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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Yes, the trade off with the alcohol blends is the shorter life span, which results in burn-off if you are in a very warm climate, and the potential need to reapply. Well, I just have been invited to the first big tailgating party of the season this Saturday, and it will be the PERFECT testing ground, as there is only ONE person that I know in the group that is hosting it.....she is one of my newer clients, so I don't even know HER that well.....perfect place to test Open Windows!! Yes, the Double Strength is WAY STRONG. I think that the strength will be perfect for outdoor events. Now, when I order my next round, which I am planning on Dominance and Focus Potion, they are to be used indoors, so I am going with the regular strength on those! OOOOOH, I like this idea, too.....the ability to add a light cover scent..... Now this sounds interesting for those of us in warmer climates....MUST try some of that!!
  2. :sock puppet shaking no ha: Good reviews Geena....gave me a good giggle! Everybody's chemistry and likes/dislikes are different....but you will probably find that trading is very easy here, so if you have something you don't care for, chances are sombedoy else here loves it! Glad that you found some that you like!!
  3. Oh yeah, I love the oil-based ones the best! Social pheros are good in alcohol, though.....everyone should be really happy to have more options!!
  4. Dolly

    Constant Craving

    Well, my sweetie has smelled this one layered with OCCO Black Shield, but never straight up. This morning he got the chance, because I applied some before he left to go back to his house. He told me to tell you ladies that you did a GREAT job......he loves it! He is really glad I have 2 bottles and 2 more on the way.....
  5. Well, since I am an LP Black lover, it is no big surprise that I am LOVING OCCO Black....totally! I wore it yesterday, and it was fabulous! I just can't seem to get enough of it! I applied it yesterday morning, and it was still there when I went to bed! YUMMY!
  6. You're gonna love it Shelly! I was cracking myself up and had no idea why!
  7. Steer clear of Woozy Floozy if your man has an aversion to Anol though, because it is straight, strong A-nol. I would stick with the blends....
  8. Pretty much correct....CPS will still not diffuse as quickly as alcohol, however. The pheros in DPG is akin to having one of the LP's "boosted" with a phero....
  9. Well, I got mine double strength, so they are pretty powerful-smelling until complete drydown. After drydown, I can smell them a bit, but it is a light scent. I would say that if you buy "regular" strength, it shouldn't be a problem.
  10. The next one I want is Dominance....basically because if I am trying to put a cantankerous client in their place, I don't want to have to LITERALLY get all up in their face......
  11. NO, and I am not so sure if I will....as I had posted, I have re-thought the "throwing-your-copulins-all-across-the-room" practices, and if I were to use it, it would only be at home with my darlin'.....I think what I am going to do is use the BI and OCCO and such close to my body in the oil form, and then used the social sprays to get out there. Do an almost layering effect. You know, socials in alcohol on the clothes and hair, others on the pulse points..... I may get a bottle for when I want my BI all in my sweeties face though......
  12. BUT AIL......don't smack me like that! LOL! Mara said I could......I asked permission first..... And, you're right.....Mara has already mentioned them in a couple of different threads.....I am in love with Open Windows! You're brilliant, Ail!! SMOOCHES!!
  13. OK, so today, I woke up in a not-so-good mood..... I sprayed on two SHORT blasts of Ail's Open Windows (double strength) to my chest......WOW.....I am instantly alert and feeling happy! Not laughing hysterically like yesterday, but feel like I have a little zip in my step!
  14. OK peeps.....I am "pre-release" testing some products for you all....I conned Mara into letting me buy some early for a special time coming up! You see, it is just getting into college football season, which is a big time down here.....tailgating parties abound! We are talking mostly outside, generally cooler weather, big groups of people. I plan to wear the oil based sexual pheros close to my body for my man when he gets near me, but be emitting a cloud of socials into the crowd around me! Should be lots of fun!! I was planning to keep it to myself until the products were released to everybody, but Mara gave me permission to go ahead and review at will! So, here is what I asked for.....a bottle of alcohol-based Woozy Floozy, and Ail's Open Windows....both in DOUBLE STRENGTH......yes, you will be able to get them in varying phero concentrations.....how cool is that? Yesterday, when they got here, I was working at home, by myself, and pulled out the bottle of Woozy....I sprayed one SMALL spray on my arm.....you CAN smell the pheros in this one!! So, I am working, typing a letter, and all of a sudden, I start giggling....I STILL can't figure out what was so funny to me at the time! I could not stop laughing! I got a phone call from a client, who thought I was partying.....when I said, "I'm working", he said...."Sure doesn't sound like it!"......now bear in mind, this was double strength.....gave me a serious BUZZ.....should be big fun at parties! The first tailgating parties will be in about a week or so.....you can bet I will have some reports!! Oh, and even though she doesn't have the labels designed yet, the bottles are absolutely GORGEOUS! Perfect for sitting on a dresser or shelf...... FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LOVE THE ALCOHOL-BASED BLENDS, THESE ARE GOING TO BE WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!! PLEASE don't hound Mara about getting these yet......she will announce when they are ready......we all know how busy she is! She just gave me a little bit of special treatment so that I could provide some feedback for all of you!
  15. Several of us have reported the "popularity" effect with this one.....Mara and I both have experienced it.....great mix, huh?
  16. Nobody's perfect! I agree though, I LOVE this one!
  17. It is my fave too...but, I don't think it has TAH in it.....unless you know something I don't....
  18. My hair dresser went nuts over it when I went in for a trim....she said, "What in the world are you wearing? You smell so GOOD!"
  19. The cops smell dies down on me too.....it is really all about your body chemistry....but yes, make sure that you shake that bottle really well before application.....if you can smell them when it's wet, then you should be good to go.....
  20. And, since it's so fruity, it covers cops completely....
  21. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA Shelly, you tickle me..... I may have to check out that website....we didnt have texting when I was in college, but I did have the moments of...."I talked to YOU on the phone last night? Are you SURE?"
  22. Mara, thanks so much for posting this! I have not bought any of the "newer" batch of alcohol-based EoW (since I started using Essence Oil), but this is very useful info for those out there who prefer to use the alcohol-based! And, straight from the horse's mouth.....the manufacturer himself!
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