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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. ouch. you guys cut me deep. I still like this one. just the way it is
  2. Tehehe...I've only shared my "secret" so far with one other gf, lol, I totally relate...sometimes it's fun to have something all your own ^_~
  3. I think the one I have is 100% alcohol. I got it in the 10 for 10. Does anyone know if they are 100%? It's the 5ml size and I used the equivalent of 4 sprays right off the bat. I know the alcohol burns off relatively quickly, like a good 3-4 hours staying power? I didn't get much in the way of selfies but I did notice hits on others. A little help - Calii, what does shaking it up do? I know I've gotten into the habit of shaking mine but I never gave it much thought as to why I do it, lol. I guess with the scented sprays I make from the LPs I think I'm helping anything that may have settled. Do you think the pheros settle too?
  4. I'm getting some wonderful "new to me" things from the trade threads (and my newest LP order is in Idaho and on it's way- wheee!) so I'll have LOTS of goodies to add to my "arsenal" list Halo suggested looking for Body Paint and I found one so I'm eager to see what that's like...drool worthy according to the review thread! OH OH and an un pherod Fuzzy Wuzzy....in spite of my recent encounter with a co worker who asked if I smelled cigars while last wearing it - I STILL love that scent LOL! And have MANY plans for it... Some more AVV...SO love that one...and BMM - that was one my next month list to order, been wanting to get it but didn't write it down and kept forgetting, then I'd run across someone mentioning it and be like - D'oh! And samples of lick of Pink & Pouncing Potion...which may well wind up on my fb list for March! Does anyone have Lick of Pink? And I have UNE, is Pouncing Potion similar? Thanks!
  5. Oooo! Thanks hearts! Sounds delicious! I just ordered LAM and BAM! in Spicy Brown Sugar and now I can't WAIT for it to arrive! YUM! I'll have to wait at least until the end of the week.....
  6. Mara has always said less is more and I've always gotten great hits with the phero'd fragrances (they have 1/3 the amount of pheros in an unscented blend - 333mcgs per bottle) so my advice would, of course, be that x1 is plenty starting out x1 is 1000mcg per bottle. That's the amount in most oil unscented pheros, with the definite exception of Woozy Floozy which states that it is x3 straight A-nol, and possibly Lace which hints that there is a "woozy" amount of a-nol in it. So a 1 oz spray x1 is 1000mcgs per bottle, x2 (2000mcgs), x3 (3000mcgs). Monetarily you would be getting a great deal buying x3, but with it being so potent you may have a harder time finding your sweet spot and not ODing...but life is a chemistry set so feel free to experiment with it!
  7. I did inquire more...I HAD to! We had just stepped into an office and he turned to me and said, "I smell smoke...like cigars. Does it smell like someone was smoking in here to you?" D'oh! I said it may be me and offered my wrist and the poor guy looked so confused I actually laughed out loud. I told him if I smell like stale cigar smoke he HAD to tell me so and whether being kind or genuine he did consider a moment and said that maybe it was the was the strangeness of the perfume...which I totally get because LPs are so fabulously unique that people associate them with candles and incense often (in a good way). That's why I'm thinking I didn't smell so much like smoke but that maybe he associated it with tobacco. Neither of us smoke and it's a no tobacco facility so he was genuinely baffled...which was the humorous part for me anyway.
  8. Mortified the other day! A co worked said...do you smell cigars? I was wearing Fuzzy Wuzzy ROFL! I know some people like the smell of tobacco...but cigar?!?!?! When I think of cigars I think of dreadful awful things...unless it's before they're lit that is, lol, I personally LIKE the smell of tobacco when it isn't burning. What do you ladies make of THAT!? I see NOTHING in FW that smacks of cigar
  9. Shucks! We're all just havin fun here I LOVE the things I'm learning from you ladies!
  10. A little help...? Does anyone happen to have the list of pheros in Audacious? When I tanked my other laptop I lost my phero info so I'm adding it to my personal arsenal in my journal. I guess because it's discontinued it's no longer on the perfumery site. Can anyone help? Thanks Oh MissH, just saw your post. Sorry you had such a crappy half day. I was just checking out Lace and saw in the description that there is a "woozy" amount of alpha-nol in it. The only other time I saw "woozy" amount of A-nol in a description was for Woozy Floozy, which has 3 times the amount of pheromones in a 10ml bottle than other blends do. Maybe that means it's heavy on the happy joy, joy and light on the needy/weepy - which might be why it's agreeable with you in Red Lace. Hope that it's a good match for you
  11. It is a divine fragrance...made me think I may need to wear this one tomorrow.... Shaywinnie, hope you're feeling better soon and back into experimenting. Great review
  12. I LURV LP PINK and cannot imagine that this combo would be anything but absolutely SMASHING!
  13. I LOVE reading reviews like this! I agree with this completely, particularly the soft power
  14. I don't recall ever getting needy/weepy from Audacious. it always gave me sassy, sensual, woman in charge feel...180 from what you're describing. Crazy! Maybe it's a chemistry thing....wait a couple weeks and try it again to see if it impacts you differently then...
  15. Welcome to you new addictions ladies!!!
  16. Wore this in the evening a few nights back and when I walked through a room 2 of the guys were all, "What smells like chocolate? I don't know but it smells good!" I just kept on walking...but I was smiling the whole time HAHAHA! The thing is, I don't get the chocolate often, I totally pick up on the pepper/tobacco/vanilla and when others get the sweet & cocoa it always surprises me!
  17. I am literally spinning in circles chasing my tail with excitement over trade thread purchases! Why is everything about LP and you ladies so darn exciting?! I want to thank all of you for feeding my addition...I LOVE YOU ALL
  18. OOOh! Just looked it up and SOUNDS DELISH!...Going to troll the trade threads.....
  19. I would! I like this one for me. It doesn't illicit over the top hits all the time, but when it does, it is entertaining, lol. I am SO in LOVE with this scent. Is there any other PE or fragrance similar to it for foodie deliciousness? I just ordered Lick of Cream and I'm looking at Beth's Blushing Milkmaid...FW is so delish, I don't expect to find another "like" it per se so much as something along the lines of lightly floral and heavy foodie yum. When I read reviews though, I see how some people amp the floral while others amp the foodie side. Chemistry! Who can know?! But I AM loving the cakey vanilla and creams!
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