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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    So, last night, I decided to be a very naughty girl, and I applied some Sexpionage spray to my neck, let it dry down, and then covered with Velvet Moss. This scent is not an in-your-face, loud-screaming violet scent......it is a soft, lush scent that you FEEL as much as smell....does that make sense? My man was giving me a hug, and had his face all up in my neck, and he started going "MMMMMMMM, what are you wearing? Is that new? Is it one of Mara's?" I told him the basics, and he says...." I like that! You need more. Definitely." With the help of the Sexpionage, OH MY. It was a clothes-ripping, wall-needing-spackle-in-the-morning good time! So, I ordered two bottles a few minutes ago......
  2. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    Well, I need some bottles of this.....my man loves it......
  3. They don't normally come with printed instructions......BUT most of the ones with cops WILL need a drydown period.....the scented cops are usually not too bad.....I can detect them when wet, but they are not all extremely stinky.....if you try PLAIN EoW......well, let's just put it this way......when I started using pheros, we didn't call it EoW.....we called it EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! And, do NOT ever put blends with cops in your hair! Hard as hell to get that stink out! You don't want to walk around smelling like a coochy-head! I love layering OCCO Black with LP Black....totally delicious combo! I think many of the ladies here layer the OCCO blends with other scents......The LAM and BAM scents are VERY good to layer as well.....the scents for those are very light and unobtrusive.....
  4. Dolly

    Brigid's Amber

    It's not overly foody on my skin.....my man doesn't like foody scents on me, so I don't wear them often.....he is ok with fruity notes though, like the apricot of LP, peaches in Empress, or the Mermaids/Tail type fruitiness......I think he would be ok with this one.....
  5. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    I am loving all over this one! I need more than one bottle! It is pretty close to Dolly's Dark Side, but not quite as heavy....
  6. Dolly

    Brigid's Amber

    OK, so as it aged on my skin, it has turned to more of a primarily apple scent with a backdrop of amber.......nice!
  7. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    Well, being a sucker for violets, I knew this would have to be one of my absolute MUST-TRY samples......I NEED A BOTTLE OF THIS! Wet, it is kind of masculine, but upon drydown, it is nothing short of drop-dead sexy! I can even smell the sassfras in this....that tickles me.....I am a hillbilly, and regularly drink sassafras tea, so it is a scent that my nose is VERY accustomed to!
  8. Dolly

    Brigid's Amber

    Being an amber lover, I knew this was the first one I needed to try! This one is a little foody, but not excessively so......kind of like a fruit and cookie "undercurrent" running through it.....I really am enjoying this one...... Most definitely a springy type amber, as my friend Luna described!
  9. Yeah, my man is just the opposite.....he doesn't really care for the foody scents.....he says he doesn't find them sexy, generally speaking......
  10. Yes, pheros can shift a scent.....sometimes in a good way, and sometimes not. The best way to start is with the pre-mixed phero perfumes. Also, the LAM/BAM and OCCO samplers are good as well....
  11. All I have to say is..... And where IS that pesky wallet?
  12. Yeah, I am normally of the more helpful type.....I find it quite rude to walk past someone who is struggling with boxes or whatever, without even offering to help.....
  13. My man and I saw the one on the Science of Lust.....I remember the part about the females becoming more helpful....their reasoning behind it made sense if you think about it though.....
  14. Yep, Prell is a gem for clarifying......I also use it on a regular basis mixed with coconut oil though.....the oil makes it a little bit gentler.....also makes it like a moisturizing shampoo.....
  15. Never had a problem with any pheros in my hair.....other than cops, that is....
  16. Yeah, I used to have a bottle but sold it and have been kicking myself ever since.....I have a sample that I have been rationing out......and then over the weekend, I received a wonderful surprise package from my fabulous friend Ail.....a full bottle of the original! I am still ecstatic....she is so sweet!
  17. OK, so yesterday, I was doused in the original scented Dominance (thanks to the fabulous Ail).....my man had his kids for the weekend, and returned them to his ex's house in the early evening.....WELL, while he was gone, I added a few good rolls of Sexpionage (in silicone), and then after it dried down, a few more teensy dabs of Dom to cover the cops..... My man came home, and while he was giving me a big hug, here was the conversation.... Him: "Damn, you smell good. What's that?" (been a long time since I have donned the scented Dom) Me: "Dominance" Him: "Would you, please?" Me: "What?" Him: "Dominate me!" Wild night.....I am talking about a session that lasted HOURS....my man loves the Dominant vibe, so I always rock the Dom (I normally just get to use the unscented, though)......however, Sexpionage definitely takes it all up a notch!
  18. I know what you mean......I have a couple of perfumes that were boosted with the original, and I have been rationing them like crazy....now I can use them more often.....YAY.....it is still one of my all-time faves!!
  19. GOOOOOOO Shelly.....aka "Dolly's Twin".......
  20. OK, so I had been wearing Hathor with Focus today, and added a few spritzes of PP to my hair before my son's basketball games. Well, everybody around me could not get enough of me! I was the funniest, most intelligent person on Earth. My ex-husband (who is the coach on my son's team) actually smiled and said hello....THAT is unusual. Usually he regards me with something bordering on disdain, if at all.....most times, I am invisible to him when there are other people around......I was cracking up. His mom said....."Did he actually smile and say hello to you? Maybe we should take him to the doctor.....he must be sick!" I couldn't stop laughing.....neither could my man.....he thought it was hilarious......
  21. I really need to get me an unscented bottle of the new SS4W in my next order.....I am going to have a WHOPPING phero order......need some more LAM, more OCCO, Essence Oil, and SS4W.....can you tell I have been using LOTS of pheros lately? I am running low on EVERYTHING!
  22. UH.....yeah, that is quite a lot of cops to be wearing in a public setting......so, as Luna said, men may not be coming on to you in that type of environment......make sure that you are wearing them in the type of setting where that type of thing would be appropriate.....
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