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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Nope, 'fraid not.....the first quarter of the year is always hell for accountants.....payroll deadlines come right on the heels of the regular tax return deadlines....
  2. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Oh, to me it smells like the pure, raw, unfiltered honey with the comb in it......I buy locally produced honey here in Louisiana for use in my soaps, and it smells like that. On me, sugared honeycomb goes to a light, almost floral, after several hours of wear.....I love it!! It layers really well with other scents.....I use it in a dry oil body spray......makes a nice "undercurrent" to whatever scent I am wearing that day.
  3. Michael, you naughty boy! You fit in PERFECTLY here......
  4. VERY anxious to try this! And you KNOW I will be reporting my experiences!!
  5. Oh yeah, worn out......but things aren't going to slow down considerably for about another month.....I am now doing 1st qtr payroll taxes.....
  6. EXACTLY!!! I usually only buy the samples that I know will probably go with my chemistry, but this month I want them ALL!!!!
  7. Yes, this one is very different......I have adored it since day 1. And, the phero kick is wonderful for work.
  8. Yes one and the same! I am very happy that I got a full bottle when it first became limited....my sweetie doesn't like this one much, but *I* do.....so, I wear it just for ME.....
  9. Mara, I emailed you to add a sampler pack to my order before you invoice me......
  10. I am going to go soooooo broke! I think this is one month that I am going to have to get the whole monthly sampler.....
  11. I'm trying to keep myself busy by programming my new RAZR cellphone.....my post tax season gift to myself was an upgrade.....
  12. WHHHHEEEEEEE!!!!! :2204: PS.....reserve me a big VAT of it, pleeeeeeeeze.....
  13. Oh yes, you picked a winner on that label......for sure...... Would Piggy happen to be the weight loss potion I suggested?
  14. Well, you can either get the unscented version in a roll on, or you can get the SS pheros added to a scent of your choice. It's good stuff!
  15. Sure thing, hun! I am assuming you are talking about Michael's question.....I use roller balls quite often, and I find that one little short roll is about the same as a dab.....it may look like it is more, but with a "dab" or a drop, you have to spread it out and smear it around. Michael, I have a question about your post though.....are you planning on wearing the unscented SS WITH Phero Boy Dom and/or Super for men? SS unscented and Super for men are the same phero blend, I believe.....if you are accustomed to never wearing more than 3 dabs.....you may go into OD if you wear them at the same time.
  16. Ok ladies, Mara posted this info in another thread, and since some of the actual components used in the Pharmacom blends are unfamiliar names, I thought this would be helpful to all of us. Here is what she posted about the Super Sexy blend components: estratetraenol is said to be a mood elevator for men when worn by women, and is for stimulating feelings of love, protectiveness and gentleness. alpha-Androstenol is said to create a friendly approachably impression, and can make the wearer seem less intimidating and more approachable. Encourages empathy and romantic feelings, creates an aura of youth and health, an impression of reproductive fitness, increases chattiness and friendliness from both sexes. dehydroepiandrosterone is apparently credited as the hormone responsible for making females who live together have their periods at the same time, as well as for creating an urge to have sex. tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone is for sexual attraction and stimulation, supposedly lasting for hours after a person smells it. androstAnone is credited with putting people at ease. According to the chemist behind the most popular Copulin product, there is little to no actual pheromones present in copulin products. Instead they work on a subliminal sense memory basis by virtue of the scent of the product alone. (Which is exactly how our perfumes work, by the way). Thank you Mara!!
  17. So glad to hear a man chime in on this.....thank you Michael....
  18. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    I liked it from day 1, but I agree that over time, it has developed more with a teensy bit of aging.....I have one untouched bottle that I am keeping so I can see what happens to it as time passes.....
  19. Well, gifts of LP scents REALLY cheer me up! Hope things start looking up for you!
  20. Thank you Ail !!!!! I would have answered, had I been here, but I just got home from a third grade field trip......boy, my head hurts!!!
  21. I'm not sure if it is "stronger" per se, but the way that Mara describes it, it has more (different) pheros. As for the ones that you ordered, you'll have to ask Mara that for clarification.
  22. Hi there.....thought I would jump in here. Mara can correct me if I'm wrong.....it is my understanding that the unscented (or add-in) pheros such as cougar and cuddle bunny blend will continue to be available (and they have indeed added extra pheros to cuddle bunny, other than just est and copulins).....BUT, Mara has stated that the scents will be different in future scented phero releases. She has said that, with the exception of the original PheroGirl (which she has decided to re-brew), that the scents will cycle through and sell out just like the other limited (non-phero) editions. So, if you want the scents that are currently available, you would do best to keep an eye on the low stock thread and get them before they sell out.
  23. OK, update on what we are doing with Super......my sweetie wore it again last night.....I love it......he took the vial and applied some this morning, before he went to work.... He is probably going to have some of his female co-workers following him around the office before it is over......
  24. Dolly

    Honeyed Seductions

    Yessssss, you is! For sure!!!
  25. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Dirty Sexy is definitely one of my faves......my fiancee started calling me his "dirty sexy girl"......he says the name fits me.....
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