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Everything posted by hearts

  1. I have been a TOTAL STALKER all day! Can't wait to shop!
  2. Have you tried Teddy BB? That one is totally soothing for me. It's amazing in Jubilee.
  3. Ahhhh I love story time!!! Great review LadyV!
  4. Ok def need to try torrid sorcery, baskery, and celebutante. Adding those to my already long want list. When does sale start again?
  5. Omg I have never seen a wombat and that pic is soooooo cute!!!!!
  6. Dammmnnnn!!! Cinnamonmel is definitely Boobalicious!!! Ok where are our hints?!
  7. Thanks synergist! Looks like I might do some sampling
  8. Welcome!!! Can't wait to read your reviews!!
  9. Aww you're the sweetest! But you know, the guys I want attention from, never give me attention or act all aloof/uninterested. SS4W usually does the trick you wil love sneaky clean!!!
  10. I vote for Purple Puff. Like LadyV said, PP is amazing for large groups but I think for a one on one LAM would b perfect. Edit: PP meaning Popularity Potion
  11. Is this really similar to Pink Sugar? Does the patchouli really amp in this? I can't do strong patch scents but adore pink sugar... Would love a pink LP scent and thinking of trying this...
  12. No I get the total opposite! Lots and lots of attention... Maybe an OD? I usually only do like 1 maybe 2 sprays.
  13. Why thank u! You're pretty gorgeous yourself!! I wonder what the sale will be too. I can't wait to place a HUGE order!!!!
  14. This is a full bottle too. I couldn't stop huffing my arm. I adore summery scents and this is perfect in hot weather. Oh so I was wearing this the other day on my wrists. I had snuck up behind a guy friend and put my hands on his shoulders. I was like heyyyy and started rubbing his shoulders. (I know, I'm such a tease lol) He was all ahhhh u smell like beach and coconuts... Keep rubbing. I just laughed and smacked him heehee. But this is a winner with guys too!
  15. Oh this is totally full bottle. First spray was scary medicine lavender. I was like oh noooo , but that disappeared and I'm left with soft powdery marshmallow sugar. Mmm... Someone else said this smells like the inside of a bag of marshmallows and they were right. Perfect carrier for LAM. Very faint lavender, lots of marshmallows.
  16. Yessss!!!! Did not expect my package today! Woohoo! Nothing better than to chk mail on a Saturday and find a LPMP box waiting!
  17. Totally Calii! Work will be do much more pleasant now that I don't get his attitude. LFM rocks. I will have to make sure to wear this around him occasionally so I don't lose these effects.
  18. So I have been testing this out at work. There is this coworker who I never get along with. It's just a strong mutual dislike. I usually just communicate when I have to with him and all is good. Our personalities just clash and we don't like each other. Anyhoo with LFM testing, this first day I wore this he was *gasp* polite? Cracking jokes? With me? Wtf? Well, I was like,must be the LFM I guess. I haven't wore more LFM lately, but what's funny is that his whole demeanor towards me has completely changed. This whole week he has been super nice, helpful etc. I don't know how else his behavior toward me completely changed but I'm pretty sure it's because of LFM.
  19. I might need to sample this Special D... Bang! and ...CHOCOLATE... mmm sounds pretty awesome.
  20. Wow crazy story!!! Waitress was a bitchhhh!!!! BANG is feakin amazing and might have to boost something too. I only have the unscented and OD pretty easily...
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