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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh! I have gone through a couple LP Original samples, but foolishly have always put off the bottle! Now I have none to try this with.
  2. Oh no! Ambrosia no work?! That is bad news. I haven't got my sampler yet but will have it tomorrow or Sat! will report back on Coco Breeze!!
  3. Oh, now for ME there would be no question... LA FEMME W/ COPS. But I don't get the same results as others do from PP!! I feel soooooo cool and confident and number one in harem participance when wearing this. If I got a call for such a situation right now I would be covered in Closer and LFM and out the door reporting for duty!
  4. Oh Thank you sweet Calii, I haven't had a round of applause all day! and @SheHoss...looking forward to your bookish intro! (I just got home, maybe it's already written,...I'll check!)
  5. I keep discussing LP Sunfire over on the Passion & Desire thread so I thought I'd move it over here. It's GGG but I was thinking...maybe we can recreate the "feel" if not the exact smell of it with LP Original and Occo Ambrosia? I don't have any LP Original but will get a sample next order to give this a try. I guess it would be missing the coconut...I wonder how Pirate and Maiden would be with Ambrosia? Oh dear...once again, I'm out of my Pirate and Maiden so can't actually try this...
  6. I hear you Raq. I need to slow down on my bottle now, it's half gone and I only got it a few months ago! This was an example of not liking something when I got my sample...getting a sniffee of it with an order and realizing it is my favorite!!! How does that happen? Anyway, grateful I did get one bottle before its demise.
  7. Welcome Shehoss! I get great self affects from Lumina too and just decided yesterday it will be my next Un Phero to buy. As far as getting no reactions...it takes awhile with some of the pheros to find your "sweet spot" as far as the amount your system needs. Also, when you are new to pheros sometimes it takes a bit to know what to notice as "hits" for some reason. It did for me too. They'll come though, and you'll know it when you see it that's for sure! And, some pheros will just work on you or those that you are trying to affect and others will not. Takes a lot of experimenting which at first is frustrating because I know you want results NOW!!! But it just becomes a lot of fun when you relax and just let the pheros unfold naturally to do their job. It will become a fun passion to try them out in different circumstances. At this point I know which ones are almost foolproof with certain people and which ones are just "eh" for me and my lifestyle. Keep trying them out...and remember just because you don't see them affecting those around you they probably are, most of us hide a lot of our reactions to things. I don't know your situation. Did you write a welcome post? If not, do so and let us know more about you and your situation as far as what you are reaching for in scent and phero results!!! (I'll go look now in case you wrote one and I missed it.)
  8. OH How I love dear Sunfire...was thinking on the way to work today I should have gotten one in spray...waa.
  9. Oh yeah, Heart & Soul is my anti-irritant phero. I always have a shield of it between my mother and I if we are spending the whole day together. I got my Song of the Desert boosted with it last year. The scent makes me so happy and is a perfect carrier for this phero. As Snowflake said "at ease" is a great way to describe the self effects. I have never tried it around HG or any other SP because I am always going for the SLUTZO pheros for that sort of thing.
  10. This was my bedtime scent last night. Mmm. Very comforting. I like when the chocolate scents smell dusty like this. It cuts down on the sweetness. Not that this isn't sweet, it's just more interesting with that earthy thing going on than straight up chocolate. This is not heavy at all which is why I don't like some choco scents, they get overwhelming on me...not this one. Like Lady V said, maybe the mint lightens it up. Even if you are not sold on chocolate scents you ought to try a sample of this...if only for bed or when you need a comfort fix.
  11. Always changing, except for Lam Pink Amber...always and forever But right now... Velvet Kisses ShellyB's Bodacious Bomb Occo Ambrosia LAM Sandalwood & Resins
  12. I just really like the idea of the four men...spill it already!!
  13. LOL!!! Eggers! Drugging yourself to wear LP's! That is commitment!!
  14. Luckily for me I also prefer Rainbow Falls to this one. I thought I would like this one better because of the fruits but it is just a tad too sharp and green for me. I agree with Gaby that RF is more soothing. I am relieved because I still have a lot of RF left...I don't know how, I wore it so much last summer! They are both nice and refreshing summer scents though, very useful to keep at work to splash on if you have to go out and can't take a shower first. These two scent are "showers on the go" scents!
  15. You're telling me!! And these people came from all over the country to compete in this thing! A lot of girls too. You should have seen the bling on some of these horses! Friggin' diamond head decorations and all! Horse are one dam expensive hobby is what they are!
  16. LOLLLLLLLL!!!!! People on the horses!!!!!!!!!! Like this... but with horses and barrels!!!! And not bananas. But very similar!!!! eta: but no whips either.
  17. So glad I get no chocolate at all with this because I wouldn't love it as much!!
  18. I'm not really sure...one of these cowboy things he does. It was like...horses in this big arena running around barrels and being timed...with people on top!!
  19. Me too! I showed up at HG's house very late, intending to just crash because we had to get up early to do some things. But I haven't really given my BI sample much attention so I spritzed some on the way over just to see... We flopped into bed and a few minutes later he's all "What the Hell?! I am exhausted!! I was not horny at all when you showed up...now this!" (You can imagine). What a fun romp we had! I wore it all weekend, even out and about and much like Lexy felt I was getting a lot of sweet attention from him. Even at his barrel racing horsey thing with his friends he was much more attentive and touchy feely than normal out in public. I ordered a bottle right from his bed yesterday aftrernoon!
  20. I got the sampler and Un BI for me and bottle of The Lovers for my mom for her birthday. I wanted a bottle of the Puff but I wore my sample of BI all weekend and...WEE HOO!!! Had to go for the bottle.
  21. I'm trying to figure out if I like jasmine or not in anticipation of Kims PE. I like how we can get small sizes of them!!! I'm always afraid of getting a whole bottle unsniffed.
  22. WOW! That sounds so cool! Some peach I like (Hotter Than Hell most notably) and of course I am a pear ho and I think I like lemon although I don't have any lemon perfume in my collection.
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