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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OK, now here is a reaction I have noted TWICE while using Sorceress.... My second husband, who is my child's father, is normally an ASS. Big one. Both times that I have worn Sorceress around him, the "meeting" has started off with his attitude, but within literal MOMENTS of him being within range of the Sorceress (and the DOM pheros, of course), he turns into a little puppy dog, telling me how GRATEFUL he is for everything I am doing, what a good job I am doing with our child, how great of a mother I am......don't get me wrong, I AM all of these things (or so I'd like to believe), but he would NEVER say so. NEVER. I am left standing there thinking WTF? Both times, it was an almost identical experience. Experiences in the interim with no Dominance, have been no different from the status quo....he is his usual self....overbearing, egotistical, asshole-ish to the supreme....
  2. Welcome mirrorghost! Enjoy your time here!!
  3. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    My man LOOOOOOOOOOVES this scent.....and so do I!!
  4. Every time I wear Dirty Sexy, I just want MORE! I really really think that, if at all possible, it should become a permanent part of the line, just for all the dirty musky resin lovers like me! :kyrii_faerie_action:
  5. And I was SOOOOO RIGHT! My darlin' absolutely LOVED the combo of Naughty on the Nile and spicy brown sugar LAM......need more bottles.....
  6. Off topic or not, you gave me a good morning giggle....gotta love Dr Evil.....my son is an Austin Powers addict.....
  7. What is in Happy Water is Alpha Androstenol.....that is why it's HAPPY! LOL I love Happy Water.....I have a few bottles of it myself.....
  8. Yeah, I could tell a big difference between brews one and two, but between two and three, not so much.....
  9. Yeah, it should....but original DOM DID come in a flattened circular frosted bottle.....my PheroGirl bottles were the clear ones.... I guess Mara or Danna will have to come in and answer this one.....
  10. Here is a thread wherein Mara discusses the difference in the first and second brews....on the second and subsequent brews, she said she added 3X the copulins that she put in the original one.....I think there have been a couple of rebrews and a "light" version which has the amount of cops that were in the original..... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...p;hl=phero+girl
  11. I have used the Swimming with Sharks in a couple of the money potions....PCMP (which is sold out), and Money Honey.....it gives people the aura that they need to listen to you, and soothes the "ruffled feathers" that sometimes happen in the business world....it is not all in-your-face-I-am-the-boss like Dominance, but it still does radiate a somewhat alpha female vibe.....
  12. OK, Carrie....I fell out of my chair when I read this one....could be interpreted in soooooo many ways!
  13. I spent last night at my sweetie's house, and this morning, I decided to be bad.....I layered on some LAM in spicy brown sugar, and then added some of this.....I walked out into the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast, and was standing about 3 feet behind him. All of a sudden, he says.....OH YUM! I LIIIIIIIKE THAT! WHAT IS THAT ONE?! He was overjoyed with this one....teetering on picking up another bottle.....think I will!!
  14. Dolly

    Blood Martini

    It is very good that I got some....I finally let me sweetie sniff me with this one....he liked it....said I smelled like a lolipop and wanted to lick me.....
  15. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I just tried on the LAM in spicy Brown Sugar.....just like the others, it is a masterpiece in copulin-disguise..... I love it, and could totally wear it all by itself......I have amassed quite an arsenal of LAM and BAM in original, sandalwood, and now brown sugar.....I should be ready for any mood that strikes.....I'm not sure I am going to try the others, because pink sugar type scents just DO NOT work for me, and I have to be careful with florals (sometimes they work and sometimes they don't).....but I am QUITE SURE that I am going to be buying MANY more bottles of the three scents that I do love..... I think the spicy brown would layer great with Naughty on the Nile.....OOOOOH, I'm trying that this weekend.....
  16. It gets deep and woodsy on me, though not overly so.....I do agree that this one is a "close" scent.....it is not at all loud or "in-your-face".....it could probably be heavily slathered without being overpowering....
  17. Will be testing this one with my sweetie this weekend.....see what he thinks....
  18. Thanks Luna....I get what you're saying.....tempted to buy a bottle, but better hold back for now.....I just bought 4 bottles of stuff yesterday.....Neanderlicious (LOVE LOVE LOVE) and Naughty on the Nile (OMG OMG OMG).....my credit card is currently hiding....it is in the witness protection program.....I am on it's trail though.....
  19. From my experience, it most likely will....but I have not yet had a chance to try it on my man....BUT, I did have a client giving me big "puppy dog eyes" yesterday though.....
  20. Let's just put it this way....one sniff of the original, and my man said...."What's the name of that one?"....when I told him it was Dark Seductions, he said...."It should be called Instant Erection!"
  21. I love you too SG....KNOW THAT!! Actually, for anybody who hasn't spoken to me directly, it's not so much a southern twang.....it is PURE HILLBILLY that comes out of my mouth.....comes from being raised in the mountains.....I learned to hide it over the years because my second husband hated my accent....when we divorced, I decided not to try to hide it anymore!! Being raised the way I was is also why 90% of the time I am barefooted.....even when I am seeing clients....some have commented on it, but most of them don't care once they see that I know what the hell I'm doing, and that what I'm wearing or not wearing doesn't make a hill of beans worth of difference. Now see...you're making me get the big head.....but you know I love you too! So glad Ail directed me over here to LP, or I never would have had the pleasure of getting to know you fabulous ladies! The wonderfulness of your products is just a bonus!
  22. I have a sample of this one coming....kind of scared of the ylang in it....sometimes ylang amps to an unbearable level on me.....I couldn't wear Tantric Butterfly because of it.....but we shall see with the sample.....
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