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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    May, the pure and virginal thing on you with Nasty Habits may be that it is sweeter and just a TAD lighter than Dirty Sexy......I think you'll like Dirty Sexy......
  2. It is my understanding that the unscented super sexy phero blend (which is what is in the supergirl scented phero blend) will stick around.....but Mara has said that the scented phero perfumes will go through the normal sell-out process, and new ones will be created. Nobody ever knows how long a particular scent will last, as most of them are limited editions. Keep an eye on the "low stock warning" thread......it will clue you in if one that you are interested in is particularly limited. If a scent is really popular, and there is an outcry for a re-brew, and if it is do-able (for instance, all of the ingredients can be obtained), SOMETIMES the lovely ladies will do a second edition of it.....BUT it is totally at their discretion, of course. Here are a few hints......the ones that I have heard are re-brewed on a regular basis (of course M&D may need to come and correct me) are LP Original, Red, Black, Dark Seductions, and a couple of others. Mara has stated that the Sugared scents can be custom ordered at any time. As for other scents, if they do a re-brew (such as with PheroGirl), they let us know. You need to be aware though, that re-brews may or may not smell exactly like the original. For instance, the new PheroGirl is different.....I didn't care for the original, but opted for a full bottle of the re-brew. Hope this helps!!
  3. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    I like layering the two......VERY SEXY......
  4. Oh yeah, the pheros affected me.....and it was pretty quick. I told Mara that when I tried on the back of my hand before my man got home, I wanted to take MYSELF to bed.....when I put it on him, I was like...."Is it bedtime yet?".....I guess it was more intense when he was wearing it since there was a "target" of my affections..... In the morning, I could still smell a bit of the scent on him, but I didn't feel any phero effects......by then, the pheros had probably lost their effectiveness......that was after about 9 hours, after all...... The scent is the nicest men's scent I think I have ever smelled.....
  5. Now, THAT is a dream......veddy veddy interesting....
  6. A couple of other things to be said about this scent......it has a LOT of throw! Your men will definitely leave a scent trail when wearing this. After I applied it to my man last night.....3 or 4 SMALL dabs, we both went to the kitchen, and when I walked back past the living room a half hour later, I could still smell it.....YUM...... It is also extremely looooooong-lasting! I could still smell it on him this morning.....wish we didn't have to work today!!!
  7. Well, I don't have an androstenone intolerance.....but then, I am already a little bitchy, so maybe that's it......BUT, some of the ladies that I know say that, even if they can't wear it during waking hours, their dreams are ultra-sexual when they sleep wearing a-none......
  8. Ok.....my sweetie was coming over last night, and I decided to try this one out and see what he thought. I fully expected him to not be too crazy about it......he liked Sugared Honeycomb ok, but it wasn't one of his favorites when worn by itself.....I found that he appreciated the honey note more by layering it..... Anywhooooo, I slathered it on before he got here. One sniff, and he was going "Hmmmm, thats nice. I like that one." By the end of the evening, he had his face buried in my neck, huffing it, refusing to move.....he was also applauding the fact that I already ordered a full bottle.....
  9. Well, so yesterday after I sniffed this one, I decided to buy a full bottle. Last night, we tried it on my darlin' and he not only liked the scent, but how I reacted to it. So much so that when he found out that this one will not re-brewed, he told me to order two.
  10. I was thinking the same as you.....maybe more of an almost "unisex" scent, but with the PG Dom pheros.....BUT Sharks may be almost the same thing.....I'm going for that one next, I think......
  11. I just received a sample of this and all I can say is....O! M! G! My man isn't here to try it yet, but I just swiped a bit on the back of my own hand......DAMN.....I am sure it will smell so much better on him.....I am sooooooo buying a full bottle of this!
  12. Dolly

    Fest of Fools

    I'm guilty as charged......I'm also one who walks around with my wrist(s) glued to my nose, just sniffing away.....
  13. Well, Michael, you had better keep posting over here, giving us your (and your SO's ) reactions to the scents and the pheros.....most of us over here have men that we purchase for (or would like to), but would rather get a male reaction first!! Stay and "play" with us!!!
  14. Thank you so much, Michael, for giving us a man's perspective.....I have a sample of super for men coming for my fiancee.....I am sure I will have to be sure not to let him out of my sight when he is wearing it.....
  15. Dolly


    THANK YOU!!!! BTW.....if you want to try another really nice, mellow incense, try some of Quintessential's Buddhist Temple Blend.....another one of my faves, and very relaxing.....
  16. Well, this is good.....I really do like the new brew......
  17. Dolly


    Oh, yes please.....me for sure......I have been ordering from Quintessentiial for about 5 years now, but would like to have a nice presentation of the "nile temple blend".....I really love that incense......very nice and unusual......
  18. I just got my bottle of Scandalous......WOW. Very nice.....and everyone was right.....LP Red and Sugared Amber mixed......but a little more cinnamon-y.....Ooooooh, I like this one!!
  19. Yeah, EW is pretty cheap, and one bottle will last you a good long while, too.......unless you apply it the way I do....
  20. I typically apply anywhere from 6-10 drops, depending on the situation..... Liz, to answer your question, it really IS largely trial and error when it comes to pheros. I have both Super Sexy add-ins and EoW, and have even used them together. Super Sexy is a bunch of pheros, and EoW is straight, synthetic copulins. Two totally different animals. So, if I were you, I would get both.... And don't fret.....we were all uneducated once......and now, we get new stuff to try......some of the new blends here are new to ALL of us.....so, we're all in the same boat.....we'll get through it together......
  21. Dolly

    Top Five

    That sounds like me Liz......I am so totally addicted.....
  22. And, that is PRECISELY what I will be doing if Dark Seductions is ever discontinued.....
  23. Well, the main one that I would LOVE to see re-brewed has been dubbed an impossibility....the lovely Messalina.....I'm hoarding what little of it I have.....I'm wearing a tiny little dab tonight, as a matter of fact.....BTW....I will pay a premium or trade multiple bottles out of my stash for anyone's Messalina..... Mara and Danna......just PLEASE don't ever stop making Dark Seductions, or I'll cry.....
  25. Don't you just love that face?
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