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Everything posted by MeriendaTime

  1. LOL. Mine does too. SO:*Sniff* "Did you put on more perfume?" *crotch nudge* "It smells different for some reason...or is that your smell?" Me: *Knows the perfume is gone and he's smelling the cops*"Erm...maybe...but the perfumes I have morph. Not that 2 dimensional bath and body works stuff. Maybe the musk is coming out towards the end." SO:"Well. Whatever it is, I like smelling it. Turns me on."
  2. I HAVE to get more of this, despite the powdery scent it leaves behind. Not only is the staying power INSANE on me....but it keeps the cops covered. I finally figured what that musky weird scent that got left behind whenever I wore occos, cuddlebunny or pretty much anything that's supposed to cover cops. The cops CLING to my skin like crazy. It stays on my skin for so long that it *always* outlives the fragrance. But OCCO SLF? This...stays just as long as the cops, or maybe even outlives it.
  3. Mara didn't want to oversell so she zero-ed the cart. She said there might be a bottle or two when she's done making sprays for sneaky clean people ordered. She was talking about possibly brewing a v2 of sneaky clean. hearts - I read something on the boards about it possibly going up on Monday.
  4. Fantastic! Thank you! Very helpful. The OCCO's are great but I like the scents and sometimes end up slathering on wayyyy too much for the scent alone and end up OD'ing. I hope I don't go crazy wanting to cop everything and regretting it.
  5. I've tried searching for a thread talking about this, but found nothing. I feel like this should be common sense but I don't want to ruin a perfectly good bottle of perfume, so I thought it best to ask. I have EOW in oil coming that I intended to use to boost some oil scents myself (the occo's are sometimes a bit too much and I end up OD'ing and ghosting). I wonder if it's possible to add a couple drops of the oil based eow in some alcohol based perfumes I have. Has anyone done this successfully/was it able to blend together? If so, would I have to shake it before each use?
  6. I was contemplating on this a couple weeks ago as well. I'm not one for rose but marshmallow aspect...and like liz, the nipple pinching intrigued me.
  7. You ladies and your hoarding! It makes me panic! I ended up scrambling for a bottle of sneaky clean unsniffed and two bottles of something else unsniffed.
  8. Just wanted to make sure! I've read definitions of Beta that described Beta guys as being the friend of Alphas that try to take over as Alpha when the Alpha isn't around.
  9. Love the labels! Baskery looks like it might be something right up my alley.
  10. Some people get more into the male social hierarchy. And almost seem to make up their own definitions of Alpha, Belta, Delta, Gamma, Sigma, Omega. But if you meant Beta as in intropspective, intelligent, quiet, unconfrontational more in touch with their feelings etc etc. If so, my S.O is a super Beta male. He responds veryyy well to Heart & Soul and Perfect Match with added cops. I think he likes the b-nol in those blends. Which makes sense since b-nol is supposed to inspire bonding and Beta males are generalized as wanting meaningful/connected relationships
  11. I knew it'd be a bad idea to come back to this thread. A period perfume, lady v?! Sounds amazing. I hate cleaning or doing much of anything when the mother natures pays a visit. Rolling this on and closing my eyes and picturing a pristine home sounds good. And there isn't a whole lot left. Hopefully theres still a few bottles left when the aug sale rolls around.
  12. Gosh. I had no interest in clean scents, but the more I stalk this thread the more convinced I am that I need this.
  13. I would go with LAM/Purple Puff also because of the cops. To me, LAM is sexier than PP.
  14. Welcome! The packages never come fast enough, do they? I look forward to see you around the forum.
  15. Was Detective and the Dame in a different carrier than MRF? Or maybe the phero wasn't congruent with your demeanor that day.
  16. ^ LOL Congrats everyone. I didn't notice my rank change, but I'm a disgruntled house elf now apparently. ooo a harry potter reference.
  17. Yay sale. And on the same month as my birthday. I'll just HAVE to treat myself...even though I made an order that was supposed to be my last for awhile....no choice. It's a sale.
  18. Hilarious hits tyvy & calii! Poor guys didnt stand a chance . I'm gonna have to add MRF to my next order.
  19. Enjoyed reading your report! I'm excited for Red Lace to come my way. I've been meaning to try LP Red AND Lace on their own anyway. 2 in 1. Yayy.
  20. I tried bang again at half a spray and nothing still. I have it coming in Extracurricular Proclivities. so maybe it'll work better at a much lower dosage. Must...be...patient..
  21. Yes! VIP, describes it perfectly. I read somewhere (think it might be in this thread) that PP is comparable to mx135. With mx135 people just seemed dazzled and in awe, but they didn't necessarily go out of their way to accommodate you. PP seems to dazzle people AND put them to action.
  22. Wow! A three inch strip. I'm gonna give half a spray today then. I've got Bang! coming in Extracurricular Activities, maybe that lower dosage would work better.
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