Top Five

    at the moment: lp o, cherry div, wink at the moon, sugared bonfire, my flora royale.
  10. tyvey

    EBIL-ish 2014

    I love the vanilla musk part but the musk and clove take it a touch too masculine for my personal taste. Also, when I was wearing it, I got into an elevator alone, and for only the second time in my life I felt a clearly not-super=well-meaning almost physically detectable spirit get into the elevator with me It left the elevator partway down with a kind of "eh never mind" / dismissive air. Guess I wasn't interesting enough for it Maybe the blend made me more aware?? well named I guess
  11. I wore this to a work social thing that was almost all women, in a wide range of age & hierarchy, from different teams. It made a shy, quiet woman very talkative and chipper, which seemed to charm her boss' boss whom she didn't know well, yay!!; another woman (the kind of standoffish one I accidentally clobbered with SWS) was hanging on my every word with stars in her eyes; and another woman, who I think is a warm person but usually very reserved, was zeroed in on me and jabbered away. I credit it with giving everyone a happy and upbeat vibe, but not in a manic or WOO LAMPSHADES PARTYTIME way, more a very comfortable, mutually engaged and interested way, almost H2H-ish - it made everyone expectantly and cheerfully "outward" oriented, interested in others. I put on quite a lot more than I intended, so two sips of wine and I was weaving and slurring (forgot about the a-nol!), but besides that, what a great trial.
  12. I'm going on 5 years and STILL learning - you ALWAYS try everything on, ALWAYS... you can hate 400 things in a row that have a certain note, and then the 401st one you try that you think will be hopeless, is incredible and you can't live without it
  13. I asked for: sweet blackcurrant, ylang ylang, dense fatty LV pussycat-type coconut cream, and a bit of the softest, blondest, least headshoppy patchouli at the castle I actually didn't have a strong idea what it would all smell like together. Even so, it really surprised me! It has an enormous throw, the most I've experienced from any LP ever. It's dark yellow and royal purple. It's bright, springlike, and daytime. It's candy-like and yet creamy. The scent is not like any lp I remember, but the "feel" is like my musk peony plum, eternal chain, Perty flirty, or goodie tooshu - that kind of bright, colorful, multidimensional thing. Pherowise I would most see this with Lace or OW. Delicious!
  14. tyvey

    Warm & Toasty

  15. tyvey

    Warm & Toasty

    I get banana-scented butter, like the reverse of frying bananas in butter. Less movie-popcorn butter (including, less salty) than the original brew. This faded surprisingly quickly on me but I think I'm super dehydrated as I noticed my face is super super dry today
  16. SUDDENLY THE WORLD SEEMS SUCH A PERFECT PLACE SUDDENLY IT MOVES WITH SUCH A PERFECT GRACE SUDDENLY MY LIFE DOESN'T SEEM SUCH A WASTE NOW THAT I HAVE TRIED SUGARED BLACK PEPPER AND THERE'S NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH, NO RIVER TOO WIDE SUGARED BLACK PEPPER BE ALWAYS THERE BY MY SIDE STORM CLOUDS MAY GATHER AND STARS MAY COLLIDE BUT I'LL LOVE YOU UNTIL THE END OF TIME I have an unhealthy love of black pepper. I put it on everything, including sweets (try it on strawberries, melons and especially ice cream!). More than once friends have gotten me peppermills as gifts (including a portable one). I don't know what I've been doing with my life before ordering sugared black pepper. I put it on and shouted YUMMY and swooned. I may be a little punchy with fatigue but this is definitely true love.
  17. Duh!! I just realized SWS deserves the credit for something that happened the other day. I ran into a woman who is polite enough, but chilly - not just to me but generally, I think. Not overtly snobby verbally or in behavior but, you know, sometimes you can just tell people think they are better than you. Also does that very tiresome junior high thing of checking what you are wearing before talking to you. Anyway, yesterday she was saucer-eyed and hanging on my every word and laughed uproariously at not-very-funny things I said and FOLLOWED ME AROUND the room. I remember thinking how odd this was and feeling all self-congratulatory like "something I said finally got through to her and we're finally connecting." It was all the SWS! I hadn't connected it at the time because I'd worn it to target someone else - and good thing, because I was very tired and said a few incorrect things that were sort of basic mistakes and he didn't seem perturbed or to think I was being an idiot, at all...very respectful. Now that I think of it I think the SWS has had a lingering effect, days later now, in even just email exchanges.
  18. Apricot and coconut! That sounds amazing. *adds to mental list* Finally tried this. I don't like real apricots ... I like the flavor, but the skin is offputting, I don't like their texture (fresh or dried) and there's often a little bit of something sort of ... dusty? musty? about the scent. Well, wet, this is what apricots WISH they were: bright, sunshiny, sweet, rich, dense, sparkling, just tart enough, just sweet enough, piercing intense flavor. Huge bodied with great throw. After it dries it has a little of that musty thing that I don't love, hard to describe - it comes off to me as a bit gray. But that's being extremely true to the real fruit. I will definitely try this with something coconut next...
  19. tyvey

    A Wake

    smells exactly as it says on the tin Wet, a creamy coffee spicy blast, just great way to start day. To my surprise as it dries down I do get a tinge of incense ???? like church incense, which takes it a little sideways for me, but hanging in there to see what else it does. Can we also talk about how cute the punny name is! Eta eleven hours later I am getting coffee still! Very unusual for me as that is usually the first thing to go in blends that contain it. I get vanilla ice cream melted in black coffee. So nice
  20. This isn't foodie on me at all!! Have tried it three times thinking it was a fluke. On me, it's to blood orange as neroli is to orange - a deep, sensual, heady, perfumey, much less foody-fruity version. For some reason it reminds me of Annick Goutal - I don't know which scent, if any, but it just seems very her. It's shockingly in your face sexy, like as much as, say, HAM, in its own way. I'm not sure it's quite my thing but will see...
  21. This is sweet, soft, gentle, pastel purple and yellow, delicious and snuggly. Just wonderful for sleep, but I put it on this am in anticipation of a stressful day. Bangup job little one!
  22. tyvey

    Red Fyre

    That's so funny- I just came here to say I was delighted how sweet this is on me, especially in late drydown! It started out dead ringer for red hots, so delectable, but sweeter than my recall of the candy. As it dries I get the amber, warm and soft, not incensey in the least, and it gets sweeter and sweeter, even syrupy. No recognizable licorice. Just delightful.
  23. got a sniffie of this thanks to the usual LPMP generosity Wet, it was twinkie filling with mounds and mounds of whipped cream! Then it became tinged with banana runts flavor, clear and bright! As usual then I checked the notes and of course i am almost totally wrong about them Even now that I know I get zero brown sugar, maple or pumpkin. That's fine with me...lovin the banana whipped cream!
  24. The reviews are all spot on. It wears quite close on me. It goes back and forth between wild strawberry bubble yum (this is a compliment - if you haven't tried wild strawberry bubble yum, why are you sitting here reading this instead of going out to get some), to juicy real almost-overripe strawberries, you know when they get all smushy when you handle them and throw off that mad intense heady scent. Wears close. I will definitely be trying this with birthday cake.
  25. Delightful This is interestingly NOT syrupy! If it were a color it would actually be bright sunshiny straw yellow. It's not goopy; it's transulcent-candy-like and crackly, like peanut brittle. It has a slight buttery tinge as well. This is one of those ones that you can smell BETTER when it's further from your hand; I have to sniff really hard to smell it up close, but now as I'm typing it is wafting up quite clearly. I look forward to trying this with all kinds of cakey things, and maybe even some flowers!!
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