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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OH yes, May, you MUST have some.....it is absolutely excellent for getting to the root of the issue, if you know what I mean.....
  2. Dolly


    THATS what I was smelling that I couldn't quite put my finger on......the burnt smell.....this scent is fab!
  3. Dolly


    OH I KNOW! As an amber lover, this one caught me too! I had to order like 4 bottles of it....<sigh>.....my wallet is hiding again.....
  4. Dolly


    Shadow Dance She divides the day from the night, she is the shadow and the light the moon’s mystery is divine the shadow dance a ritual to invoke all of time. In homage to the moon goddess of the Blackfoot nation, Komorkis, this potion acknowledges the duality of dark and light, day and night, mystery and revelation…the shadow which occludes and the dance which invites the secret to be revealed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. CASSIE FLOWER ~ Enticing, seductive, use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover, happiness, fulfillment. CASSIA (cinnamon) ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, so I HAVE to go place an order for this one! I immediately get the amber.....love love LOVE amber! Then I get hints of cinnamon, a slight spiciness, and a tinge of vanilla.....this is absolutely lovely! A hoarding I go!!!
  5. Dolly


    UPDATE: This scent has amazing staying power! When I woke up this morning, I could still smell it on my skin.....YUM! Glad I have more bottles coming!
  6. Hey Kovvy, check out my journal post where it all came out for the ones who were not involved and not "in the know"..... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2865 That should answer most of your questions! Ail, I giggled over that one, too....you know, I think they should sell computer condoms for those of us on this board......mine has worn too many glasses of water, tea, coffee.....
  7. Dolly


    Yep, you really nailed it on that one! It is soooo goood! I haven't been able to stop smelling myself all day!!
  8. I must repeat....this one is FABULOUS on my man! I had to buy him a couple of bottles, because he fell in love with it.....he said that out of all the ones he has, he likes this one the best.....
  9. Dolly


    AWESOME is an understatement.....truly, I am over the moon for this one! I knew I would love it, and that's why I bought two, unsniffed.....when I smelled it, the hoarder in me kicked in!! I hope 4 bottles will be enough!
  10. Dolly


    As this one dries down, it becomes even MORE beautiful, if that is possible! It reminds me a bit of Carpe Noctum, except that my skin is not drinking it like it did CN.....
  11. Dolly


    Fade to Black She was the very essence of enigma: her secrets would reveal themselves only within the space of her embrace, for the one willing to walk within her veiled aura. She was the darkness longing for the light, but only one flame could pierce her mystery… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric, aphrodisiac, healing, spirituality, exorcism. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty, love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking. OAK ~ Masculine/projective energy, endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, heroism. WALNUT ~ Leaves promote fertility, carry nuts to delay pregnancy, wishes granted, strengthens the heart, enhancement of mental powers, dark earthly powers. TEAK ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. PECAN ~ Success, wealth, prosperity. AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches. BLACK MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. CARMELIZED BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OH MY GAWD! I AM IN HEAVEN!! If you like deep and woodsy scents, you will LOVE this one!! I bought two bottles unsniffed, and just went and picked up two more, this time amped with Leather! I don't get much sugar that is noticeable as sugar, but there is a very distinct faint sweetness amidst the woods.....I get some vetiver (which I love), some resinousness, and some muskiness in the background.....and TONS of woods.....this is absolutely gorgeous! VERY WELL DONE LADIES!!!
  12. IN GENERAL, many sprays will smell different than the oils....keep trying....
  13. I've tried both, but didn't notice any significant differences personally.....they both still make me feel "sparkly".....
  14. Your friends don't see you as a threat.....some other women pick up on it and think you are going to be mating with their men.....you are threatening their "territory"....
  15. Yep, some women can be total bitches around too much cops.....it can be almost like a damn catfight sometimes.....
  16. Sounds like you were in the OD zone.....been there with EoW.....people giving you a very wide berth.....making-sure-not-to-venture-too-close type of situation....
  17. It HAS happened to me......wearing too much EoW......people gave me too much distance, both men and women, some made rude comments.....NOT a good thing......so YES, you CAN wear too much....
  18. I really can't give a number, but it is a pretty potent blend.....the relative "strength" of it is going to depend on SOOOOOOO many factors.....skin chemistry, climate, how much you actually apply, etc.....as far as HOW it smells? ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! You get vanilla, resins, and brown sugar from LP Black, and then with OCCO Black, I get almost a "black licorice aura"......it is sweet yet dark at the same time.....YUM.....I love them together! OH, and welcome to the forum Kbrite!
  19. I still love the "raging assload" comment.....lol..... Yummy, about OCCO......your dosage will vary depending on your age and your natural cops production....that said, the OCCO is very potent, and you likely won't need much to see effects......Mara said that she wanted to give us a line where we could use the amount of scent as an indicator of how much copulin we are actually applying.....you are almost getting a full bottle of EoW with scent added..... Luna's suggestion about the LAM and BAM for social effects is a good one....also, LAM and BAM are excellent for layering, because the scents are very light and unobtrusive....they can easily be covered with another perfume of your choice..... The OCCO line is heavier on the scents....they can be layered (as many of us do), but you will need to find a scent that coordinates with the OCCO scent you choose...........everyone loved the scents so much that she came out with the NOCO line which is the same scents but with no cops. THAT SAID......I would like to respond/expand on what Luna said above.....YES, we talk around here about playing with cops in non-intimate situations.......and I am no different.....HOWEVER......please be aware of how much you are wearing and the setting.....cops cause a major testosterone spike.....some men do not know how to react to it, and with some, IT'S NOT PRETTY. As I have gotten older and have seen what cops CAN do, I don't normally wear a ton of cops in public unless my man is with me. He knows that I wear pheros, and he has become perfectly acclimated to the reactions that I can get. When we are going to be alone, I use him as a test subject, never telling him what I'm wearing or when, but when we go out, I usually tell him what I wear, and what type of reactions he needs to be prepared for.....he has actually pointed out some "hits" to me that I have missed..... Anyway, just have fun, but be careful.....especially if you are going to be in a bar or another setting where you are around strangers.....a little bit of copulin is ok, but it is easy to OVERDO if you are not aware of what THEY DO.....
  20. Yeah, it has that musky undertone.....verah nice!!
  21. Sorry, but I DO bite! Most of my "victims" LIKE it, though...... Welcome Tyvey! Glad to have you here, and hope to see you often!!
  22. When you find him, will you send him over HERE, PLLEEEEEEEEZE?
  23. Welcome to the forum, Yummy! No judging here....just good friends, fabulous scents, and phero fun! Definitely get the OCCO sampler.....those scents are just great, and loaded with nothing but cops! I might also suggest the LP sampler, which contains Red, Black, Original and others.....Red, Black, and Original are permanent parts of the LP line, so you don't have to worry about those selling out.....I love tons of scents here, but it's nice to know that I can always grab LP Black, which is one of my faves, and not have to worry about seeing the "sold out" sign on the order page! For pheros, I love most of them! Especially the dominant ones....Leather, Blatant Invitation, and Dominance are all fab......for social pheros, Open Windows or Cougar..... Have fun!!
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