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Everything posted by MeriendaTime

  1. Ah, I didn't think Juicy Couture had done it intentionally because many of their bags and keychains just have the word "Juicy". I just thought it was coincidental after reading your posts and mentioned it. The man was being a bit over harsh over a brand. Could have waited until he was in private. No argument here! I whoreheartedly agree. I did feel that Juicy sweatpants can be misconstrued. If I had a teen daughter, I wouldn't want "Juicy" stamped across her butt. Or dressed provocatively for that matter lest she stars in the next 16 and pregnant.
  2. Welcome to the forum! Purple puff is sounds like a great choice. And the LAM phero is great too.
  3. This smells pretty liquor-y on me too. Not that, that's a bad thing. Quite the opposite in fact. On me, this smells like a very strong vanilla vanilla cake with hints or coconut doused liberally with rum. The scent didn't evolve or change very much on. The liquor smell just subsided a bit. It smells fab. And I wanted to eat it, but unfortunately so did my skin. It didn't last very long on me.
  4. How coincidental! I was at a children's hospital the other day talking to a man and his daughter came in with juicy sweatpants. His facial expression completely morphed when we saw what was written on her behind. He began to scold and interrogate the girl about who bought her the pants in front of me. The girl looked like she wanted to melt into the floor. When she left I told him, "You do know that juicy is a brand right...juicy couture? They have bags and keychains with the word 'Juicy'... "He looked pretty shame faced after. But I can see how it could be taken that way. For that reason I was never interested in juicy couture sweats though I love their bags. People might think Im disillusioned with "juicy" stamped on the rear when my booty isn't exactly juicy
  5. I look at my account balance and I see it needs increasing Still my bank account gently weeps I'm terribly curious about tangy tart. I hope I can snag a bottle of Dollys hot and sticky.
  6. Fruit with a hint of honey? That sounds so nommy. I'm craving a fruit salad now. I would looooove a bottle. I hope I can get my hands on one. Time to break out the piggy bank!
  7. The energy and vibe of this community is what got me wanting to participate also! Welcome!
  8. I am! I just got luv truffle boosted with Perfect Match but I haven't had a chance to try it out. So I've just been huffing from the bottle every night or something.
  9. Banana and hay? Sounds interesting! Do you like the perfect match blend?
  10. I was thinking that maybe it would work better in smaller amounts...like dab perhaps. Love heart and soul! But CB with people jumping out of their way to do things for you sounds nice every once in awhile. I got none of that though. In fact, I think I might've OD'ed. I kind of felt invisible. From TWO sprays? o__o I'm not giving yet!!! I'd hate to see this go.
  11. I don't have much experience with online dating, but I get the impression that there's a large population of introverts in the online dating world. Probably why people get "boring" guys. Anywho, I've heard that the sites you pay for yield the best results vs. free sites, where most guys are just looking to boink.
  12. This scent is nommylicious. You know that smell you get when you walk into a coffee joint in the winter? Yeah. That. Smells like a swirl hot chocolate and coffee. I don't get a hint of orange at all, and that's fine with me! I only wish the Cuddle Bunny phero worked on me. I have velvet kisses in alcohol spray and I've tried one spray to five sprays and nothing! I've been told that I carry myself very feminine and soft to begin with. And a cousin I grew up used to tell me in throughout middle school and high school that I carry myself very feminine like and at worst weak, and so I look like one of those people that are fun to beat up. I never knew what she meant, but she was a bit of a bully. When I wore this around her with two sprays that I had applied three hours prior she pinched me and smacked my thighs and butt and said, "oooh. I just want to hurt you." Hahaha. I'm guessing maybe EST just doesn't suit me. I've read somewhere on these boards that EST may make some women seem helplesss, so maybe I'm one of those...But I do fine with heart & soul? *Sigh* I really love how this smells, was even thinking of getting it in oil unphero-ed...but I'm tempted to just getting phero enhanced because I want the results you girls are having with CB. Boooo. :/
  13. I havent gotten a chance to try it out yet, just sniffed it in the vial. Coconutty and vanilla. Yum!
  14. I decided to get passion in pink because of how you described it to be an anti irritant. I had a bottle of it UN but it leaked, and I never got a chance to properly test it. A life saver indeed! Thanks for mentioning that it works as an anti irritant/shield I love the self effects also!! It's like anti bitch or something. I wonder if balm bomb would work the same way...in terms of easing irritation.
