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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Feel better soon JOC! Mara, you know you're killing me here, don't you? As if I don't have enough LPs already!!!
  2. They look great! Can't wait to try some of these!
  3. That is the lesson to be learned about these scents.....they morph over time.....don't make snap judgements! I have several that are just "meh" when wet, but are glorious after dry down!!
  4. Dolly


    Seriously, tell us how you REALLY FEEL!!! LOL You sound like so many of us here.....so glad you made it, though.....come and visit with us often!! I think I have a couple bottles of Eleven if you would like them.....grab the email in my profile if you're interested.....it is great, but it is not getting enough love here, because I have SO MANY that I love!
  5. Well, I have been known to do some pretty crazy things for testing purposes.....anything in the name of science! But, I try to do so only in areas where I know the area's "climate", if you will.....KWIM? I know the people, know the area, and know whether wearing a raging assload of cops in public is safe..... It is especially fun now that my man knows about pheros.....I will tell him only AFTER THE FACT when a blend that I am wearing has pheros in it....I get the..."Wow, you phero-ed me?" Then we get to talk about how he FELT while I was wearing them, not just the reactions that I saw in him. Gives me much more info than just seeing the outward reactions, but hearing how he FELT while I was wearing them.....
  6. Dolly


    Welcome Chrisy! It is always great to see new members.....enjoy your goodies, and be sure to come and chat with us often! We have lots of fun around here!
  7. And we are so glad you are back, as well!
  8. Dolly

    Turkish Delight

    Good description! The attars take over on me as well, but I LOVE the incensey notes, so I am totally cool with that! I am going to wear some today, I think..... I loved Rajah too, by the way.....
  9. I love Bodice Ripper on my man, and it is one of his faves as well!
  10. Yeah, they don't so much "cancel each other out", but mixing them together can mess with the ratios and not give you the optimum results you are looking for.....layering is a better option.... Actually, I prefer spraying and/or rolling the different phero blends on different areas of my body, depending on the intent. For instance, I prefer for the sexual blends to stay closer to my body (as a general rule....but, there ARE exceptions, hehe), and unless I make a booboo, I make SURE my man is with me when I wear cops because strange things can and do happen. Social blends are excellent in spray, and I spray them in my hair because I am a hair flipper, and that helps diffusion as well. I have, when going to a party with my man, worn a sexual blend with lots of cops in a oil based scent, loaded in my cleavage and on my neck (so it would stay closer to me), with a happy social blend sprayed in my hair (so it would get out there in the group)..... My advice is to try each of the blends separately first, so you can get a fell for how they affect you and others......then you will get a better idea of how layering might work for you in various situations.....
  11. Dolly

    Spirit Bottle

    I love the scent so much that I would wear it even without any specific intent.....for me, the intent on this one is a bonus!
  12. As Tyvey pointed out.....YMMV on all of the phero blends....what may kick-ass for one person may not for someone else.....BUT, the good news is that if one doesn't work for you, you will likely have NO PROBLEM finding a taker in the trading post! We all have our faves!! Thank you for the pic compliment hun.....I needed a change on my avatar and decided to go with a headshot instead of just my toes on the beach!! LOL! My man is constantly snapping pics of me, and he got this one right before we were going out for dinner one night..... the original shot has SERIOUS cleavage which I have cropped out of this version because I don't really want my hoo-hahs all over the internet!
  13. I wouldn't mix the Leather and OW together, if that is what you mean......as for turning them into beta sprays (individually), it IS just as simple as ordering the DIY bottle and pouring the unscented bottle of pheros in......I have done several on my own..... As for applying more than one phero at a time, simply layer them, or spray on different areas so as to get the effects of two or more blends....
  14. I think Dom 2X would be WAY too dominant.....Dom spray is even too dominant sometimes because it diffuses so fast. Leather is great because it is Dom softened by Est.....you should try it....it is DA BOMB! Leather 2X kicks BUTT!
  15. Dolly


    I think they work very well together.....and I am not normally big on figgy scents.....this one is very nice though......
  16. Open Windows is great for lifting moods......lifts the mood of the wearer and those that you come in contact with.......as far as work/confidence type issues, I would go with Swimming with Sharks, Dominance, or Leather.....they all rock!
  17. Dolly


    OK, this is fruit! Real, succulent fruit.....very nice.....with a hint of something else....woody.....fading in and out...... So, I just went back and looked at the ingredients.....that must be the oud.....this is really nice..... Btw, I love the way "(teensy drop)" was added after a couple of the ingredients....that tickled me....
  18. HAHAHA....count to ten, take a deep cleansing breath, and step away from the pheros!
  19. I have issues with some sandalwoods as well.....that spike between the eyes headache.....I don't get that with LAM......the overall scent is so light that you don't get that screaming "HI, I'M SANDALWOOD!".......I don't really know how else to describe it....it is very unobtrusive.....
  20. WARNING! WARNING! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA You'll love the LAM sandalwood.....you will probably find all kinds of ways to wear it.....I also like the brown sugar one as well.......
  21. I'd agree with Luna.....Breaking the Ceiling would be a bit too assertive since it has SWS, whereas Coeur de l'Amour would be a bit more caring and soft.....
  22. Hmmmmm.....don't know about that, as I don't have that problem....if I were wearing P & D plus leather and cops, I probably WOULD walk around in public naked.....but then, with Leather in ANYTHING, I feel like "I am it on a stick".......
  23. That is the same way it is for me....just very smooth and warm smelling....almost a "comfy" scent.....very light as well....I haven't found much of anything that it doesn't layer well with....
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