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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Looks like from the drop down box on the web page it's oil or spray, (which will be an alcohol base), no mention of silicone. The sprays are usually great for diffusion in cooler weather and may burn off to quickly depending on how warm it is. I've not had any problems, myself, with diffusion or longevity using oils. I have several products in silicone/alcohol and the LP oils always outlast them. That's my 2c
  2. Don't you worry, Stormey, you will find an abundance of "lovers" here at LP, lol! Start clearing a space for them now.....
  3. I just got my "you have a package" email last night! Maybe I'll have it Monday or Tues? Super excited! Dying from curiosity -------------------------------------------------------- Update: Oh! Oh! Oh! OK...OK...just got my package TODAY - YES! TODAY! How awesome is THAT!?! I know, right?! - and got into SLF. *Foot begins to stomp uncontrollably* Yes, this is good...very goooooood It's way lighter than Jouir De. The honey doesn't seem as dripping sweet, thick and heavy. Be back to give this a proper review when I've given this the test run time it deserves!
  4. Blast her with G2...or maybe she would respond to Teddy BB or the heavier dose of Androstadienone in B2? OR like you said...she isn't well suited for her job. Could never understand why people who aren't good with people want to get into people serving lines of work Sorry it didn't go so well.
  5. NuTrix


    Ooooooh...I can see layering possibilities here....... You're always very helpful to us all at some time or another...you should be appreciated And I am absolutely positive that I am not only speaking for myself Your "educated nose" and descriptive writing abilities benefit everyone here!
  6. NuTrix


    REALLY! How so? I have Lusty Licious coming in my order. What strikes you as similar? I wouldn't have thought so but LL does have pumpkin and vanilla fudge OMGOSH! Fess up, spill the beans Lighter? Heavier? Fruitier? Creamier???
  7. I still have a half bottle of the phero'd blend and a mostly full one virgin. I will miss it I'm sure...but I should be good for a while...but I'm still watching in case opportunity knocks
  8. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    *gasps for breath, flounders for paper product, wipes coffee from chin...and laptop...wipes tears from eyes and blows nose, discarding tissues as though nothing out of the ordinary has just happened...*
  9. For a minute...thought you were sending it off to the trade threads!...imagine my disappoint when I kept reading
  10. NuTrix


    SOLD! Gotta get it. Thank you Luna You're descriptions are fantastic! The spices remind me of every good holiday I ever had growing up and I'll probably always associate those smells with happy times. I cook with all kinds of squash now that I'm "all grown up" so pumpkin itself would be a winner too...Mmm baked squash with butter, brown and palm sugars and a hint of dark molasses...that's my little corner of heaven some days But I'm totally willing to give spiced fudge a go
  11. NuTrix


