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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, I have obtained that effect, but usually, it is through using 2 or three different pheros (not just cops), or it was a time when we had been "abstaining" for whatever reason.....not the case today....we just had a wild romp last night..... He loves the scent of OCCO Black, too....which is a big bonus, because he starts huffing my neck......
  2. OK, I have a couple bottles of OCCO Black plus a bottle in an alcohol spray.......BUT today I realized that I need about 4 or 5 more bottles.....LOL My man, within 5 minutes of sniffing me, goes to pulling my clothes, dragging me to the bedroom and proceeding to **** me within an inch of my life! Good think I had the bed pulled away from the wall, or I would be spackling during the Super Bowl! Seriously, he asked me what I was wearing, and said this one has now earned the name of "Instant Erection"..... I need more! NOW!
  3. If you are looking for a similar VIBE to IS/B, try Lace......it is KIND OF like IS/B, but better......Leather is a similar vibe to IS/A, but also BETTER......
  4. This month's scents look absolutely FAB! And Super Sexy! <dances around the room> Can't wait to try all the smellies!!
  5. Straight cops (or unscented phero blends with cops) will reek on your clothes just like they do in your hair. And, they are difficult to completely remove as well.....
  6. Yes, some pheros can buildup......A-none is one of the ones that builds up easily....coincidentally, it is also one of the easiest to OD on......but I have never had the buildup issue myself. PLEASE do NOT put cops in your hair.....you will still be able to smell them after you wash.....you will smell like a big coochy-head, literally.
  7. I like them all! And, I think I have at least one bottle in each carrier...... I have some boosted scents, so there is your oil, I have some in CPS, and I have some in spray, so I am fully covered (pardon the pun), whatever the occassion!
  8. LOVE IT! WANT WANT WANT!!!! Would love to see some of Lisa Iris' designs on some shirts! Like the Mermaids label.....love that one!
  9. If you haven't completed your order yet, may I also suggest the LAM/BAM sampler.....lots of yummies there.....and OCCO is a must! There is a sampler of those as well......
  10. Yes, EST is a VERY expensive molecule. Have you ever used any straight, single pheros? I would suggest, if you are a beginner with pheros, to try several of the BLENDS first, before jumping into individual pheros. They can sometimes be tricky, even for seasoned users......I do not recommend single pheros for anyone who is just starting out. There are numerous blends that contain EST.....Cuddle Bunny is one, and Sexology is another EST heavy blend.....
  11. OK, I prefer Sexpionage in oil.....mainly because I don't want to be senidng sex signals flying across the room to every man within range. I keep that one for "play time" with my sweetie, and like for it to stay closer to my body. As to whether you should get OCCO or Sexpionage, it is up to personal preference....OCCO is just copulins with scent, while Sexpionage has other pheros in it as well. To me, both OCCO and Sexpionage have their specific uses and applications.....that is why I have both! LOL As for work pheros, it depends on what kind of vibe you want to put out there. Open Windows is great for mood lifting, Popularity Potion is good too, and I like Cougar more as a social phero than a sexy one.....if you need a more "commanding", or "get off my back" phero, try Dominance..... As to the Express Shipping, it will depend on how fast you need them. Normal turnaround time is 2 weeks, which is really not that long......
  12. You name it, I have probably worn it (or overdone it) at some time or another! LOL Go check out my journal.....lots of fun stories there.....
  13. I think it would be great with Leather as the phero in it too.....since the original had TAL.....
  14. LOL.....that's what I say! Again, start over, but with NO COPS this time....see what happens.....if it becomes more intimate and personal, THEN go to the more sexual blends. Cops really do strange things to some men!
  15. OH, I wasn't suggesting that you do something that blatant in the gym....lol....that was in a totally different setting entirely! In your situation though, I probably WOULD go up and say hello and introduce myself at the very least. Or compliment him on his form or something....anything to get the conversation started. You know, it may partly be the fear of sexual harassment claims.....another could be that the copulin blends are making him WAY TOO uncomfortable since it is a public setting. I would totally lay off the cops for a while around him.....sexology is not so much a potion for daily wear.....definitely go with Open Windows.....it gives off a friendly, non-alpha, NON-SEXUAL vibe.
  16. See, I am the type that would HAVE TO approach him.....smile, wink, see if that gets a reaction. If it doesn't I would just walk up and introduce myself. I have done that a ton of times...... There was a man one night when I was out.....I had seen him around, but did not know him. I knew (from talking to one of his friends) that he was single....and as his friend put it, that he had a "thing" for me. I know that every time I saw him, he couldn't take his eyes off me, but yet, even though I had smiled and tried to be very inviting, he would not break the ice. So, one evening, every time I looked his way, he was blatantly staring at me.....I finally walked over to where he was sitting, and planted a big kiss on him, right on the lips (hey, my friend dared me to.....and I never pass up a good dare). He was so shocked.....I then pulled a business card out of my wallet and said....."Call me". And then turned around and walked off. It was hilarious! He almost fell out of his chair! He and his friends left shortly thereafter, but I got a couple of texts that evening, an email was waiting for me when I got home, AND he did call the very next morning. We went out a few times.....very nice guy, actually.....just a bit too introverted for my tastes......
  17. I have a beta of Woozy Floozy that I scented with Happy Water......I call it my "giggle juice".....talk about happy! I do wish this one would come back though.....
  18. I love Happy Water! Bright florals are normally not my "thing", but this is one I would love to see come back!
  19. Dolly

    'Twas the Night

    OK, got my sampler and just tried this one....very nice.....it is spicy fruits wet and all through the drydown. As it dried down, I got a little bit of resins, but mostly the spiciness (I assume that is the dragon's blood) and fruit....very nice, very festive.....would be a winner for the holidays, I think!
  20. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA....sounds like my man and his statement...."It smells like ASS, but I like it!"
  21. There IS a touch of sandalwood, if I remember correctly. There were supposed to be dark florals (violets), resins, dark vanilla, black musk, and a touch of sandalwood..... Wore this a few days ago, and again today.....it has smoothed out and aged nicely over the past couple of years since it was brewed.....very nice! I think I like it even more (if that is possible)! My man seems to like it more as well.....he liked it before, but now he can't stop sniffing me.....
  22. Check the announcements section.....Mara said Super Sexy will be re-released in January....WOOHOO!
  23. Alpha definitely describes me.....and, I make no excuses for myself nor what I want.....
  24. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    I don't remember exactly how many drops I added to my Sugared Honeycomb, but how much EoW I ever add to a bottle of ANY scent depends on how the scent wears on me......I have added as little as 10 drops, and as much as 40 (or more). Do what I do......start slowly.....add 10 drops or so, gently shake the bottle, then let it sit for AT LEAST 24 hours.....then try it and see how it wears before you decide if you want to add more. EoW will often "bloom" in a bottle of perfume, and you won't smell it immediately. Then, you end up with a MESS on your hands....you add a little bit and say, "Hmmm, I can't smell it at all. I'll add more!" After a day or so, you go to apply and find out that your bottle smells like a big cop-bomb! So, add 10 drops or so, and let it sit.....then try it tomorrow and see what you think. You could also try mixing a little bit in a separate bottle if you are nervous about messing up your only bottle.....
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