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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Heart of Fire

    I can't stop sniffing the spot where I applied this one.....I think it is my fave of the new ones......
  2. OOOOOOOH, another one I am gonna do this to is CFM.......hehehe.....
  3. Yeah, I have a few bottles that I hoarded, because it is one of my man's faves......and the potential bad result is precisely why I am thinking about using one of the small glass atomizers.......
  4. Yeah, I get great results from BI, and EXCELLENT results from Leather.....wondering what they would do together! Will test it this weekend!!
  5. I wonder......what do ya'll think would happen if I took some 2X Leather spray and mix in a BI boosted scent? I got some of the small glass atomizers, and I think I might mix a little bit of LP LE/BI with the 2X Leather Spray......
  6. Dolly


    I have to say that I am greatly surprised by this one..... Ylang usually goes awry on my skin......sometimes, just a little wierd, and sometimes totally rank.....my skin amps it and it is never a good thing! UNTIL NOW. Ravished when wet is serious ylang on me.....BUT, as it dried, it did not go wonky.....it is sweet and pretty and soft.....I don't get the sharp floral that ylang usually morphs to on me, so maybe it is either another variety of ylang, or the cinnamon and pimento take the edge off..... I am going to try my sample a few more times.....very nice thus far.....
  7. Dolly

    Heart of Fire

    Oh my goodness! I really REALLY like this one!! Spicy and hot, tempered by the orange peel and tea notes.....slightly floral with patchouli forming a nice solid base.....I think this one is one I will go order a full bottle (or two) of right now!
  8. Dolly


    Feral Wild with a mysterious dark power… Something waited in the woods for her, something in the shadows which made her wonder, desire to stray from the path into the trees, into the primordial aroma of wood and earth, a faint sweetness from wild berries, the fresh green of the leaves and grass. Life and death, abundance and decline. Her heart thudded in time with her footsteps as she moved towards the revelation of her curiosity. The scent of something untamed, someone who was unlike anyone she’d ever known, called her onward. A howl echoed through the air as she waited, breathless, for the predator to meet his prey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: BLACKBERRY ~ Healing, money attraction, protection. SPICES ~ Lust, love, invigoration. MOSSES ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. GRASSES ~ Pleasure, blissfulness, attraction, stamina, courage, strength, healing. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric, aphrodisiac, healing, spirituality, exorcism. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, so I am testing today.....I am not usually into greener-type scents, but this one I like! It is green, but not overly so, if that makes sense! After it dries, it has the green almost buried in vanilla, spice and woody notes.....the green peeks out every now and then.....I don't get much blackberry, but maybe it will poke its head out later....this one is very interesting! I likey!!!
  9. OK, so I harassed the post Office Employees until they went looking in the back of the truck for it! Dangerous Games.......wow. Berry....serious berry......leather in the background, and the creamy notes just lingering there.......I could see a full bottle of this one in my future......
  10. Dolly


    So, I saw the big mail delivery truck drive by my house, waited an hour or so, and went off to harass the Post Office workers to scourge the back and find my package!! Temptasia has something in it, that on my skin, when wet, smells almost EXACTLY like Empress of Persica.....not that this is a bad thing.....I love Empress! After it dries, I get more of the pepper and ginger......and there is just a floral hint in the background....pepper in the forefront....very unusual, and very nice.....this would definitely be a head-turner......
  11. ME TOO! Waiting waiting waiting for my pkg, which the post office says is in transit.....
  12. I would bathe in Leather, if I could.....and I occassionally do......totally agressive female here....I ROCK the DOM, but I ROCK everything in Leather! I have 2 more bottles of 2X spray en route to me right now!
  13. I got the Cougar 1X in straight alcohol, and added Nasty Habits to scent it (along with cops)....talk about naughty!!!
  14. Welcome to the forum!! It sounds like the ones that you chose will give you a good sampling! The Like a Magnet, OCCO, and unscented phero blends do not come in sample sizes, but the good thing is that if you try them and they are not for you, you can pop them onto the trading post, and someone will probably take them off your hands!! Yes, Mara and Danna are true artists.....they can take scents of types that you have "normally" not cared for in the past, and turn them into something beautiful.....I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone just a bit, and try some new things.....I did when I came here, and found out that I really enjoy a lot of scents that I wasn't sure I would!! Amber is a resin, and depending on the type in a particular blend, it can be dark, or dry, or even a little sweet, but normally is a good base note in a lot of perfumes. You may also want to get a couple of samples of the Love Potion line.....LP Red, Black, Original, Pink.....most of the perfumes here are limited editions, but those are a permanent part of the inventory.....
  15. Glad I hoarded Sorceress, since it isn't coming back anytime soon......I have a couple bottles that I am NEVER turning loose......I love the DOM, and the scent is divine! What about Native Soil, Miss Sinister? HMMMMMMMMM? Or Dirty Sexy perhaps?
  16. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! I am glad we have some men starting to venture in.....we need more!
  17. Welcome Andrew!! Lots and lots of goodies to fall in love with here!! You could always get your wife an LP gift certificate for Valentine's Day.....that way, she could read and choose what she thinks would suit her tastes best..... Go to the home page and then the gift shop link, and you can get gift certs there!
  18. OH I have to second everything that you said....the more I use it, the more I love it!!
  19. Welcome to the land of addiction, Pirouette! You will be hooked in no time.....actually, it sounds like you may be already!
  20. OK twin.....I just spit my tea across the room....LOL I couldn't have said it better myself.....and THAT was the kind of weekend I had last week......my man was my total SLAVE.....I had him squealing......yes, SQUEALING.....
  21. Well, I get the "I'm hot and everybody wants me" attitude.....whether they do or not! I love love love it!
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