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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Twin, thank you for reminding me how funny this thread actually was.....still giggling as I wipe the coffee off of my monitor..... I did finally try the Jouir De......I found a sample when I recently went spelunking in my perfume drawer......now, I am like Lor.....I am one of the ones who likes Bacchanlia (did I spell that right? It's early).....the animal musks normally smell totally lovely on me, and the dirtier the better.....my man will jokingly smell my perfumes and say....."Now that one has some ASS in it! But I LIKE it!" Because he knows that the ones that smell like that on me when wet normally turn into something beautiful and intriguing when they dry. Straight EoW on my skin just turns into a slightly over-ripe fruit smell, not anywhere near what it smells like wet...... Jouir De did NOT NOT NOT turn into something beautiful.....not even CLOSE! I treasure my musky dirty scents, but not that one! I didn't find it too bad in the vial or when wet on my skin, actually.....but when it dried, my skin did something horribly ugly to it......skin chemistry is a funny thing..... At least NOW I can say I tried it!!!!
  2. BLACK, most definitely.....sweet but resinous at the same time.....it is one of my fave LP scents, as a matter of fact! It is wonderful with LP Black (another of my faves), but also great all by itself! I find so many scents that I love and hate to see sell out, but no matter what I run out of, as long as I have LP black and OCCO Black, I can "get by"! Please don't ever stop making them, ladies!!!
  3. Just think about it this way.....you may not be able to pay the rent, but you'll be the best-smelling bag lady around!!
  4. LOL.....I haven't tried it.....not much into pink scents, personally.....
  5. Cops last a good long time, generally all day for me.....some ladies here say they get better results the day after application......
  6. Well, it will take you a good long time to use up a full bottle of EoW, that is for sure..... LP Black and Red are both heavy enough to cover EoW.....Pink may be a little light......fruity-heavy scents are good to cover EoW, so are honey-based scents......if you add the eow directly to the perfume before application, I would suggest a separate bottle.....and only add a few DROPS at a time, then let it sit over night before use. EoW tends to "bloom" in perfume, and sometimes quite loudly!
  7. Do I remember correctly.....you said you're 25? BI has quite a dose of cops in it already.....you may not need to boost that one with additional cops.... Like Luna, I WOULD NOT EVER EVER EVER apply uncut EoW in public. It has to dry down before you can effectively cover it, and even then, it takes practice.....
  8. Cougar makes me feel sparkly.....the center of attention.....like "I am hot, and I know you want me.....you know it too".......
  9. I think that the Est from here is at a concentration that is ready to use.....BUT, if you wanted to water it down, you could dilute it with a high-grade perfumer's alcohol....
  10. Wear your social mix during the day, and carry a LAM/BAM or OCCO with you.....the cops are disguised perfectly.....those of us who are VERY used to what EoW smells like can detect it when wet, but other than that, it is hidden seamlessly.....the drydown is not nearly as critical....for instance, go to the restroom, apply it, then do your "bathroom business"....you know, wash hands, comb hair, apply lipstick, whatever.....that should give you a few minutes for the scent to die down a bit.....the LAM varieties are very lightly scented and unobtrusive, so you could layer them easily with practically any scent. I would suggest trying those first.....there is a sampler of LAMs so you can try all the scents......LAM is a seriously KILLER mix, too......
  11. Well, everyone is different.....IN GENERAL, the younger you are, the less you will need....also, if you have never been on birth control, you will probably need less.....I would start with just a few drops at first..... You may want to start with the one that has BI.....it has cops AND Est in it..... Beccah is right....my man and hers are two of the ones that don't do so well with Est.....my experiences have been hit and miss, with more "meh" and "not so good" reactions than good ones. Est really has to be tempered with something more dominant like in Leather or BI for my man to react positively...... And sweetie.....NEVER feel bad about asking questions.....that is what we are here for!!!!
  12. Suave clarifying will remove anything.....it's like paint stripper.....just be sure to use a good moisturizing conditioning treatment after you clarify....
  13. I love both! It really depends on what I'm doing.... for instance, if I am going to a party and wearing a social phero that I want to get way out there, I use my spray.....sometimes, if it is a close evening with my man, I'll go with oil.....and sometimes, like Shelly, I do both.....the oil based will last and the spray gets way out into the air, so you get the best of both worlds....
  14. Yes, you can absolutely try that.....I just remember that, for me, it was easier starting out with pre-mixed blends first.....
  15. Will definitely keep that in mind....
  16. If you want to get rid of your LP LE, I will take it off your hands! My email is in my profile....
  17. My best advice would be to start slowly and work up....I would start with the ones that have blends in them (like the ones with soulmate and BI)......single pheros can sometimes be a little difficult to get the hang of and learn to use properly.......try one at a time, in small amounts first, working your way up.....most of all, HAVE FUN!!!!
  18. I'm so sorry sweetie! HUGS to you! I would go with Dominance on my chest and maybe some Treasured Hearts for the ugly masses......but Wall of Protection also wouldn't hurt.
  19. OK, I guess I am going to have to jump in and get this one, unsniffed.....was trying to restrain myself....
  20. My personal feel-good fave is Open Windows.....lifts my mood and the moods of those around me.....great for parties!
  21. I have that, and it is fab! I scented mine with Constant Craving....yummmmmmmm
  22. I have been using G2 myself, when I know I am going to have female clients coming in....chills out the ones who are a bit high-strung....
  23. Open Windows is very good for uplifting your mood as well as those around you....I love it!
  24. Dolly

    Hi everyone

    WELCOME! Looks like you are starting with quite a good selection! As far as social pheros, Open Windows is my fave.....Cougar is nice too....very "sparkly" feeling.....for sexual situations, you have Phero Girl....also good is Blatant Invitation and the scented OCCO blends.....OOOOOH, and LAM/BAM are very nice too.....hell, I love them ALL!!!
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