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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Now, you know I'd never do that! It still doesn't have that deep "bottom" that the original had though, SG.....if it did, you'd be getting a call with a big ole YEE-HAW! Damn suppliers that go out of business! BUT, at least this version didn't go all crazy on me like the last one did....I'm gonna let it age a lil' bit and see if it deepens some....still a bit "bright", but I'm cool with it.....
  2. Oh, if you like Soul Food, you HAVE TO have this one....
  3. It's woodsy-smokey.....if you like Soul Food, you'd love this....if you ever smelled Isis, it reminds me of a cross between Isis and Soul Food.....
  4. Oh, yeah....that one DEFINITELY needed to be posted.....
  5. You know me too well! It is a good one.....if it has cops AND violets, I'm a happy gal.....
  6. Several of the new releases will be sold out soon, methinks.....
  7. I am liking it so much that I just had to pick up a second bottle....I like that smokiness....Isis was EXCELLENT, but was more in-your-face, IMO.....this is a much mellower feel.....
  8. Not really....wet, I get cedar and cops.....as I dries, I get oud and musk.....light florals in the background....it is really hard to describe beyond that.....it is kind of LIKE CFM, in that it is almost an androgynous-type scent (I am not saying the SCENT is like CFM, but that the overall FEELING of the scent is similar)......
  9. OK, I just went INSANE and bought 2 more bottles....if anybody else wants to hoard this one, you'd better be quick....I think there are only a handful of bottles left.....
  10. Yeah, I love civet, too....one of my favorite notes....gives a perfume some real "ooomph", IMO....I'm really catching some of the Oud note now....I limited myself to only a few of the new releases THIS TIME, but I think this one is really my fave of the ones I have tried.... I also have to applaud the Naughty Jester for his description on this one....gave me a really good giggle....
  11. Naughty on the Nile This scent is like a whispered secret carried on the Cairo winds, tantalizing your lover with the promise of eternal life…eternal love…and eternal desire. Deep, rich, Middle Eastern and Indian Resins, sweetened with delectable Brown Sugar and Benzoin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric, aphrodisiac, healing, spirituality, exorcism. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. JASMINE (Champa Flower) ~ Self-confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity, powerful love attractant, spiritual love. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing. BENZOIN ~ Prosperity, astral projection, purification. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, this is really NICE! While not a strong and spicy as Isis, I do see the resemblance....once again, GLAD I got a bottle unsniffed! I get more sandalwood with this one, with the other notes in the background.....kind of smoky and mysterious-smelling....I really might NEED another bottle of this one.....
  12. OK, so I bought 2 bottles of this unsniffed. Glad I did..... See ladies, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the original (the one brewed prior to March '08), and it LOVES me.....still hoarding some, and if anybody has any more that they want rid of, I would pay a truly exorbitant price.....the re-brew of the original did something crazy with my skin, so sadly, I could not enjoy that one. Whatever tweaking Danna did to this one, in addition to adding the rose, seemed to fix my skin chemistry issues that I had with the prior version. While not as dark and full of body as the ORIGINAL, this brew is quite lovely, and it does not seem that my skin is going to turn it into something ugly....so this is GOOD! I also am glad I got two bottles, because as we know, some of these scents deepen and bloom with age, and I am hoping this one will, as well.....very nice ladies!
  13. So, the lovely ladies pulled a "sneaky" on me.....the tucked some of this in my package.....I wasn't going to bother because I don't "normally" care much for TAH (makes me feel "ditzy" for lack of a better word....not in my element).....HOWEVER, I think they knew I would like the SCENT of this one.....and I DO....I love it.....going in right now to buy more.....I think I am going to try it this weekend, but maybe pair it with BI or DOM or something to balance the TAH..... The scent is just the right balance of dark and light....musky and woodsy....with hints of lighter elements in the background......
  14. Dolly

    Soul Food

    Yeah, I think they did a "limited" rebrew of this one....it is a great scent....
  15. I use cyclo for the dry oil sprays that I make....it doesn't feel as greasy then....what it does it create kind of a barrier....and it does help the pheros diffuse better, IMO....I buy all of my unscented pheros in D5..... For a spritz, you would probably want some perfumer's alcohol.....I stopped using straight alcohol-based products because they burn off so fast....
  16. I got my email....YAY! LPs coming my way!
  17. Welcome to the forum! Always nice to see a man around! Just watch out for all the "girl talk" that goes flying around here!
  18. Welcome to the forum, Stardust! Glad to have you here! Join in, sit and chat with us....we don't bite! Well, some of us do.....BUT that's not always a bad thing....LOL.... Enjoy!!
  19. I'll bet my man would volunteer to be used as a chew toy!! He enjoys serving in that capacity!
  20. Woozy would be just adding more anol, so more of a giddy vibe.....
  21. If you had that with LAM, be careful with BAM in a public setting with hormones raging like a university! It has MORE cops, but a little less beta-nol....
  22. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    She sure is....such a good friend to share all of the neato stuff with us!! I bought a bunch of small roller bottles myself.....I never go anywhere without 3 or 4 LPs....or 5 or 6.....
  23. Welcome Dark Sparkle! You got some real good ones to start with!! Enjoy!!
  24. I did, but it is really not necessary....if you layer LAM and BAM you have a substantial amounts of cops....add something with BI in it, and you have even more.....a LETHAL mix.....
  25. Are you asking if we have mixed and matched the scents, or just which scents we have tried? Well, I'll just answer both of those.... I have worn the BAM sandalwood/resins with the LAM in honey vanilla, and it smelled really nice..... The original and the sandalwood are the only two I have tried thus far.....I have a spicy brown sugar LAM on the way.....
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