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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Welcome Shay! I would also recommend lots of sampling...you are probably going to end up with EVERYTHING just like the rest of us but to start it sounds like you want Popularity, Cougar or even LAM... I wear cops all the time even to work ( I work mostly with women in a salon too) so you could get the cops add in to your Pop or Cougar or get the Occos like Stacey said, to layer.
  2. I wouldn't mind a new LAM. Or else I'll need to reorder Pink Amber soon. OH WAIT LAMB MIGHT BE LAM!!!!!!!! IS THAT TRUE OR WISHFUL THINKING?!?! POWERS THAT BE: SPEAK!
  3. Yes these look awesome! Most interested in Pleasure island and Dark &Vampy...
  4. Good for you OBW! I need to try Sneaky w/CB...don't think I have yet...
  5. No problem...I've been gone all day anyway...just got home and see NR's are up!! I'll sort through my samples tomorrow!!
  6. I seem to have managed to get about an equal amount of both! I have two full racks pretty much sorted into cool/warm weather (although I do cross the weather borders sometimes) but I am surprised at how about even they are.
  7. That's really good advice about ordering in catagories like that. I never would have thought to do that! I bet that really does help when trying to pin down your tastes.
  8. The Birkeys...I have so many of those samples hanging around. I don't have a trade page because I am lazy and don't want to deal with the payment thing. But if you get an email exchange I can go through my trough and see what I've got to send you. Some of those I have given to my mother but I still have plenty on your list I can throw in an envelope and save you a few dollars.
  9. These pheros are completely different in and of themselves and completely different to different people. IMO...you want love, bonding and sweet feelings? Gotcha. You want an allure of sexual mystery with a dash of bad ass confidence? LFN. A girl needs both. Eta to add SEXUAL mystery.
  10. There are so many factors to consider in this story before pheros can be prescribed.... Has he shown any interest before you tried pheros? You cannot completely change a mans perspective with pheros if he is absolutely not interested or perhaps involved with someone else. Pheros are powerful tools but there has to be SOME balance in the universe or the LP girls would be running amok causing havoc among menfolk everywhere. Not to say we don't, but there aee some limits here. Again, not enough info in the story so I'm just throwing things out there. Is it innapropriate for him to show interest in the work environment? That's another issue. More info please!! The stronger pheros like BI and Sexpionage are stinkier so you do need a stronger cover scent...but Cuddle Bunny is a pretty effective phero on the right man...
  11. Mmm....shockingly I like this!! No pointiness on me. I don't normally go for any of these florals or the fern grassy thing but this is completely wearable for me and not sharp as every other vent like this has been in the past. I won't go for a FB because I don't think I would wear it enough but my sample will be lavished!
  12. But she normally makes it every Halloween so if she keeps that up you know to stock up then! I'll have to try this version again this weekend... I didn't seem to like it as much as my 2011 version when I tried it.
  13. That amazes me...such a happy scent. I will be wearing the hell out of it when I go to Hawaii next month! This and Dolly's Hot and Sticky of course. My friend that I will be visiting there LOVED the concept of the rose mojito. He couldn't believe there was such a perfume! Ahhhh these non LP'ers...they have such a tough time smelling outside the box...
  14. Yes please...my mother just tried Atomic M and now she must have one. Of course I'm not going to order it for her without seeing what else I need so........
  15. So this one is kind of nice to relax in after a shower after it dries down, but MAN ALIVE!! Is this a bitch while it's wet or what?! GEEZ! It beats THE HELL out of my head! A tiny splat on my wrist and my eyes feel swollen from the beating they the taking. Now that it has dried down it is bearable but I probably won't go through this madness again.
  16. It makes no sense how much I love this one. The roses don't usually sit well with me. That Confite one was a total bust. Agent XXX was better but still not FB worthy for me. But Pizzazz!! So drippingly refreshing! Every time I wear it it smells a little different. Sometimes the lime pops out...sometimes the mint! I think it smells exactly like this drink must taste which I plan on making one of these days. Thank you Halo for inspiring a scent with Cougar that I finally love!
  17. Yeah it doesn't smell anything like Occo Black to me either. I can't wear Occo Black at all...
  18. You're welcome...I am always tempted to boost things but now I find it's smarter for me to get them plain and get UN. I just go through so many scent phases that I can't garauntee that I will be in the mood for the scent when I want to wear the phero!! I really like my scents in oil and my pheros in spray 60/40. The exception to this is my Dolly's Hot and Sticky I got that in a spray boosted with Topper and that's the best thing ever. But generally that's my rule. (I only really get stinky pheros like Sexpionage in the enhanced fragrances like Comp P.) Sorry this is way off topic....I am so tired I'm just rambling. Ps. Oh another thing...I like some socials in the 90/10 spray too.
  19. Nice review Vladmira! I'm going to have to read this whole thread again. I am almost done with my Lace...Seems like I should consider replacing it with this...
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