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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Great to see another man pop in to visit with us! Welcome!! Bodice ripper is my man's fave as well.....he had the same impression as you initially......at first, he said it was too strong and girly, but after a few minutes, it turned very masculine, and he decided that he needed multiple bottles.....
  2. I totally rock the Leather......it makes me strut.....it is a dominant phero mix, which has been softened just enough by Est....if you add cops, which I usually do, KAPOW!
  3. One of my good friends used to wear Delicious over cops all the time....she said it covered beautifully..... Try some vanilla and musk together.....maybe throw a little frankincense in there for depth, and that should work....I used to wear my own blend of vanilla/amber/musk, and it covered very well.....
  4. I have used both......and prefer LAM, for two main reasons.....first of all, I don't really care for the scent of Scent of Eros.....it gives me a headache....Alter Ego did that to me as well..... Also, LAM seems to have more of a sexual "punch" to it to me......I get the happy vibe, but it is very easy to steer into a sexual direction......
  5. Welcome to the forum sweetie! Make sure that you let the mixtures with cops dry down for at least 10 min before you try to cover them or you will have bleed-through. Fruits and honeys do work well as covers, as do ambers (resins in general), cinnamon, vanilla, and musk.....I would suggest the LAM/BAM sampler as well as the OCCO sampler so that you can get a taste.....the cops in those are undetectable when dry, and are a great place to start as well...... If you have LP Red on the way, it covers cops pretty well, IMO......LP Black and Passion and Desire would also work well in that regard..... Welcome again! Have fun!!
  6. Countess, send your money fairy over here when you get done with him/her.......I am dying over here!
  7. Excellent Cheesy! The extra money is the intent of the potion, so you are getting "double duty" from both the potion and the pheros..... I have some Money Honey around here, I think.....I may have to give it another shot.....I like PCMP though.....I think it has SWS in it as well.....
  8. HAHAHAHAAAAA....yeah, my man's reactions to my "phero-ing him" as he puts it, was much the same. We are talking about a man who is turning 50 this year, and things don't always work like they are supposed to.....but with cops, they work EVERY TIME. He will tell me, right after application....."Now, that one has some ASS in it. But I like it!" He has learned that the ass smell fades, and it's ALL GOOD!
  9. Enjoy hun! Thanks for your purchase.....I did have to keep one bottle for my man.....after all, that is some killer stuff!
  10. I love the LAM/BAM scents.....the Sandalwood and Resins is my fave.....it layers so well.....
  11. Dolly

    Top Five

    Lately, I have been loving.... 1) LP Black and OCCO Black (big surprise, huh) 2) Midnight Cravings 3) Blood Martini 2008 4) Shadow Dance 5) Hathor
  12. I don't get a lot of coconut or pineapple.....just a touch of both.....kind of wafts in and out on me.....
  13. Try it, I don't find it very dark at all...at least, it isn't on me.
  14. Dolly

    Spirit Bottle

    LOL......I need multiple bottles, I think.....hope this one lasts until I can get the money train rolling again! I am gonna try pairing it with my unscented Dominance......OOOOOOH, now THAT's a thought!!
  15. OK, so I am not so much testing the pheros on this yet......although I could USE some tranquility right now! The scent on this is interesting.....very bright on me.....I have gone back and read the ingredients....I normally don't like to read them before I test, unless I find something unusual and want to know what it is....the ingredients would not evoke anything "bright", so that part has me confused....I expected it to be more "warm" smelling, from the ingredients list, but I think it is just my chemistry..... It is not a bad scent.....quite interesting actually......woody in the background with that brightness dancing across the forefront.....
  16. And I echo what Luna said.....I am also a lover of the LP base, and this is it in all its glory.....buttery and smooth as always, but with a hint of a tropical feeling in the background.....this is not screaming tropical fruits, but just the slightest hints of pineapple and coconut....I am liking this one very much!
  17. Dolly

