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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. But Leather is tempered with more dominant pheros and it is one of Dollys faves so the est shouldn't stop you from trying this one!!! (if that is what you meant by this?)
  2. Just make sure to let ...and I feel fine DRY DOWN before you judge, as you can see from my original review at first the cannibis is strong!! But then omg....it turns into such exotic gloriousness...
  3. Have you tried ...and I feel fine?? To me it is so similar to KS but with cannabis....no tobacco. One of my favorites. Now I wish I would have gotten samp of this but the anise scared me.
  4. No, never. Mine always come two days after the notice...hope it is the same this time around...is this package still cooling its heels somewhere?
  5. No, not lightheaded and confused, I am totally ok with that...it's hard to explain...just "not myself". Pop potion doesn't seem to do it for me either! I wear it because the scent of Darling C is one of my faves but not the phero. Something in scented Cougar doesn't sit well with my skin, either (which is shocking because I thought I loved grapefruit before) so maybe I will get to update my opinion after trying the new Pizazz because it has been a long time since I've tried Cougar...here's hoping! I am very jealous of all the Coug Love.
  6. Cougar has seems to make me feel a bit out of sorts too but it has never come in a scent that I have been myself with either. I am eagerly awaiting my sample of Pizazz and hoping this is the one that will indeed make me sparkle!! But yeah, the phero makes me feel odd so I'm just not sure about it...
  7. I felt bad when your post showed up right before my friggin happy dance...
  8. I think I ordered on the 5th too and just got my notice so don't give up the faith!!!
  9. GOT MY SHIPPING NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been stalking this harder than usual this month!!!!!! Prob because I know if I need something I've got to get that order in before the 25th...but at least i have my La Sylph and samples en route!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eta: Queen of L I was writing this the same time as your sad news...I am sorry.
  10. Wearing this today and wondering WHY I DIDN'T GET A FB!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. What about Treasure of Silver???!!! It's got Night Blooming Jasmine, Moonflower, Oak moss...among others! I am not a real floral person but I love this one. It is romantic and mysterious!!! eta: its got earth in there too which helps with the whole "secret garden" feel.
  12. I haven't noticed this because all the waiting flies outta my head as soon as I see that box in the mail...BUT I hope you are right because this is the longest I have had to wait for my shipping notice!! I assume with the moving things are scrambled...I am stalking my emails like crazy.
  13. Welcome Irish Eyes!! Just dig right in and start buying samplers every month...you'll figure out what you love soon enough. I am 44 and my tastes are all over the map. I have a little bit of each type of fragrance and phero. My mother on the other hand is what I might consider an actual older woman, 70...( although she would probably smirk at that too!) she wears all the pinks! LP Pink, Sinister Pink, Lick of Pink....I think that is kind of funny, she wears all the girly sweet perfumes but anyway she loves them and apperently her husband likes them too...so who knows? Yes, soon enough you will find that LP's are like no other perfumes anywhere and become obsessed like the rest of us!
  14. Me too Moriko....I went full bottle on this one right from the get go! Cannot wait to get my package!
  15. Oh Blackcat I loved reading that!!! That was a beautiful tribute for Olivia. This was one of my favorite posts and did make me cry.
  16. Haha! Loved that cute post Calii. I got LP Red boosted with SS4W...going to wear it to the Chips for Charity poker event my group is hosting on Sunday. It will be a 90% male turn out... I want LP Red boosted with EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! It does stick on clothes so well and I love smelling them the next day...
  17. Oh yes I am also a Dr. Pepper Smacker addict. Right now I have a cherry Coke one which also ads the perfect amount of color but nothing is like the Pepper.
  18. The only thing that scares me is the lime but the notes sounds so interesting together that I cannot tell which way it is going to go...got a sample coming and I cannot wait.
  19. lol...I have adjusted my policies so many times. And every time I put a new policy into place I am dead serious in my mind. I am so shocked by my lack of self control when it comes to these perfumes even after 3 years. I have this problem with NOTHING else.
  20. It was tough to be conservative but I got FB of La Sylphide and Occo Red, which I am dangerously down to about one more wearing...and samps of Pizzazz, Petite Four, X Appeal and Courage and Bravery Spell Potion.
  21. HA! Crazy prediction lady!!!!!! I would be getting this one no matter WHAT it was boosted with!!! I have been craving this since Chitown came up with the concept...LOVE OLIVIAS LABEL!!!!! SWEETNESS BLACKCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. OMGGG!!!! Such a move!!!! I already asked Michael if he wants to move to Portland. He's not sure. Good luck with this transition. I would be so stressed I would throw up but I think Mara and elves are clearly multi taskers so I think it will go smoothly. Imagine how exciting January will be after such a long wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Yes! I think this would be perfect for Amalthea. I want the new lovebird label too.
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