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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I have all mediums in my personal arsenal.....I have boosted perfumes, unscented pheros in CPS, unscented in alcohol, and scented sprays.....a girl never can have too many pheros! If you layer an oil-based fragrance over a phero, it will slow the diffusion.....so, it depends on if you want the pheros to fly across the room or be specifically "in your circle " of personal space.....if you get a full-strength perfume spray with pheros, you get the same potency of an oil-based perfume with the pheros added, the main differences will be how long they last on your skin, and how well they diffuse. I also enjoy "lightly scenting" some of the spray pheros.....that way, I can go heavy on the pheros, but not the perfume......know what I mean? If the scent is still in stock, I would have the ladies add it....if it is sold out, I will add a couple of samples' worth to a bottle of unscented spray....the perfume oil adds nice scent, but not enough oil to considerable slow diffusion......
  2. Yeah, I have several of the same scent with different pheros added.....so GLAD that they add those labels to the caps! And yes, Madi....when a person is sick it CAN mess up their response to pheros!
  3. Everybody is different as far as what works best for them. Sometimes I use sprays, sometimes "boosted" scents, sometimes I layer, and sometimes I use scented sprays......it just depends on my needs at the time.....as you get more comfortable with the pheros, you will notice how each of the different mediums diffuses for YOU personally, and you will start to gauge what factors affect that......things such as temperature, humidity, what activities you are taking part in, who you want to affect.....even the point that you are at in your monthly cycle can all affect how pheros work for you as an individual.
  4. I am at a loss.....Mara said that the only thing that all of your scents/pheros have in common is the cops, yet you had stated that Neanderlicious didn't turn to powder. Hmmmm, very odd! I guess it is something about your skin chemistry......I have things happen with different scents, but never with an unscented phero.....maybe if you got some unscented BI in a CPS base? CPS helps it stay on top of the skin.....it won't diffuse as quickly, but it would also have less of a chance of being corrupted by your skin chemistry..... Yes, the EoW used here is made by the same manufacturer (Dr Stone)......the only difference is in the medium. The EoW from love-scent is in alcohol, while the one here is in oil.
  5. That is true.....Cougar is great....sparkly and fun....I scented my spray with Nasty Habits and cops, and it is absolutely LEWD.....but GREAT! LOL
  6. If the smell is bothersome to you, but not others, put it where a lot of us wear pheros that we don't want to effect us (like True Confessions)......you can apply to your back, the back of your neck, the backs of your legs if you are wearing a skirt......NOT in your hair, for the love of God, though! cops stick to hair like velcro! Leather is like Dominance, but with Est added.....I absolutely love it! Neither Leather nor Lace has cops, unless you ask to have them added.
  7. I am late to the party, but HUGS to you TG! Glad it is all working out! Over the next few days, if you need something to give you strength, put some Dominance right on your chest so you are getting it wafting up to you!
  8. I like Treasured Hearts.....it is supposed to make men feel a need for "permanence" amd inspire "nesting"......I like that one! You can add something with Beta Nol (like BAM) to inspire more open communication also.....works quite well, as a matter of fact. For pure lust, Blatant Invitation with tons of EoW.....or, get thee some LEATHER! ROWR!
  9. WELCOME to the forum! COME chat with us once in a while! And enjoy your new smellies!!
  10. Get him one that is boosted....he doesn't need to know.....my man has really started digging the pheros.....
  11. I like it because sometimes with Dominance, I run across those people who want to start a p*ssing contest because of my dominant signature.....I don't find that Leather causes that.....it is like they see me as "dominant", but not as a "threat".....
  12. I agree that it is not necessary to be bombing everybody all the time, BUT I do enjoy using high dosages once in a while for testing.....and OCCASSIONALLY just for fun....hehe And, even though I do wear the 2X, I normally only wear a couple spritzes and I'm done.....THIS TIME, it was mainly because we were ORIGINALLY going to be attending a Fat Tuesday parade and cookout, and my man told me he wanted me to wear a LOT of my "new pheromones" (talking about Leather)...... Our plans were changed as I was driving to his house.....he called me and told me that the cookout at his friend's house had been cancelled, because of the cold weather.....and the pheros were already applied at that point.....thus the bombing and carnage that followed.....LOL I agree, Lor.....the slower diffusion is much more like nature.....pheros don't normally jump off your body and fly across the room......but, that said, I also enjoy having the faster diffusion if I want it......that is why I will always keep some pheros in all mediums in my arsenal....what I use will just depend on my needs at the time.....
  13. I am so addicted!! I love the reactions I get, and I love the self-effects, too.....
  14. OH, I had the MOST FUN on "fat Tuesday" with Leather! I took about half a bottle of Leather 2X in alcohol, added half a bottle of CFM (one of my darlin's faves), and 2-3 mls of EoW......that was sprayed on my neck, cleavage, and wrists......unscented 2X Leather (with no cops) was sprayed in my hair......about 4 good sprays.....HEH......I was a walking phero bomb! People (men and women alike) could not get enough of me! My sweetie and I had gone to the bowling alley to just have some fun and waste some time, and my friend who manages the place gave us free games.....she usually does make sure we are treated well when we visit there.....her hubby showed up as we were leaving (I haven't seen him in about a year and a half), and he was all "Look at YOU. Wow. You look really good." Chatting, chatting, chatting..... We went to a local pizza place (Papa Murphy's)......where you get the pizza and take it home to bake it.....best pizza around! There was a woman working there, but after the man working the register took our order (based on his nametag, he was a manager), he told her that she could go on break and he started making our pizza.....flirt flirt flirt.....grin grin grin......want some extra tomatoes on that? It was a fun-filled, attention-filled day! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Leather!!!
  15. Yep, I think that was the scientific term.....LOL....it contains a "raging assload" of cops......yeah, that sounds right!
  16. And, you know I'd do it!!!! But, Mara says it is totally out of the question......
  17. I slathered my man with this one yesterday.....OMG......told him I have a bottle in transit.....he says....."I need more than one.....if it starts to sell out, get two.....or three......" After drydown it really blooms on him, and it just a full-bodied, deep manly scent.....I also like that it coordinates rather well with CFM, which is what I was wearing yesterday....
  18. I'll second that! They are FAB.......love the Black!!
  19. YES HE IS!!! I noticed the same thing Shelly......I decided to keep some unscented 2X in alcohol, just for the same purposes! Diffusion? Absolutely WOW. No question......
  20. Sexology had a lot of Est, if I remember correctly.....try a leather boosted blend......seriously.....the pheros are hardly detectable......
  21. May, you may want to try Leather if you like TAL.....I don't get the "Est vibe" from it.....instead, the Est simply softens the more dominant pheros....
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