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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I know! I haven't heard a damn thing about it!! And I am pissy because in my haste to order (thinking the sale was over today!!) I forgot to get a damn sample!!!!!
  2. I don't even really remember what I wrote I'll have to revisit it now. Thanks for finding it! eta: Oh HA! That was funny.
  3. There is def reviews on it! I know I wrote one when I spilled my sample on my bed and I slept in yummy banana mush for a couple days!
  4. Lol! I laugh only because...YES. Less is more with this perfume. I have the very same experience as you. Love it but then it gets sickening in a way later on somehow if I slather too much. HOWEVER...the reason I slather is that it is HG's favorite perfume EVER so I enjoy wearing it for him on the weekends. I do like it...don't get me wrong...but yes, you can go too far with it for some reason.
  5. OMG! It is painful believe me!!!!! But I already have a list of new things I need to get to make my new esty room work better for me so I have to be a grown up about it all. Also...I have such high hopes for my new salon I know my business will get much better so I'll make up for it soon!!!!!
  6. I finally put my order in...despite the sale I had to go conservative!!! I bought Coconut Breeze and Treasure of Silver and Autumn 2010 for my freebie!!
  7. Oh Lord. This is stressful. No question you have to wear cops with whatever you decide. I am a huge LFM fan so I would do GBM with cops...BUT so many have success with Perfect Match w/cops. Either one is good I think. They both have DHEAS ...add cops...you're good.
  8. OMGGGGG!!!!! I hope you don't get yourself into a Topperless situation!! I am thinking of getting my Bodacious Bomb from the sale boosted with Topper and cops and made into spray. That sounds like something I would want to splash on after work!! Oh Lord...I cannot make up my mind.
  9. Yes. You need everything. What if you get into a situation where no other phero other than Topper will do? And you haven't got it? You'll panic, that's what. The risk is too great.
  10. HI Zan! Lots of sweet scents here... Coconut Breeze is beautiful...i'm getting one next order. Occo Ambrosia is my fave Occo and goes well with the Coconut. If you like foody coconut scents Nookie Cookie is one you'll love and it is on the sale list!
  11. I love them ALL at different times of the year!! OCCO RED for winter especially holiday time! OCCO WHITE all year but especially fall/winter because I love it with SPARKLE FUSCHIA!!! OCCO BLUE for fall because it is cosy to me when the weather starts cooling!!!! OCCO PURPLE for spring and summer because it is so JUICY!!!! OCCO AMBROSIA for summer but...love it so much probably all year round!!!! OCCO BLACK...not so much
  12. Oh cool! Thanks Mara. This one sounds very interesting...
  13. Yep! Glad to see Luna back...missed driving her batty with the stalking... I hope the honey isn't all CRAZY in the Torrid one.
  14. Yes, I was not too interested in the "smelling like bacon" thing that was going on for a bit...but I think your piggy is tricking us!!!!!
  15. @mel..I hope you are wrong on Torrid S (NOD didnt work for me)...but your Seelie sounds lovely!!
  16. Well that is very mysterious...one would think it would be the other way around!!
  17. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I hope TO HELL the BI one works for me!!!!!! LOVE Seelie/Unseelie...ANd The Tyveys Wonderland label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Lace is more fun, flirty, girly...LFM is more empowering femme fatale? Does that help at all?
  19. Actually I think that BI is a very strange first LP for you Syn, because Heart and Soul reminds me of you!
  20. I swear Occo Pink smells more like Pink Sugar to me than LP Pink. Which is weird as I am sure there is no cops in the commercial Pink Sugar!!
  21. This is not as bad as I thought it would be initially smelling from the vial. It is definitely not for me but I kept it at HG's house because I like to try out floral scents there because I don't really wear them in my real life. So I just wore a tad and it was just kind of shampoo-y. Not bad. You could add some Occo White to make it more vanilla-y.
  22. Nice post KK! Very well put. I don't remember what I am in that test. We had a thread here about it...I have to look for it to see what I said I was. I think I was the same as Luna.
  23. Oh good...bills will be paid by Friday so I can go pretty much guilt free. I still must be conservative unfortunately!!!!!!
  24. OMG!! That must be the Skin Musk I referred to in my Coconut Breeze review that my mom wore when I was little!!! How cool!! Thank you Dolly...I will get at least a small bottle of this and give it to my mom if it doesn't work on me. And get more for her if she still likes it! (which I doubt as she is an entirely different person by now!!)
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