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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Grr. I know what you mean. I had someone tell me I was too exotic to wear something so "vanilla" when I was wearing Snowbound once. I was like... "it's not a simple vanilla actually, it is Snowbound." which meant nothing to them but I think it is more a matter of their generic noses. I don't have anything against vanilla either, I think it can be quite exotic, it is just the way it was said.
  2. Yeah, I always like to have EST in my blends so when I wear my Unisexy (Perfect Match) I now add a spritz or two of Lace (I don't have straight EST or I would just do that.) I think it is great, I get friendlier hits with this combo. I wear it alone to work...but out socially I like the added Lace. So personally ....I would probably add EST.
  3. I'm hoping for something wearable for me with LFN...
  4. Yes I am too. I can't do much buying but I am SO interested to see what pheros Mara pairs with what new scents! Well...I think I can get one or two bottles if they are something I really can't live without. Have to be careful though. Got to start saving for the New Years Beach trip already...
  5. I used to wear the last version with Occo Red when I went out. But these smell very different to me, like Darbla said last version was much more foodie. I will try 2013 one again but I preferred the old one better too, I amp the floral thing in this one and not enough fluff and spice!
  6. Oh my goodness! Thank you Mara!! I got my LP Red spray and was so sorry you had to send it separetely and did not expect addition freebies on top of that!! AND LOVE THE BEAUTIFUL NEW LABEL!!!!
  7. I was over on the LFM thread and made mention of this so I decided to take my Lace business over here! I had said that Lace is the real charmer as far as getting people to talk to you. I had two experiences not too long ago both with Lace...One when I was in line at the post office and there was a young guy in front of me who turned around when I walked up and just turned his back on me with no reaction (no biggie) but then after a few minutes he turned completely around to face me with a dazzling smile and engaged me in convo with something like "what do you think of this weather!?" which was so unnecessary as it was the summer...in the desert...which obviously means the same degree of hot it was yesterday and the day before and...you get the picture. Then I went to lunch and sat up at the bar one seat down from a guy sitting alone who barely looked at me when I sat...after a few minutes....same thing! Completely turns on me with whatever his bright idea of conversation was (don't remember now) as if I DEMANDED to be noticed and chatted up. Neither times was I especially dressed up or acting especially charming so I chalk it up to the inhalation of Le Lace!!
  8. Maybe we could try Topper with LFM to lighten that up? I never have but just might after reading this to see how it works. I agree that Lace is the real charmer as far as friendly, come talk to me vibes!
  9. Even though I've been distracted with NR's this is my actual list as of right this moment... Velvet Kisses Darling C LP Red Coco Honey Katerina Suit Usually LAM Pink Amber is somewhere on there but I am fresh out so I am giving it some time off.
  10. Ha ha...out of curiosity were you able to wear Cat's Eye at all? That one was horrid on me.
  11. YES! I just came over here to point you in the direction of the Private Edition thread which highlights your prediction!!!!!!!!!!
  13. She said she was releasing it with a pheromone next month but I could swear you predicted that this scent would be paired with LFM. I wonder if I dreamed this?!
  14. I'm almost done with my 60/40 Un LFM. I hope Tyvey is right when she predicted that this will be released in the Sandalwood, vanilla, ylang, nutmeg scent that someone had ordered for a PE for pheromas next month....
  15. Crap! I didn't even think about that...Mara uses authentic ingredients in her potions!!!!!!
  16. I thought I would like this one much more than I did! The ingredients are so right for me, but something was biting me! I will let it age and wait for my NR fever to die down and try it again. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with ones I love and don't appreciate others until later.
  17. I wore this all day yesterday and oh it just gets better and better throughout the day. One of those you forget about and then wonder what is smelling so good. I keep thinking that BB is right on with her suggestion of pairing this with Lace. I sat outside yesterday afternoon drinking wine and enjoying this bright happy scent!!
  18. To me this is way different than Cat's Eye. Like unrecognizably different. I do not like Cats Eye. At all. In fact when I am done comparing the two I will have to aggressively wash the bit off I just put on. Cats Eye is so soapy weird plastic on me. It really makes me nauseous. Eye of the Moggie on the other hand is a nice dusty honey scent. I am not really into the SLF thing, dirty honey not really being a winner on my skin (unless you count Coco Honey...I love that) but Moggie is actually wearable for me. Not a full bottle for me , but I am not going to give the trial vial to my cats for a play toy or anything. Ok, got to wash both of these off...my head is spinning...
  19. I wore this last night and I loved it. I do love baked fruit scents and this was perfect. I really couldn't pick anything out specifically, (the pumpkin fig or cherry) my brain just registered tart berry pie with a crumbly crust and for once I liked the pecan note. It was not overpowering. actually nothing was overpowering at all and the spices were way in the background for me. This was a happy scent for me and instead of wearing it to bed as I did last night I would wear it out with Lace or whatever your happy phero is!! eta: I loved this label and made it the wallpaper for my phone!
  20. I need to give it a proper full testing but the spices went CRAZY on me for a good long while (which is fine by me) and I got no patchouli , but now that it is way way way dried down it got caramely and the patchouli is perfect. I can't wait to try this out for realzies.
  21. Oh I love this one! Crisp apple right off the bat and then that sort of mysterious floral type thing...beautiful!! Am I crazy to smell a touch of caramel? Must be the way my nose blends the fermented honey and apple. This one has got to be sampled! It smells nothing like I imagined it would. It is so cozy. eta: I just realized that the "caramel" thing I was getting was most likely the dab of Cauldron Cake I had on earlier on the other arm mixing with Nip of A...
  22. I love Ginger! She looks so comfy and I feel like she is looking right through me...very disapprovingly! @Amalthea...IMO Sneaky is not like Bonded. It is a completely different kind of "clean and soapy" thing. It is not my favorite but I have a small bottle that Tyvey made me and it does come in handy. As you can see though it is a huge hit with everyone else!!
  23. Oh Mara...I already got my Lady V's Pussycat! I paid for it with GC's a long time ago so didn't use the invoice. All good, thanks!
  24. GOT MINE. So excited....hopefully Saturday is the day...I hope I don't have to wait until Monday...
  25. The reason there are no bottles of the above available, is because it is SOOOOO FREAKIN' GOOD that I decided to use Melodie's recipe for a monthly release next month for Pheromas. So, Melodie, you will receive an additional bottle of your creation next month, phero enhanced, and with a different label, but all shall know of your genius - the listing will credit you as the scent's creator. Thank you for sharing your most excellent recipe! I AM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY ABOUT THIS!!!! THIS IS THE ONE I WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD FOR A MINUTE.....................................
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