    Spirit Bottle

    Spirit Bottle A potion of courage and confidence, power and command - all the elements required to manage your pesky Djinn. Based upon the Hoodoo "Bend Over" potion; potent EOs and oils of Calamus Root, Katrifay, Vetiver, Anise, Frankincense and Honeysuckle are added to lush Indian and Arabian Attars and Musks, Saffron and Dahnul Oud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CALAMUS ROOT EO ~ Power and control. KATRIFAY EO ~ Fortifying, for aiding and restoring of physical strength. BERGAMOT EO ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches. FRANKINCENSE ~ Spirituality and power, purification, consecration, protection, exorcism HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection. RUH ZAFRAN (SAFFRON) ~ Love, beauty, happiness, lust. Purification, healing, clairvoyance. ANISE ~ Clairvoyance, protection, luck, cleansing, purification. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking. DAHNUL OUD (AGARWOOD) ~ Love, aphrodisiac, spirituality, health. Expels negative energies, brings alertness, relieves anxiety, invokes a sense of strength and peace and enhances cerebral functioning. Agarwood is highly psychoactive. It is used for a spiritual journey, enlightenment & clarity. INDIAN BLACK AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches. ARABIAN BLACK MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, so I got my sampler, and am currently in LOVE with this scent....on me, it is calm and mellow, I get the musk and the amber, the woods and vetiver and bergamot (I love vetiver and bergamot), and after it started drying down, I said "HONEYSUCKLE?" Had to go back and look at the list to be sure.....it IS honeysuckle, peeking through like little bright flashes of light.....this is just too cool, because I have been infatuated with honeysuckle lately, since I have a big batch of it growing across the street, and my sweetie and I have been discussing the building of a trellis outside the window of my new office..... I need more of this one! ETA: The longer this one wears, the softer and smokier the feeling gets......I am crushing on this!
  18. Dolly

    Top Five

    Sounds like me Carrie! I wear OCCO Black alone or layered with LP Black about 50% of the time!
  19. I say try BOTH! I am never without OCCO and LAM in my arsenal for "playtime".....I have some in roll-on for cuddle time, and some in spray, for when he is not paying much attention to me, but I WANT him to.....it reaches out and grabs him.....
  20. Welcome to the forum! Yep, strange as it may sound, some things that you think smell sexxaaaayyy may smell really bad to those around you. Sense of smell and scent preference are really strange things......but that is half the fun!!
  21. BI is some seriously great stuff...that's for sure!
  22. Glad to see you Djac, honey! You NEEEEED some Leather....trust me on this one!
  23. OK, new Leather report! This morning I put on my Dirty Sexy oil.....just because I like the scent....wasn't planning on going anywhere.....my son and I decide to go out to pick up the last few things he needs to start school.....well, before I left, I grabbed my Leather spray (which is scented with Dirty Sexy as well.....added a couple of spritzes. On the way back from our shopping, we stopped at a local tropical fish store to get some new mollies to add to my son's tank....we walk in and are standing there, looking at their selection.....me, no makeup, hair barely combed (still damp from my shower), old T shirt, blue jeans. This guy walks by behind us, turns around, walks back. STARES at me.....says "Do I know you? You look very familiar." I said, "I don't think so".....He says...."Don't you have a sister named Kelly? And your name is Tiffany?" I said "No. Afraid not." He says...."Oh, I'm sorry. Tiffany is VERY pretty by the way. Just like you." He lingers in the store for a few minutes and was standing near my car when we walked out. He says..... "Hey, can I have your number?" I decided to be sarcastic.....I said "Yeah. It is 1-800-I'm Engaged." And got in my car. My son was dying laughing at this point. He says....."Mom. He was SOOOOOO flirting with you!" Pretty funny topper to the day.....I didn't really remember about applying the leather until I had gotten home....when I did, I erupted in a fit of the giggles.
  24. Luna, to you, I say.... What a story! I love it! Every month, I say that all of you lovely peeps involved have outdone yourselves and I think that you can't possibly top it....however, you have just proven me wrong again! WELL DONE! Can't wait to sniff them!!!
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