    Does anyone think it would hold cops well? I have never had, nor heard of, spiced pumpkin fudge...but I like fudge....and I haven't met a pumpkin scent I didn't like, lol. Is it a fudge or a pumpkin? I really like pumpkin, can you pick out pumpkin or is it a hint in the background to the fudge? Gosh. I'm ridiculously fascinated by this idea! I almost have to have it now...just cuz!
  12. I have every intention of wearing it the same as I do Jouir De! Ok, it depends on the civet, but I'm a serious slatherer...so I'll let you know
  13. SO. Ordered I spray bottle of Voracious for hubby and one virgin in oil FOR ME. This $HITE is NuTrix CATNIP. This is: one whiff and I will fly out of the woodwork to tackle you to the floor, tear off your clothes and have my way with you....Um, if "you" happen to be my husband that is It's like Voracious is magnetic and I'm filled with ball bearings when I'm around it. I don't play, I'm not coy...I will have my way...and you will gladly let me. Thank me very much. Yup. It's like that. That is all.
  14. This was, sadly, another of hubby's rejects. I like it. I used the sniffie in my oil burner and LOVED how it made the house smell...I'm thinking since I still have the unused trial vial still that I may have to try wearing this one....unexpected surprise. I thought it was VERY strong in the vial, way too masculine, but the aroma made the house smell so nice that I'm sure I could at least wear it for myself, just maybe a little dab or 2. I've seen others compare it to Watson, but I don't think I'd EVER be tempted to wear that one
  15. I thought I would love this one reading it, but in the vile it was VEY strong, kinda smacked me in the face. Hubby snarffed at it so off to the oil warmer it went. It came in a sample sniffie and I also still have it in a trial vial size. I thought it smelled great as an aromatherapy oil even though that isn't what it was intended for. I had thought I might like to wear it if hubby didn't go for it, but after getting a whiff in person I knew that was a no go for me
  16. Go this one in the oil warmer. Smells like "fresh out of a shower" in the vial. Clean and kind of sharp...is that what green smells like? Now that it's wafting through the house, it's SO nice! I just keep thinking "fresh and clean", an attractive aroma for sure
  17. Eggers - WOW! I wouldn't have thought you could GET 30 drops in a 1/3oz bottle, that's CRAZY cuz I don't smell them in the OCCOs at ALL! I've taken to layering quite a bit lately because there are so many LPs I love but if I only wore one a day it would be MONTHS before I got back around to my favorites again...so I get how they can be lost in the shuffle! So if it isn't listed on the site with the other OCCOs, but on it's own, then there will likely be a thread just for that one all by itself somewhere. Duly noted, thanks Luna ....still learning about this site, even after all this time!
  18. There's nothing overtly feminine in it aside from Est...I'd say give it a whirl! The first couple times I wore it I had to feel out effect by others reactions bc I didn't notice self effects. This one works, it's just seems to be more subtle, but I have gotten GREAT hits off of it too since then, so I guess it depends on who is sensitive to the mones in it. Sometimes it take a while of use to "understand" a blend...maybe you're just in the curve
  19. Oh yes! It will last forever...or will seem to, lol. I'm still trying to use up this tiny bottle I got through amazon from love scent...it's a very smaaaall bottle, and alcohol; based yet! Talk about SMELLY! LPs smells the same but the oil base contains the "aroma" a bit more If I ever use it all up and get to the LP EO that I have, I wonder that it may last to pass onto the next generation!!! 3 drops to a gallon gets a reaction? I may have gone overboard here and there then.... Not as far over as fluffy, lol, (sorry fluff!) but my standard is 10 drops to 5mls...probably overkill? No wonder they're effective immediately....oops...sort of...
  20. LOL! I don't think you are...I had that horrid thought cross my mind as well. I smell ZERO cops in any OCCO or any other cops boosted scent (Titillating Temptress, scented Cuddle Bunny, Balls!). I didn't know this thread existed! I thought everything for SLF was in the OCCO for all flavors thread! I'll have to remember this when my bottle comes. Luna - you had mentioned previously about not bothering with EoW neat...and after starting out with EoW that way, I'd have to agree, lol! I STILL have EoW in alcohol, ack! (taking forEVER to find ways to use it up...and NOT doing it by wearing it NEAT!) And I did get EO from LP but I can't see ever needing/wanting to wear it neat. Ever. Again. With LP, why would anyone bother So, no, I don't think that's the voice of an idiot but the voice of reason. Certainly if I had known of LP first in general, and the OCCO line specifically, I would NEVER have purchased it to wear neat. Muhahaaaa...so eager for that bottle of SLF to arrive!
  21. Likely a fb of Amazonian Zee...I WILL wait for the sample to arrive before impulse purchasing! (I still plan to impulse purchase, just not until AFTER the sample arrives ) Also looking at: That Kind of Girl Rocket Fuel III Sugared Moondust aaaand Heart Strings looks tempting....and something called Gianduja that has me in a mental twist because I cannot mentally understand pumpkin and chocolate together...but all the notes in it say YUM, at least individually....
  22. NuTrix

    Lusty Licious

    Do you think it's heavy and lasting enough to hold a boost of cops? ------------------------------------------------------------- Update! Just got my package woo-hoo!!! Ooooo! I think cops would compliment this one! I had a terrible time getting the lid off. The bottle is full to the brim but it leaked enough that the label was soaked so I had hubby use his super strength to open it and then wrapped clear tape around the label and this should preserve it well enough I'm still trying to figure out how the bottle is still full, lol, but hey - that's a GOOD thing right?! Back to my thoughts.... At first it seemed fruity but I totally (upon deeper huffing - it's all over my hands now from taking care of the label) get the spices, vanilla & creams, but it has a lightness that's very definitely fruity (from the blackberry and red grapefruit?) but this is ridiculously balanced! This one is so different than anything I've ever smelled...like EVERYTHING HERE...HOLY MOLY I LOVE LPMP!
  23. NuTrix


    My brain is having such a hard time understanding: pumpkin + chocolate = dreamy. Chocolate and cinnamon I get. Pumpkin and cinnamon I get. But pumpkin, cinnamon, chocolate fudge? Pumpkin. Fudge. Pumpkin. And fudge. Nope. My mind can't make it work. I think I want to go full bottle because everything individually in it screams yes to me - even if I can't wrap my head around it. Is that totally retarded?
  24. Today I'm all marshmallow creamy goodness with a hint of apple and a bit of smokiness. I layered Tease over Egg 2011 and OH MY! this IS VERY YUMMY together. My skin pushes out the smoke in Tease - to my nose at least - but that's one of the things I like about it the most! I also have OCCO Pink layered with LP Pink so today is a "pink marshmallow" day! I feel frisky already!
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