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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OOOOH, too many goodies! I see a screaming credit card in my future!!
  2. And better yet, the world loves ME when I wear it....
  3. GO SHELLY! Dominance is definitely one of my faves.....
  4. Definitely on my wishlist.....I LOVE LOVE LOVE Treasured Hearts!!
  5. This one reminds me so much of the first LP Autumn Equinox version I tried, which I think was 2007......it just smells completely, totally like autumn.....dried leaves, fall fruits, and almost a chill in the air.....with that lush LP base in the background. I traded my LP Autumn a while back......now I may need a bottle of this, because it makes me realize how much I miss the old one....
  6. Dolly

    NOX 2009

    I am a fan of the original, deep dark NOX.....and this one, while a little different, does not disappoint! If the original NOX was too dark for you, try this one.....it is very dark when first applied, but sweetens and lightens through drydown. It is absolutely lovely, and although a little sweeter than the original, it could be worn by both males and females. It reminds me of the remake of Blood Martini, which is one of my faves also, so I am SO GLAD I got a full bottle! Since NOX is one of my best relaxing, sleepy-time scents (I love both the scent AND the protection aspect), I may need a couple more bottles to hoard....
  7. Yes, with cops in an alcohol-based spray, you will pretty much have that copulin scent sticking around, if it is sprayed anywhere other than on the skin. Which, as you pointed out, can be hard to control with such micro-fine drops. Sprayed just on skin, it will settle down....eventually. Also, you will note that if you go with a heavy copulin laced spray and get a lot in the air, you can return to the room where you applied it, and you will find that the alcohol has almost burned off, leaving the stink of cops lingering.....I learned this the hard way.....
  8. You're very welcome! Glad I could help!! That's exactly what I did! Partly because I am indecisive, and partly because I want to use some of my boosted, sold-out scents in spray format.....
  9. If you pour a whole bottle of one of your own blends into one of Mara's plain alcohol loaded bottles, I don't think that it would change the ratio of the pheros. If I am not mistaken, Mara said that the amount of pheros that will be at the 1X strength in a 1 oz bottle of alcohol is the same amount of pheros that would be in a 1/3 oz roller-top bottle (either unscented or boosted). The amount is the same because in the spray, you don't need as much of a phero ratio because of the quicker diffusion. When you pour one of your already boosted bottles or an unscented phero blend into the alcohol, you will still have the exact same amount of pheros that Mara would put in one ounce of the dilutant. Yes, it would change the composition of the dilutant, but I would think that it would probably give a similar effect as the sprays that Mara is providing with part DPG....will slow the diffusion just a tad, but will still be faster diffusion than a boosted oil.
  10. I would think you could do it.....you would probably just need to shake it before application..... I am thinking of getting some of the plain alcohol, and using some of my pre-phero-boosted bottles to mix my own, because I am SO INDECISIVE right now!
  11. EXACTLY correct! LOTS AND LOTS of pheros! Would probably only need a SMIDGE of a spray to get effects! 3X cops in OCCO.....ok, that is LETHAL. Go out wearing that, and you'd better make sure you have a bodyguard with you!
  12. Dolly

    Top Five

    OK, my most recent Top 5..... 1) Constant Craving (I want to roll it over every inch of my body) 2) OCCO Black--OMG--this one is SOOOOOO SEXXXAAAAYYYY--totally yummy layered with Constant Craving also 3) Blood Martini 2008 4) Hathor boosted with Focus Potion--lots of hours working lately and this is one of my faves 5) LP LE/BI
  13. This is definitely going to be my next purchase! But yeah, the libido is CRAZY in peri-men......I am right there with ya! I don't need any help in that arena, for sure! Will DEFINITELY be a 1X stength for me!!
  14. My man hasn't worn Woodland Man enough for us to get to the scent wear-off point, but he has with Sorcerer....he refreshes with something like Bad Boy or Down and Dirty.....they both complement Sorcerer very well.....
  15. Great report Shelly! Been waiting to hear about it....I want some! As for ME being stupid horny.....I already want to be horizontal and super-imposed almost every minute of every day, so I had BETTER get the regular strength!!
  16. The original is one of my faves! I had to get a full sized bottle of the re-brew!
  17. I have remained strong thus far! I know I am going to want a bottle of Mercury Retrograde, for sure, and the NOX re-brew (I adore the original)....I am sure I will pick some others when the descriptions come up!
  18. I thought I would add, from my own personal experience..... I have exposed my fiancee, who is turning 49 in one week, to VERY high levels of cops on an ongoing and consistent basis, for almost 3 years now (it will be three years in Nov, actually)......and he still has a very thick full head of hair. My hairdresser, who cut his hair the last time, was remarking how thick it is, as a matter of fact......
  19. Not sure....maybe Ail can provide some insight on this issue..... Maybe it is just a "seasonal shed".......it happens......
  20. Not sure about the synthetic hair.....but I would think that on the hairpieces made from real hair, they would probably react in much the same way as your own hair.
  21. OH YEAH, this is normal for New Release time.....
  22. Dolly

    Classic Seduction

    I have a bottle of this on my trading post if you are interested!!
  23. Sounds good scorch....my yahoo email is in my profile....you can email me there and I'll give you paypal instructions!
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