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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Beccah posted the notes for each of them.....started a thread for each.
  2. HUGGY HUGGY HUGGY Pet Pet Pet Mara, none of us will die if they are not available for awhile. Don't stress! We can all now take some time to plot our orders, now that we know the notes. Everybody be patient.......
  3. This will be a MULTIPLE bottle purchase for me, FOR SURE!!!!! As soon as we are allowed to start ordering, I am in there!
  4. Dolly


    I love love love Gitana.....got two full bottles.......rich incense on me.....my skin does BEAUTIFUL things with resins......
  5. Don't worry QG.....you're not the only one.....I was waaaay off!
  6. I had a friend who used to wear Charlie ALL the time.....it was VERY citrus-y on her.....
  7. Close, hmmmmm........Charlie Chaplin..... Is it similar to the "charlie" commercial fragrance....that was citrus-y, huh?
  8. That's ok.....I'll take your share! Been dying for a new scented Dominance blend!!!!! LOVE Dominance!
  9. SWS is one of those that we don't know all of the ingredients for, but it is really good for work situations. Actually in situation where you want to appear "on top of your game" but not overly Dominant.
  10. The LP LE with BI is a fave of mine (and my man) for when I want to wear a lighter scent than I normally reach for. HE actually dictated a review to me and INSISTED that I write it......it is located here http://lovepotion.in...opic=1901&st=80 (about halfway down the page)...... I have tried boosting LP Original with BI, and get a very similar reaction. The LE has more apricot to it (at least on me), but it still has a very similar feel.
  11. Mara had said, previously, that she will continue to make it as long as there is demand. I know that I love Black (my absolute fave of the permanent line), and I really like Red, but I like P & D more than Red, I think.
  12. I'm not really into the foody scents either, but Shely's Bodacious Bomb was designed to cover Sexpionage, so it would probably have no issue handling a boost.
  13. I have been using Dominance for my workouts for a while now. It really gives me a kick in the butt and makes me not wimp out or blow it off altogether. Helps me push my limits.
  14. I agree very much with Luna about context. He may have been in a totally different mindset, and the pherobomb was just making him uncomfortable. Cuddle Bunny, since he is already affectionate, may not bring about the reaction that you are wanting. Now, Sexpionage, such as in Compromising Positions, COULD get you that reaction, but AGAIN.....make sure that it is at a time when it would not be abnormal......like, not out in public when he is least expecting it......since you already have a relationship, you MUST consider congruence. Very important!
  15. I have to say now that I am kind of like Luna in that LAM has become my "happy sauce". When I am at home alone, just me being me, I find myself reaching for the LAM Sandalwood. It is just a soft, unobtrusive scent.......and it also layers well with the darker scents that I tend to wear, in case I want to "amp it up" if I am going out in the evening or whatever. LAM original? I go through GALLONS of that stuff with my man......he is ok with the S&R scent, but he loooooooooves the original......
  16. Well, many people get different effects, so the only way to know is to try them out. One that gives someone GREAT effects may be a bust on someone else. I would suggest trying out some of the phero-enhanced scents, so you can get samples. I haven't personally tried BANG, as my man doesn't do well with heavy Est unless I temper it with a more Dominant blend. Sexpionage is a great bedroom blend.....I won't wear this one out of the house. It is an animalistic, wild sex, clothes-ripping good time! SS4W is more social, and is a GREAT popularity type mix. It will attract attention, and if you add some cops, you can take it in a very sexual direction. BI is also very sexual, but I will wear it out in public if my man is with me! It is a dominant yet sexual mix...... If you want to go unscented, I would start out with SS4W......it is a more versatile blend, can go sexual or even as a social blend. I would suggest that you go here http://lovepotion.in...?showtopic=7542 and get some of the phero-enhanced samples. If you like what they do, then invest in the unscented.....
  17. That is GREAT! Probably because it has Androstenone in it.....that is a typically "male" phero, so it can crank women up......I get really great results with Sexpionage and with Dominance, which also has A-none......but I am normally a very orgasmic person to begin with!
  18. Beccah, I say do what you need to in order to promote peace in your household......I think I would try B2 first....if that doesn't work, then maybe PP.....you DON'T want your son's phero signature to appear overly dominant.....if your hubs is already having high test levels.....it could get ugly if he thinks that another male in the house is challenging him.....what about Treasured Hearts?
  19. As soon as the budget allows for another order, I will get one and be sure to let you know!!
  20. Dolly

    Spider Silk 2012

    I soooooooo wish I could! But the budget is too tight!
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