  15. When first applied I got a very strong blast of floral with a teeny bit of pear in the background hardly noticeable. At drydown the floral dies down and there isn't any trace of fruit. I can understand the musk some people are detecting...wonder what that is also. It gives the drydown scent an earthy floral smell. The dry down is a lot more pleasant than the initial smell. Since I lean towards gourmand scents, I mightve liked it more if I had gotten more pear.
  16. THIS. I have Passion in Pink, which is enhanced with Heart & Soul. Upon application, I immediately felt calm and my mood perked up. I picked my sister up in her car and she was already in a bad mood. I had happened to spill beans on the seat and was afraid to tell her. When she asked me, "What smells like food?" I knew she was referring to Passion in Pink, (because the beans were dry) I tried to slickly slip in my slip up, "...it might be me...or the lentils I spilled in your car..." Normally she would flip being neat freakinshly anal about her car, but all she gave me was an, "Oh...well..just make sure you clean it." I had to put some effort into keeping my jaw from dropping. Later on that day I decided to slather the PiP on my wrists and applied it in lollipop fashion on my torso. I know it was probably overkill, but I was loving the scent! I was going to spend my afternoon and evening with my mom. Normally, we would bicker and argue and I or she would get irritated. However not ONCE did we argue. One of my biggest pet peeves are panicky backseat drivers. Normally, if my mom starts dictating how I should drive I'll snap at her. But today, even when she startled me by saying, "STOP STOP STOP YOURE GONNA HIT THE GUY IN FRONT OF YOU." I merely said, "Don't worry mom. I won't hit him. Please, don't yell. It scares me." In a very calm manner. WHO AM I? We chattered about this and that with no arguments and irritation the rest of the day. Amazing. Hasn't happened in years. I'm sold. I love Heart & Soul.
  17. My package arrived today right as I was walking into my home. I was so impatient that I ripped the box open with my key. It came in record time despite me adding on to my original order. Thank you for the generous amount of sniffees and the incense. I was just reading a post about Rosie's wedding cake and it sounded divine so I was debating on whether I should or could add my name to the list and I got a sniffee!! :cat690:
  18. I wouldnt worry about it too much cinnamonmel. I reapplied today in lollipop fashion and a dot at each wrist and my sister who previously told me it smelled like curry, told me i smell l like cereal about an hour after application. Go figure. She actually said she wouldnt have identified the scent as curry if I hadnt thrown it out there. I'm not as worried about it as I originally was. The scent has grown on me throughout the day It's very different from other scents I have. Not lmpm fragrances mind you. This makes me excited to try others.
  19. When applied on my skin wet, PiP smells like some kind of fruit rolled im brown sugar I'm guessing that's how my sniffer interprets the passion fruit and caramel. As it dries down a soft rose comes out. I'm not normally a fan of rose scents but this smells like roses dipped in caramel with an underlying spicy note. I can definitely see how some people would smell the curry I think it's the caramel and pepper that makes people smelll curry. When my sister got into the car after i aplied it she saaid, "What is that smell? It smells like food." An hour later I had her sniff my wrist and remembered how Syn got curry comments and asked my sister if it was curry. And she said, "Yes!! Curry. That's what I smelled in the car." Not sure if it's the caramel combined with pepper or my skin chemistry. My nose doesnt interpret it as curry, but i can see how people would get that. I really like the scent, but Im not too crazy about walking around smelling like curry.
  20. Thanks JOC! *sigghhh* My list is forever changing. My next order will definitely contain sexology and the LP collection trial vials.
  21. Newbie question here. But how do you check to see how many bottles of something is left?
  22. Well, I know it's good for new partners. With a replica you can learn how to work it best when it would probably take you twice as long finding out the old fashion way. Personally, the s.o. says he'd get a kick out of watching a replica of himself.
  23. Beautiful people.com is rubbish! I attempted also to see if I would get in and I very narrowly made it in with just a face picture. I deleted my profile and tried again, but this time with some boobage in the picture and it got in without a struggle. I think they rate based on boobs.
  24. Hope cinnamonmel's reply answers your question, synergist. Thanks for the update Cinnamonmel! I'll definitely look into getting a replica kit then. Maybe I'll just have to take do a little sexay dance to some pussycat doll song or something to keep at his optimum.
  25. Ugh. I forgot what I wanted to get a couple days ago and ended up being tempted by UN PP and OCCO SLF. I've reached my max expenditure on wants this week. Think I'll just wait out till next month and see what's being released. Still very tempted to get OCCO Ambrosia and Cheeky
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